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The tragedy of Julius Caesar was set in 44 B.C.E in Rome it happen in the first Triumvirate with Crassus Pompey, Caesar for a power grab Caesar tries to kill pompey and is successful . Now the problem nobles vs plebians imperialism vs republic. and the same thing was happening with England in their current time.
Caesar Great military leader had epilepsy maybe future king Cassius long time friend of Caesar but has no respect for Caesar Main spark for the rebellion Brutus friends of Caesar and Cassius fears of what will happen to Rome and decides to stop Caesar Marc Antony Right hand man of Caesar and believes Caesar should be king and affair with Cleopatra Calpurnia wife of Caesar vivid dreams Voice of concern and reason Portia Wife of Brutus worried about her husband an intense of husband. Fate vs. free / public vs. private / Necessity of Compromise /Use of rhetoric to sway others/ Humanity propensity toward violence
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