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To Bill gates and co, I believe in you and I will not hate you anymore but instead I will love you.

I believe in you and in all of us.

I also want to believe in the ones that lead our world (all the politicians, all the very rich people) that they have still a fraction of their personalities, or even their soul that are still good.
I like to think that the leaders and those that have a lot of money are more responsible of the well being of Earth since it seems to me they have more power.
I know that that you are trying to do good, but you can't reset the world and instaure a New World Order that is based on Lack of compassion and Evidence, in my opinion any evolve species is something that
want to get away from his animal instinct and his physical nature, an evolve species work toward the understanding of the laws of universe and try to evolve arround it, I do not understand
all the pain and suffering that exist and should absolutely not exist with the actual technology we have in our hands

We need full Trust and transparency from the governement and big companies, you have to stop doing the Elite/Mafia things and respect all human being and life itself.

You cannot harm things while making changement and trying to fix issues, I understand your way of reasoning but this is not the seems to be more complexe than what it appears and
what will we discover in 2000 years of scientific research ? Maybe we are more than just flesh and meat and maybe death doesn't mean that anything stop.

We should Love instead of Hate and by brave instead of fear, remember "fear is the mind killer" - Elon musk.

We are all ONE in this life and we all want to understand what's going on and what the future reserve to us, do not act in fear, hatred, anger and all negative and inferiors traits.

Star wars rules are real.

Instead we should find solutions that are doable I believe with some specific methodologies that i'm still not unware (got some good raw ideas) of but that we might find if we put effort into it.

If you do not act like this very soon I will start a pacific movement that will be aside a symbol and some simple ideas that will harm no one but will try to restore balance and peace upon earth.

And I will do everything in my power to spread this idea that will resonate in every soul like PURE LOGIC AND EVIDENCE.

In Life I trust, In Compassion and Evidence I thrive.

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Regards; Team

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