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Hi Sir,

Please find the below MOM points.

we started the meeting by greeting to Greg and other team.
We explained to Client that we have downloaded the source code directly from the github so that we wont find any build problems and also said team is setup the source code in the local system.
we explained that our backend team able to setup the code and configure the database and frontnd team also able to run the application like about to see the homepage.
Client said he just want to make sure that we download the correct code and also said he didnt change anything in code and we said we are om same page.
we demonstrated that our fronted team setup the source code in local machine and successfully run the application but as you see some dependecies like are too old in this and we said we need to update the version nd we are still working on to understand the existing code.
we also explained to Client that thae base url we have is having issues like either missing something or becuase the previous one they used is Heroku so right now when we are trying to use it gives error.
Client explained that when he started working with previous tema tyehy havn't said to him that they were using Heroku it wouldn't work because we need to scale and its not a very good architecture and it wouldnt meet our demands interms of scalability so in start they used Heroku but after that switched to AWS that you can find out in it or i m open to suggestions what should we use.
we explained that we need the server for scalabilty and load balancing for that we can setup AWS and other methods like maybe we can use database like postgreSQL and you can host in AWS
we also explained that to run this mobile application successfully we need backend either we set up that look on their local host, or we deploy this application in internally and run it to check the functionality.
Client mentioned that he wants to know about the enviromnets like uat and development should it be on the server or should it be like on customer side and also is it cheap?
we explained that the local environment will be separately in the local development, the other is QA environment so For our clients. those who do not have the dedicated server, Chetu we have some shared servers in Chetu and it is accesible only internally unless if Client ask internally those URls accesible internally only and we provide to client when they have in need then they will be able verify the functionality.
we also explained that there is UAT environment where we will give this to you in your environment so taht you can install on your mobile we can configure the aws or work We will deploy our back end, We will configure our database. We will configure all other things required for Uat. And that will be basically our pre production environment, where we are going to set up and configure so that we can access foerm different devices.
we also explained that our devops team will provide you the cost of the load balancing and the team is ready so thaey will help you and they are going to give you the initial cost or estimation based on these these many users, We need this kind of configuration the server.
we also explained that our backend team will demonstrate the updates form their end and explained they we have set up the source code and install the required dependencies.
we also demonstrated that we have added the postgres database and shown all the tables we have after we run the migration and run the application and showed them the endpoints like signup, login and other end points.
Client explained that he needs users register through apple or google not from email and password, or login through any Facebook and also login throigh SSO login.
we explained that we will use SSO login and we need testing server for it to test the SSO.
Client explained that once screen loads it will show to choose google or apple it will take them and redirect to home page.
Client explained that once user search, he will find profiles about pets and not users and users data never be exposed and also explained if user has multiple pets he can choose option to select to have shared profiles or seperate profiles A separate profile is a unique profile for each pet. So each profile would have its own username, there would be different content for each of those respective profile and shared profile for all pets and also explained that their end goal is able to create and consume the content.
Client explained that Pet Admirer is consuming all the content of pet parents and the pets.
Client explained that he wants the share the main functionality like users can create content and different types of content users can either create like image initiate where they add a picture of video which is would be included or add like a text initiator focused content, like to add a text update about their pet without any pictures or videos.
Client also explained he need to browse the content means able to browse the users timeline content like we get in Facebook and Instagram and aslo he wants discover screen where he can search and browse through pets and profiles.
Client also explained In search content, he wants to search through keyword or hashtags and also he needs some additional actions like centered around content, re-posting, same as like retweeting.
Client also explained what type of pets we have and what they like snacks and tehir interests and other details of the pets, type of content do you prefer dogs, cats, fish? These are all the pet types. So like when the users rolling on their timeline, once they get to the end like all of their followers content. Then they're gonna start seeing if they like dogs, they're gonna start seeing content around dogs.

Client also explained that in chat option we can chat within the app in Mvp like one on one chat and also needs group chat where we can chat with many and also wants commenting option and also wants notifcations like in app notifications like when user like comments their posts, tags and comments.

Client also explained for Pet posts , it includes the like and comments according to them from like 5 million to 10 million, they get a bronze. But it's basically just metals that they get based on specific milestones is gold. 10,000 followers. No. 100,000 is silver, and then 10,000 is bronze.

client also said multiple separate profiles so very similar. The only difference, instead of those buttons at the top, we now see your belated 2 section. So these are all the profiles that are tied to this profile. So up to 3, So these are brothers or sisters to this pet, and you can click on these to go to those respective profiles.

client explained to re-posting this is sort of like retweeting and click this button here, and then they can add something, some some details.
Client also explained editing the basic information. blocking accounts and being able to unblock help and support so terms and conditions being able to send like a ticket or feedback to pentopia.
Client also explained these are the essential features of the Petopia and asked if we have any questions on this.
We concluded the meeting by saying thanks to Client and ended the meeting.
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Regards; Team

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