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-çirkinliği doğuruyor
-Ethiopia believe that the more scars that a girl has in her body the better.
-Kayan ethnic group, the longer your neck (because of the used of necklace), the more beautiful you will be.
-In Mauritania, the big size of the body represents the beauty of the girls.
-As we look at the most common concept of beauty, we will see that the look which we call as beautiful is actually constructed by the exposure from the media. You see some of the advertising, you will see that the example (or the result) of the “beauty product” is “that-girl”. Somehow, because the media show the pictures of ‘that-kind-of-girl’ and combine it with the word beauty, our mind will automatically think that is what we call a beautiful girl.
-what kind of conception do you use when you want to say that she is beautiful? Do you stick to the appearance? Or do you see the brainy as the beautiful one?
-. According to scientific research, people deemed beautiful have certain advantages in life. It starts early, when cute babies receive extra attention from caregivers compared to more ordinary looking babies.
-stendhal beauty is only a promise of happiness
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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