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FTC (future travel credit) Redemption step by step in Amadeus
Receive call and check the Ittenary properly and confirm with passenger
Retrieve PNR and check if you are on the right office ID
If PNR still active = Check fare rules and follow normal vol. ecxchange process
If the PNR is purged = Open it using RPP / RLC-(pnr)
Check passenger details and find ticket number
Open ticket image to check if ticket is still active = TWD/TKT(ticket number)
If ticket is in (o) open status proceed further , if ticket is in (E) exchange please contact airline to proceed further, any other ticket please check with available help
Take the ticket's date of issuance and travel date and check in the respected airline's covid policies to match and find the applicable waiver code, note the waiver code and move further
If not able to find your applicable scenario in the covid policies, please contact the respective airline for the same
once you have the waiver code/auth from the airline/covid policies, please make a new PNR for the passenger using the details found from the purged PNR
Important NOTE: Please make sure to use the correct office ID/ITTN number/ and passenger contact details in order to avoid a possible error.
add the flights as per passenger request please make sure you are giving same class of service, if possible, to get low fare , but since it's a voluntary exchange you are allowed to upgrade or downgrade the passenger as long as passenger is informed about it and they are agreed with the fare
Add the old ticket number in the PNR using the command = FHE (ticket number)/p(pax number)
Save everything
proceed with GLOBAL ENHANCED EVR script as a normal vol exch process
NOTE- Make sure you are not forgetting the waiver code if there is any provided/ enter it in the given options in the script
discuss the fare difference with the passenger (inform if they are have any residual amount)
Once passenger agrees confirm the form of payment to be added and add it in the given option given in the script
Save and accept the changes amd close the script
save RF (initial) and ER
Check if all waiver codes are in place
Go to TQT
Check if everything is alright
put remark
Waiver code in
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Regards; Team

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