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Overcoming Domestic Abuse - How exactly to Forget about Your Past and Move On
Domestic violence is really a horrible experience that may damage you for life. It's more prevalent for women and children to get themselves in domestic abuse situations. read more marry men who seem charming, charismatic, and perfect (there is no such thing) but then something significant happens for instance a job loss and the men become abusers. Some women stay with abusive men because they feel they can't find someone better. Their self-esteem and confidence are damaged, and they commence to believe the lies their abusers tell them. Abusers are fantastic manipulators. They emotionally, mentally, and psychologically 'beat down' their victims.

It's interesting that most men who were abused as children rarely speak about it. There's shame around abuse because men are taught they have to be strong, i.e., real men don't cry. To admit these were abused takes great courage.

More than often abusers were abused as children. It is a vicious cycle until someone breaks it. If you find yourself in a domestic violence situation, get out now! If you've experienced a domestic violence situation, congratulations for getting out of it! Days gone by is over and it's really time to move on with your life. The time is now.

Overcoming Domestic Abuse - How exactly to Let Go of Your Past and Move On

Seek help from the licensed counselor. For reasons uknown, therapy still has a stigma mounted on it. The world would be a far better place if more people received therapy. Decide on a counselor that sees you and treats you as the 'whole' person -- mind, body, and spirit. Unfortunately, some counselors like to shove pills down your throat instead of really working during your emotions. Of course, pills are great for the pharmaceutical companies, however they may not be good for you.

Realize that the past is done. The past is the past. If you constantly dwell on it, you'll drive yourself nuts and can stay stuck that you experienced. Reflect on days gone by and let it stay there. Realize what role you made have played (not easy to do) and forgive yourself! You did the very best you can at the time. Perchance you weren't strong enough to get out sooner. Perhaps you were terrified and believed all of the lies your abuser told you. What's done is done, learn from it, ignore it, and move forward with your life.

Forgive yourself as well as your abuser(s). This is not easy because you may not know very well what forgiveness is. You might believe that your abuser doesn't deserve it -- a lot of people wouldn't argue with you. It generally does not condone what your abuser did for you. It releases you from their website and days gone by situation -- it's for you. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness so you can get on together with your life.

Write about it. Writing could be therapeutic. It can be painful at first to tell your story, however your words can help someone who's experienced what you went through or is currently experiencing an identical situation. Your words provides comfort and a light shining at the end of the tunnel.

Get in touch with your spirituality. Perhaps a 'spiritual' healing can help you understand the abuse. Some 'spiritual gurus' believe we're here on the planet to learn lesson. Needless to say, it may seem, "Why the heck would a loving God or Higher Power put me in times like this?" Maybe you did have a 'life lesson' to learn that will assist you teach others. Perchance you had to discover that you can't change an individual; they have the power to change. Perhaps you didn't stand in your power and got 'sucked' right into a relationship or situation that will assist you stand in your power. Self-reflection and meditation may help shed light on the problem and give you an improved understanding.

Stop blaming yourself. Playing the 'blame game' isn't helpful. The abuse happened and now it's time for you progress in life. Learn from it, let it go, and go forth in life.

Release the shame. Many people have 'shame' around domestic violence abuse. If you were involved with domestic violence as a child, it is time to release the shame. It isn't your fault. If you stayed in an awful marriage, release the shame around it. If your husband/wife didn't show signs of mental stress, how were one to know they'd 'flip out' and become an abuser. If you missed the signs, forgive yourself as you probably didn't know what to look for. Carrying the shame is a heavy burden. Let it go -- it is time to be free from it.

If you've experienced domestic violence abuse, release it from your own life. Understand that you did the best you could but it's time to let the past stay in the past. Ask for help and take advantage of the programs that are offered to you. You can perform Google search and find a local shelter in your area that handles domestic violence. While you may not coming to the shelter, they might provide you with a counselor or recommend one for you personally. It's never too late to let go of the past. Unless you, it'll eat you alive and steal your life from you. Would you like this? Don't give the abuse and abuser anymore of your power. It is time to go on it back -- enough time is now!

Amandah T. Blackwell, owner of, can be an SEO content writer, copy writer and ghostwriter. Her passions include health and fitness and fitness, travel, animals, art, writing, films, nature, psychology, philosophy, and hiking.
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