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09/09/23 Saturday----- day after the end of 3rd week of school.

Hi this is Alexa Gillum, I'm in 7th grade, and I really just like writing about my life in notes, let's get started shall we. this week has been really normal I would say. on Tuesday it was a kind of normal day expect the fact I had just broke up with one of my friends two days earlier, it wasn't weird or anything it was mutual, basically I have been friends with this guy (Anthony Anderson) since the first day, and I'm friends with him because my friend Kyndal is friends with him and me and since I'm kind of always around Kyndal in the classes we have together we just kind of talked. Anyway me and Anthony have 3 classes together 2 with Kyndal in it and one without, in the one without (Math) we would flirt and talk all of it because we sat right next to each other for the first two weeks, so now to the part of us dating, (Keep in mind he had had just broken up with this girl 2 days earlier, but they were only dating for about a week) anyway it was picture day and I decide to were this plain green dress with straps, The day goes by like normal and that day I started to like Anthony because he was funny and made me laugh, and it was in math that I thought this, so in my next hour (8th) (science) I told Janessa about it (she sits Infront of me and we talk all hour, I also sit next to this guy Will which will be important later) anyway after me and Janessa talked about it in science, I went home like normal, and I didn't check my phone until I got home. When I got home I finally checked my phone and realized Anthony added me on both TikTok and snapchat, I obviously added him back, and decided to text first, I said "hi Anthony" and he said Hi back then told me that I looked pretty today and stuff, one thing to another we both liked each other but decided not to get together until the next day, fast forward we got together and it was a Friday so we went home and didn't really talk, then on Saturday he broke up with me because he didn't want the rumors and drama and I respected that, and asked if we could still be friends, he said yes. Getting back to the story I had to see him on Tuesday and we didn't really talk until math, were we finally talked and everything was normal again, and we went back to what we did before we dated but it's kind of different now, anyway Tuesday was also the day I started liking this guy (Will Wilson) name sound familiar? it's because it's the guy that sits next to me in science class, we talk here and there and before I even started liking him Janessa would ship us together, anyway yeah that night was a football game, and I went with no ride home and got my phone taken away because of that. Anyway, the rest of the week was normal I would say, and on Friday we basically got a free hour in science so me and Janessa talked all hour, and I would catch Will staring at me at times, but I don't think I meant anything. one more thing to mention is every time Janessa ships us together I'm always the one to turn it down and not him, he just kind of laughs to himself, like on Friday me and Janessa were talking about Mexican dances because I'm half Mexican and she's half Spanish, so we were talking about it and did it for a little and we also talked about the one with the couples, so when we were leaving I was away from her and she said to Will "you should do the dance with her" and i came up behind her to hear it and I kind of pushed her and said "Janessaaa" after that I went home and texted Janessa and asked what he did when he said that, and she said he just smiled and turned away, so yeah I don't really know what that meant but yeah, so on Monday I'm going to do and experiment and not deny it this time. I also have had this crush on this guy (Cannon Hartz) since the first day.
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