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Do you know the Content Marketing Trends in 2017 to obtain an Upsurge in Your Business?
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Content marketing has become a central part of businesses as a result of benefits linked to it. THIS CONTENT Marketing Institute has reported that 70 percent of business to business marketers have plans of coming up with more content in 2017 compared to 2016. Technology and internet marketing are evolving quickly. Therefore, as a marketer, you have to keep current with the most recent trends to be able to remain competitive. You have to keep in mind the following trends if content marketing is part of your marketing strategy in 2017.
1. Mobile Content: Giving your clients a great mobile experience will keep them coming back. This is likely to be essential from 2017 onwards. It really is predicted that Smartphones can make up 50 percent of the planet?s devices and connections by 2020 and seventy-five percent of Facebook users will access the platform through mobile devices by 2018. Therefore, you need to develop mobile friendly content. You should keep image sizes and quantities to the very least. Text needs to be precise, engaging also to the point. You also need to incorporate video into content plans.

2. Native Advertising: Classic banner advertising will not offer the same results it offered before. Today, a lot of people consider banner advertising as a nuisance. A better option is native advertising. It works well because it matches the feel, look, and design of the website which it is published. Guests consume and experience native advertising very much the same that they go through the actual content on the website.

3. Influencer Marketing: In case you are attempting to lure Millennials to your brand, then it is vital to get a local personality, influential person or celebrity to back up your brand. more info -four percent of consumers consider online reviews to be as important as personal recommendations. Therefore, obtaining a person your clients research to or trust associated with your brand is a wonderful solution to create engaging content which they will respond to.

4. Personalization: Personalization can increase engagement by around 62 percent. Your clients have different preferences and they belong to various demographic groups. Therefore, targeting the overall audience is not effective if you need your brand to stick out. You need to let your clients access what they are seeking. You ought to have a segmentation strategy to be able to provide personalized and relevant content to your visitors. 5. User-Generated Content (UGC): User generated content comprises of reviews, photos, blogs, and videos, which have been generated by the users of a platform. Social media marketing is a good example of a location where user generated content plays a significant role in marketing. You should identify many UGC opportunities to ensure that your brand thrives.

6. Interactive Content: The advantage of using interactive content is offering different opportunities for engagement and adding value to an individual experience. This will result in the success of your brand. Such content is affordable and reliable.

7. Marketing Automation: Marketing automation is whereby you automate some tasks and actions to boost efficiency and save time. Less than 10 percent of firms use automated marketing. Marketing automation has resulted in a 451 percent upsurge in positive leads. Consumers usually demand a more personalized and intuitive experience. It is therefore important to contemplate using automation techniques in areas like social media, email, and e-commerce to be able to thrive in a fast growing and competitive market.

8. Virtual Reality: In 2016 there have been more than 43 million virtual reality users worldwide which number will continue increasing from 2017 onwards. You need to consider creating content that may easily reach a wider audience. Virtual reality will attract customers to your brand and boost your rates of engagement. Seventy-one percent of consumers like virtual reality. They consider brands that use virtual reality as forward thinking. Using virtual reality will help you win more customers.

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