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-Give us a brief history of your time on MAL. Which sections of MAL are you the most active on?
-How do you think the MAL community sees you? How do you feel about that?
-What do you feel about the board you use the most? What do you feel about the community in general?
-How do you feel about how the site is run? Especially in regards to the moderators and admins.
-Any users you like? Why?
-Any users you dislike? Why?
-What are some MAL members you consider the most influential? You're not allowed to include yourself.
-Is there a MAL member you would want to take on a date or get to know better? Who and why?
-Do you see yourself leaving MAL in the near future? Why?
-Where can I buy a hug pillow of you? (*/ω\*) (question from HaXXspetten)
-Funny stories about your overprotective brother huh... would you like to share one with us ^_^?
-Any other obsesion of yours besides abs and ducks? Would you like to talk more in detail about them?
-Can you tell us a bit more about what motivated your choice of career?-
-Tells us more about experiences in Nursing school. Exams, studies, the course. Also, any tips you woud like to offer for any reader that might be starting the career?
-Dealing with patients and families sounds stressing from what you told me. Is there any particular approach/strategy that you take when it comes to this?
-So dancing, and especifically ballet, is major hobby, great! And you been doing it for a very long time too! After practicing for 11 years now, how has your preception of it changed? Has your passion or love for it grown bigger?
-So, from your experience teaching ballet to children , you agree with the popular saying about how teaching feels amazing?
-So the nerves have affected your perfoming... that sad to hear honestly. You been carrying this for as long as you been doing this? Isn't there any possible way to deal with it at all? I bet you are an amazing dancer, would be a waste for you to never play a lead role ^^
-Gaming is a super cool hobby heheehe. Would you like to name some favorites? I know you have good taste since you like JRPGs, so your list will feature good games that readers should play ^^
-Pokemon fan since young, great! Do you see yourself "outgrowing" Pokemon tu put in some way, or you think it something that you won't stop loving?
-As someone that knows you personally, I know about your love for Aikatsu. Would it be possible for you to go more in-depth regarding why you love this show and why it is so especial to you?
-So you are experiencing tiredess of the medium as well? I lived that and I also met many people here who feel the same. Have you considered branching out to other medias of entertainment like live action series or books for example?
-Is there something unasked you would like to talk about?
-Can you recommend us 3 members who we can choose from to interview next and briefly explain why you would love to read their interviews?
-Any feedback on the interview format?
-Any shameless self-promotions? Perhaps you want more publicity for your club, or a suggestion for the community to see?
-Finally, on an editors comment, I have to apologize both to you and to everyone for the time this has taken. A lot of stuff happened in the middle but I'm glad that finally, the interview will be soon ready to publish. And I want to thank you personally because this was one of the most fun interviews to do ^^
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