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shitty story time!!1111

NAGISA GO HOME! No - Another Trashy Story That Turtlez Thinks Is Amandamazing by Amandar
Nagisa x Kaede x Yada

"Nagisaaaaa" Kaede shouted. Nagisa peeked out from under his pillow. He couldn't sleep since the girls were talking all night long. He and Yada were at a sleepover at Kaede's place. "Nani?" He replied. "Can you go get me pudding? Pleeeeeeeaseeee?" Kaede said using a puppy-dog face. Nagisa sat up. "Can you get them yourself?" "I don't wanna! They're too far awayyy!" Kaede whined. "Guys, don't fight." Yada said standing up fixing her ponytail. Nagisa sighed and put a blanket over his head. "HEY! WHAT ABOUT MY PUDDING?!" Kaede exclaimed. "The store literally just across the street. If you want them get it yourself." Nagisa mumbled. Kaede looked at Yada. "YADA! TELL HIM TO GIVE ME THE PUDDING!" Yada sighed and sat down. "U-uhh... I can get it for you if you want." "I want Nagisa to get the pudding for me! He was being lazy today anyway." Yada smirked a bit. "Or is it because you like him?" Nagisa popped up from under the blanket and stared at Kaede. "Huh?" "W-what! No I don't!" Kaede stammered. We all know Kaede likes Nagisa--Except from Nagisa himself.

Nagisa sighed and went back under the blanket. "nO NAGISA YOUR GOING TO GET ME THE PUDDING!" Nagisa shook his head from under the blanket. "I'm not going to, Kaede..."
"U-uh guys." Yada mumbled trying to stop the conversation. Kaede jumped up and down on Nagisa, who was still trying to sleep under the blanket. "NA-GI-SA! Pleasee!?" Nagisa finally pushed Kaede off him and got up from the blanket and walked out of the room. Kaede ran up to him and bitch slapped him. "Owww. You didn't have to do that." Nagisa growled. "But you aren't getting me pudding!" "So?" "Go home!" They were broken apart. "No." Yada said a bit angrily. "No." She repeated. "Kaede, I'll get the pudding for you okay?" The green(or black) haired girl frowned and looked down sadly. Yada hugged Kaede from the back, put on her coat and walked out of the house to get Kaede pudding. Kaede's head shot up with a blank face. "Huh? What's wrong?" Nagisa said looking a bit concerned. Kaede looked at Nagisa. "wAIT IF SHE HUGGED ME FROM MY BACK... THAT MEANS..." "Huh?" "HER BOOBS TOUCHED ME!" Kaede said running around the house with her arms in the air. Nagisa had an embarrassed face on as he watched Kaede run around in the house.

There was a loud noise from the kitchen. CRASH! "Kaede?!?" Nagisa said running into the kitchen. Kaede was knocked out with dizzy eyes on the floor. She probably was running to fast and forgot to look where she was going. Nagisa sighed and started to laugh. "Oh Kaede..." He chuckled. Nagisa picked up Kaede bridal style and put her in her room, setting her softly on her bed and sitting next to her. Nagisa heard the door open. Yada walked into the room with a bag of pudding and set it on the table. "Did she finally go to sleep?" Nagisa shook his head. "No. She ran around like a lunatic and got knocked out from a wall." Yada giggled and sat down besides Nagisa.

The three of them frick fucked fracked when Kaede woke up the fucking end
nononon jk they didn't, but you can say they did if you want. ;)

ok i hoped you liked it.
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