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Lying About Your Smoking Habits On Life Insurance Claims
Most people take their health for granted but if it comes to an untimely end, they will need to consider lying on their life insurance application. You may have thought that lying on the application was against the law, but this is actually not true.
Most insurance companies can now ask for either saliva or urine tests at any point in time, to see if you smoke or whether they can retrieve your medical history and then verify it through your GP. Lying about smoking on your life policy - whether it is about smoking cigarettes or chewing gum or even something as mundane as using perfume on your pillow each night - could lead to your policy being void at the time of death and your family trying to get your payout from the insurer.
Lying about smoking on your application is against the law because the insurance company is relying on the fact that your doctor is clear that you do not smoke. It is also an invasion of privacy and a breach of confidentiality and the insurance company has every right to take legal action if this is the case.
Smoking on your application should also be a no-brainer. If you are thinking about smoking on the application, simply say that you do not smoke. If you do smoke on the application, make sure that you inform the insurer about this so that they know not to put you at risk.
Once you have obtained your life cover and are already covered by it, there is a lot of risk that lies with a life insurance claim. linkedin that you have applied for could be the only insurance policy you ever have and if you die within the first year of coverage, it could be the only thing your family receives to replace you. Even if you die within the first year of coverage, it could be the only thing you get to replace you and your family.
If you lie about smoking on your application for your life policy, you could end up having your loved ones get nothing and then the insurance company could deny them the payout. If you were to die after one year, they would not be able to claim. on the insurance policy.
You should be very careful when filling out your application for your life insurance claim. If you are unsure about anything, speak to someone about it and never be afraid to say that you are unsure of something.
Do not be embarrassed if something does happen and tell the truth about your smoking habits and anything else that is on the application. Remember, there are no guarantees that you won't end up with anything but the life cover that you have applied for could be all you get.
There are a lot of reasons why you may want to lie about your smoking habits when you are applying for life insurance claim. Some of these reasons include not wanting to be caught out by your employer who may ask you about it during your screening process. Other reasons may include fear of not getting any payout and not wanting your family to be devastated by your death.
Whatever your reason, the insurance company will do what is in their best interest. The best way to prevent them from getting upset with you is to be honest and tell them your situation without lying.
You need to be careful about lying about smoking on life insurance claims though. If you are not sure whether you want to lie, there are many ways that you can avoid doing so. One example is to just tell the truth on your application.
Lying about your smoking habits is not an option and never will be. It will only put you at risk and the life insurance company will not give you the payout that you deserve.
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