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This Epistle gonna be long straight to the details
Let me formally introduce myself I am Efe Eric Etsenake but my google profile is Eric Bernard my dad name is Bernard". I know you because we attend the Lfc Jeddo together before now(you always share testimonies) and i attended wofbi bcc the same time with you when Pastor Desmond was in charge then. I could remember vividly your epic response to one of the question ask by your sister on hearing from God and you were given the chance to answer...
Since then i feel the urge to connect with you ,being the person I am; shy, and a little bit reserved, "i just dey my own lane jejeje" i just believed the one day i will muster the courage to say hi but...

To make brief, i am someone the wholly surrendered to God. my life have being Jesus take the wheel, it all about Jesus for me, and i tried each day to live in his will, thought not easy but thank God for Mercy and Grace.

It was in June /July i was on a personally spiritual retreat as about rounding up, there one thing i don't know how to pray about, and that is marital issue. So , i told God that one thing that if i could remember Lord, your will for me in marriage,God that person for me ... so on and i fell asleep, i was in caught up in a revelation..

And i walked up to someone in a room sitting on chair with round glass table with (these mini set glass dinning table with 4 chair)and i walk close to who was sitting and i ask these question "can i talk to you" and the person turned to look and me and said "yes" and it was you, instantly i jump out of the revelation surprised, in my head said it can't be

Pondering on it, God is this you showing me or something else, in the least i don't have you in my head, mind even in my thought because i was planning leaving lfc jeddo, i have forgot about trying to connect with you. But still pondering i heard another revelation, that you (This is funny) held me the hand and led me to your house in jeddo, the sitting room precisely and i saw your two sisters that attend wofbi together they where surprised and you gave me something i was so so desiring to have at that time which was your laptop , i get up from the revelation, it was like God ddd....

And another but can't really remember but has to do with me seeing your dad in his car hmmm...

Since then i zero my mind since June till now, But anything i bring marital issue before God this revelation keep playing in my head and a lot of this that hinder me to talk to you that i can't spill out now

I wanted to see then a Shiloh but i attended once ,the last night, so thinking how to get this message across to you that why resolved to the internet.

Pls don't get me wrong here I am not trying to hit on you here I just doing the needful(by letting you know) though I know this unconventional but I have to

Thank for the time

Will be expecting a reply

Take care and God bless

Eric Bernard E E
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