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What are the main attributes of SVG?
SVG is a vector graphics format that provides an enormous degree of flexibility. SVG graphics can be scaled up to any size with no loss of quality. For instance, the same image can be used on an advertising card or the side of an automobile. SVG's flexibility is a major advantage over traditional images built on raster. SVG also includes some attributes which allow developers to increase the accessibility of their images through making them accessible for users with screen readers. The text within the desc> element can be, for instance, rendered using specific x- or coordinates that determine where the text is within the existing workspace.

Fill and stroke are other SVG attributes that allow you to manipulate the border paint of an image and decide how an object's or path's edges are painted. These SVG attributes can be applied to all of a vector image or to specific shapes and paths like the grapes image below. The stroke-width attribute determines dimension of the purple border surrounding the grapes.

Another SVG feature that enables the creation of unique and recognizable images is the use of Bezier curves. The method of decomposing curves as points and handles is in use since 1959, when Pierre Bezier developed his solution to describe the curvature of an object or line using just the use of a few straight lines. Bezier curves are now well-known in the world of design due to their ability create corners with the exact sharpness that a pencil drawing on paper.

The order that SVG elements are listed determines the stacking order. This differs from HTML which utilizes the Z index property to determine the order. In this way, the watermelon is placed in front of the grapes as it is listed in the group which contains the paths that form the grapes.

SVG can also be altered by adding a transformation to its the x and y coordinates. A skewX of 20 can cause SVG to appear crooked or skewed. This skewed appearance can be utilized to create striking and distinctive graphics that aren't possible using other formats of graphics.

Knowing the SVG workspace can allow you ensure that your designs are properly rendered. This is also important when using sophisticated SVG features. booksvg of patterns and gradients relies on this established workspace and the viewBox attribute is useful in determining the dimensions that an SVG will display within. To ensure that an SVG from becoming cut off in particular browsers, you can set the min-x, min-y, dimensions of the width and height attributes of the svg> element.

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  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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