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Low Cost Laminate Wood Flooring
Hardwood Vs Laminate Wood Flooring - WHAT YOU OUGHT TO Know!

I cannot deny that wood floors are lovely to look at, warm and inviting, however the same effect can be acquired with laminate wood for much less money and headaches! And perhaps laminate wood may be the better choice. Not only does it look like "wood", under most situations it will out-perform real hardwoods...

Since the start of laminate wood floors, improvements have already been a constant endeavor with manufacturers, like Alloc, Mannington and Dupont, to make this flooring material a "perfect" product. The "wear" (top) layer is constructed of aluminum oxide, a shield about as strong as steel and penetrating it really is near impossible.

With hardwood flooring not much has changed because the 70s to improve it's tolerance of normal living conditions. Apart from developing a new kind of finish to provide it more protection, there's very little that you can do to improve its profile. It is what it is, a lovely, natural product...

But lets be honest, there are some areas where any kind of wood flooring products is not the best choice. You can find risk involved if you are using wood in a kitchen or bathroom. If the flooring is porous, like hardwoods, this is a fort for harboring bacteria and germs.

Waterproof or Not?

When I hear the word "waterproof" I think "unaffected by moisture", not? Well that's not the case with either hardwoods or laminate wood. Flooring manufacturers marketing their wood flooring materials as "waterproof" is a selling point, and just why not they are in the business to "sell", but the truth is wood and water/moisture usually do not mix.

The thing with hardwoods or laminate wood is neither one is very waterproof... Too much contact with moisture and hardwoods will expand, so when it dries it contracts. This kind of action will cause a variety of issues with finished hardwood floors.

Laminate wood tolerates moisture superior to hardwoods. The HPL (high-pressure laminate) is designed with sealed waxed edges, this is as well as the Aluminum Oxide surface coating, that increases water resistance. But if exposed too long to moisture/water it will buckle.

But between your two, laminate wood tolerates moisture and bacteria much better than hardwoods.

The Affect From Impacts

As hard and durable as hardwoods is, they're easily dinged from impacts! Hard to trust, but true! Drop a sharp edged object or heavy pan on the hardwood floor and it'll leave a mark..

Do the same thing with laminate wood and it won't faze the flooring at all... The Aluminum Oxide surface coating on laminate can be in comparison to steel. Hard as a rock!

Scratching The Wood

Hardwood floors scratch very easily. You have to be very careful when moving furniture, or anything of considerable weight or with a rough bottom, not to drag it but to lift it, if you don't have floor guards on underneath of whatever object you want to move. Outside laminate wood flooring will scratch the wood, too, so it is very important to keep it embroiled and use entry way area rugs to avoid bringing outside grit inside.

Laminate wood will scratch, but not so easily, and as with hardwood floors, putting rugs before outside entry ways is a smart way to protect your flooring. My laminate wood kitchen floor is 7 years old and there isn't one scratch onto it. Once again the top finish is what provides such good protection.


Hardwoods are porous and may absorb a stain like an ink blotter or even cleaned up quickly, even with a good finish on the wood you need to be very careful not to let something like wine or blueberries just sit, they need to be wiped up quickly to prevent staining.

laminate wood flooring isn't porous but will stain, too, however the stains can usually be removed with handful of acetone or denatured alcohol and a clean, preferable white, cloth. When staining occurs with this type of flooring it is the protective surface finish that is stained


Hardwood floors are easy enough to sweep or dust and so is mopping, nonetheless it requires cleaning products made for hardwood floors. Eventually, hardwood floors will need refinishing as well as sanding and refinishing, but can be sanded may times over. Maintenance could be fairly costly if the ground needs a new finish. If it's necessary to replace the flooring it can be done board by board without replacing the complete floor..

Laminate wood floors do not require much in the care and maintenance department. Just sweep often and light mop when needed. No special products are essential. Swiffer products are perfect for laminate floors. One more thing with laminate wood is you can replace single planks without replacing the complete floor.

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