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1) 1st of September: Albus and Scorpius go missing for the first time as they travel to the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament (the 24th of November, 1994). They then travel back in time only to discover that Albus is now in Gryffindor, but Cedric is still dead. It would make sense that they arrive back on the same day - so on the **1ST OF SEPTEMBER 2020**, by the Forbidden Forest.

2) They are kept apart by an AU!Harry for an undetermined amount of time, but long enough for Scorpy to be sad af. Say, a couple of weeks to a month? So it is now ~ the **1ST OF OCTOBER 2020**. (In this timeline, the AU!Harry eventually realises Al and Scorpy have been travelling in time, since he has seen it happen twice (well, more like the aftermath and premath of it, if the latter were a word)). Al and Scorpy travel back in time to the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament (the 24th of February, 1995). They manage to humiliate Cedric but in doing so, they accidentally erase Albus from time altogether. Thus, Scorpius arrives in the second alternate timeline (the Dark Timeline) on the 1st of October 2020, when Harry Potter is dead and Voldemort very much alive.

3) Scorpius spends about a week in the Dark Timeline, so it is now ~ the **10TH OF OCTOBER 2020**. With the help of Hermione, Ron and Snape, he undoes the spell they cast in the first task of the Triwizard Tournament (Hermione blocks the Expelliarmus). He is taken back by the Time Turner to the Dark Timeline, where he's saved by Snape who sacrifices himself so that Scorpius could use the Time Turner to undo the spell they used in the Second Task (he blocks the Engorgio) and hopefully return to pre-Dark Timeline universe. So, at what date does he return? It is said that he is taken back to the moment after Albus supposedly cast the Engorgio (now blocked) and what would have happened without it - no changes in the past, thus, they would arrive in the first, original timeline, on the **1ST OF SEPTEMBER 2020**, simply now in the lake, not by the Forbidden Forest.

4) They are admonished by McGonagall and their parents. They decide to destroy the Time Turner, only for Delphi to snatch it and, after realising it is possible to create a world with Voldemort alive, takes all of them back in time to the Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament (the 24th of June, 1995). In the maze, they do not humiliate Cedric (hijinks etc) and Scorpius tells Delphi that prophecies can be broken, causing Delphi to realise that she can go back in time to prevent Voldemort from trying to kill Harry Potter in 1981, because that is what causes Voldemort to lose almost all of his power. Albus and Scorpius manage to hold onto the Time Turner, but Delphi leaves them stranded on the Quidditch Pitch of 1981 and destroys the Time Turner. They now make a #roadtrip (except without the fun and snacks and legal means of travelling) to Godric's Hollow, to try and prevent Delphi from reuniting with his Papa, Mouldy Voldy.
It is now the **31ST OF OCTOBER 1981** aka All Hallows' Eve. Stuck in time, they try to figure out how to send a message to their parents in year 2020. Albus comes up with the idea to write a message on his father's baby blanket that his father always has with him on Halloween. The message only becomes visible after the Love Potion collides with it (which happened on the 1st of September 2020).

4) On the **31ST OF OCTOBER 2020**, Harry and Ginny notice the message and travel back in time together with Draco, Hermione and Ron. This would mean that nobody went to Albus' room in two months, which might be plausible due to trauma. Alternatively, they simply did not notice the message on the blanket - perhaps they just stood in the doorway, or whatever. Anyway, they are now in Godric's Hollow on the **31ST OF OCTOBER 1981** and they defeat Delphi and watch Voldemort kill Harry's parents (a totally normal thing to subject your 14-year-old children to), then travel back in time to the present - the **31ST OF OCTOBER 2020**.

Now, this jazz would mean that Albus and Scorpius were missing from the present for two whole months. An excellent source for angsty angsty angst.
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