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Meir Ezra - coach who guarantees financial results

I recently met a gentleman named Meir Ezra. We had coffee together a couple of weeks ago when I was in Florida. He was explaining to me that he offers seminars and coaching with guaranteed results. I was pretty skeptical of this, but when he explained just one of the techniques he uses to help his clients boost their income, it made a lot of sense to me.

I am a registered investment advisor and only bill my clients for results. Instead of earning brokerage commissions or kick-backs from selling mutual funds and insurance, I only make money when my clients earn a positive return. Of course, most individual investors are in the same boat, only rewarded by growing their capital. The bottom line is the bottom line for myself and my fellow investors reading this. We need results.

What I found very interesting about one of the things Meir Ezra does at his Guaranteed Prosperity seminars is that he teaches people how to eliminate their feelings of guilt, shame and regret surrounding money. More over, he has his seminar attendees continue this process until they are making more money. This all happens in a space of a few hours or days at most.

I'm familiar with the technique Meir Ezra uses to do this and I've had so many successes doing it myself, that I highly recommend other investors and entrepreneurs check him out. To continue investing while still having feelings of guilt, shame or regret about money is an accident waiting to happen. We've all made mistakes with money, but there's no reason to allow these things to continue to have any effect.
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Regards; Team

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