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bit of medical abuse tw though i dont really talk about it in detail

like what really fucked me up is like...
the first time i ever talked about the medical abuse in any detail like i almost immediately got a message from a friend about like "oh you know not all therapists are bad, etc." yeah duh of course i know that but like
that doesnt change the fact that what mine put me through was deeply traumatic and has had a profoundly negative affect on my life

it's like... i think the reason the other trauma i've been through is something i've been able to take more or less in stride compared to that med abuse is like...
i felt like i was at least allowed to talk about it without getting shot down, like even if i tend to keep my mouth shut about it there's at least a general acknowledgement by society that like yeah that's a bad thing and it happens but this like
it's something that i frequently wake up with nightmares about and all that but it's like
the only people who seem to know that that sort of thing happens are other people who've been through the same stuff and it's not right for me to go to them about it and stir up those memories

and yknow seeking professional help's more or less out of the question given the nature of it

all in all a big load to carry. i wish i could set it down more than i do.

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