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8 Awesome Playroom Ideas Perfect For Older Kids
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If space is an issue, the open space does not have to be in the playroom. You can create it anywhere else in the house as long as your little one has the opportunity to develop their gross motor skills. Include plants and animals in the playroom whenever you can. The right choice of house plant will also teach your child to start caring about something while making the room beautiful at the same time. If you want to have flowers, plants, or artwork in their playroom, make sure that these are at their height, too, to allow your child to appreciate them. This amazing playroom idea from Inspired to Revamp is definitely one of the most ambitious ideas on our list.
We believe in keeping things simple, encouraging lots of play, and not letting toys take over our child’s life or our entire house. We also have easy cleanup and great playroom organization that helps make the holidays way less stressful and principles that keep toys fun and meaningful. Here’s what we do to manage toys and play at our house. We store the kids’ toys in this 8-cube shelf from Ikea. I use smaller plastic containers on the upper shelves so the kids can easily see what’s available.
Even the hardware in this playroom designed by Hilary Matt is fun and kid-friendly! Opt for fun polka dot knobs like these on both drawers and cabinets for cute design upgrades that won't require a ton of money and effort, or eat into the floor space. The Montessori toys and activities you put on the shelves should reflect your own child's current interests and play schemas. First off, your kids are going to need a place to draw, color, and craft. In this article, you will learn why, how, and where you should set up your Montessori playroom. You will also learn how to set up each space, such as art, reading, and gross motor areas.
Then on the top row, I feature our favorite Montessori-style toys from our Lovevery play kit subscription. I love that Lovevery takes the guesswork out of selecting the right toys. And that they are delivered right to your front door.
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This makes the area more inviting for kids and is easier on the eyes. I love incorporating LEGO products in the playroom because it’s a reminder that it’s where you can use items like this, and others as well. The kids love it because it helps them get even more creative. Having a comfortable space for your kids to play at home is important because it gives them the necessary tools to be creative.
There are lots of other possibilities and these are only a few examples. In the photo below, I had a mom with four children ask me to organize and declutter their playroom. They had accumulated too many toys, so my first step was to sort all the toys into piles by category. Once we examined the sorted piles and finished decluttering toys no longer used, we assigned homes to everything else. We kept toy categories together using bins, drawers, or cubicles. Consider curating a playroom that's pretty and functional.
How do you set up a perfect playroom?
Age-appropriate developmental toys. Give a child a toy with a specific use and they are likely to get tired of it quickly. A storage system for toys and books. Fun wall art. A spot for coloring and crafts. Big items for added excitement.

Kids have stuff to play with during quiet time in their rooms. Tuck things out of sight or in a corner (like behind a couch, in a cupboard, or on a shelf), to pull out when needed. When it’s all said and done there is no real set in stone rule for your Montessori Playroom. There are many options to choose from out there, and the idea is that the child can work on a few different skills each week.
Or I think she goes to search for something she could use and because there are toys out, she uses one of those. I didn’t really appreciate playroom mess until I came in one day to find my child with the Lego box filled with all sorts of random objects. I asked what she was doing, and she told me she built an aquarium. The Lego box was needed as the aquarium so the Legos needed to go. She also needed random objects from all sorts of toys for the fish food, plants and animals. She was being imaginative, resourceful and creative.
Each of my kids has 2-3 stuffed animals a piece, and they put on puppet shows and pretend play with them. This is where grabbing an extra free or super cheap kitchen table or coffee table is perfect. Since we moved into a bigger house and have a separate table for art, it is SO much less stressful for me. Again, it can be used multiples ways in multiple spaces. Those kinds of balls can be played with inside or out the house. Everyone enjoys playing with these age 11 down to 2 (watch for marbles in mouths, however) – so long as they are kept fresh via our simple toy rotation.

Cubes and baskets are lovely, but you can’t always find the toys you are looking for and if the kids can’t see it, they can’t play with it. Label the baskets and storage cubes so the kids can find the toys they really want. And, if your kids are little, try using pictures as labels.

Now that the kids are older, they are helping more with tidying up the play area and other parts of the house. This is one of the reasons why I’ve learned to keep a separate area in the home and use it as a playroom for the kids. Having a small playroom makes it easier for tidying up and you can simplify toy selection. With Characteristics of a Minimalist Playroom , I’ve learned to decrease the amount of toys they have in the home. Having less toys has proven to bring the kids closer. The less you focus on buying more toys for your child, the better off you’ll be.
Building a quality minimalist toy collection can certainly help. She gets tired of telling the kids to clean up their toys. As usual, she ends up putting everything away herself for the fiftieth time. For most women, the condition of our homes impacts us emotionally. Lots of toys and clutter often sabotage what our homes should be for us...A place where we can be at peace and find rest in the midst of our busy lives.

If this is your goal, be thoughtful about what you allow to stay in your space. Kids take their cues from their parents and people around them. If they can feel your stress about their toys while they play, they're not going to have a successful play time. When you're less worried about a mess, knowing it will all get put back together easily, they'll be more relaxed too. A toy rotation is a perfect solution for this and will help keep your child engaged with their activities. Everything should have its place in the Montessori playroom.

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