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I am Radjielhyne Mae A, Atabay, I live in Balingcanaway Blk.6, Tarlac City. My Parents are Raquel A. Atabay and Junald P. Atabay, We are 10 in the Family and im the Eldest among my siblings. My strength is when my family and friends supporting me and My weakness is public speaking and also my family and friends. My favorite food when it comes to main dish is Buttered shrimp and in dessert is ice cream. My Ambition in life is to Pursue my dream to become a Flight Attendant. My favorite quote is "Strive for beauty that can be felt not just seen" by jonah mae pacala.

I'm Radjielhyne Mae A. Atabay, and I live in Balingcanaway Blk. 6. Tarlac City. My biological parents are Raquel A. Atabay and Junald P. Atabay. I am the eldest of my 6 siblings and we are a family of 9. My family and friends' support is my main source of strength, my family are sources of my main weakness. Buttered shrimp and ice cream are my favorite food. My ambition in life is to fulfill my aspiration of working as a flight attendant and Jonah Mae Pacala's "Strive for beauty that can be felt, not just seen" is my favorite quotation. thank you.

I am Radjielhyne Mae A. Atabay, I am 16 yrs. old, and I live in Balingcanaway Block, 6. Tarlac City. My biological parents are Raquel A. Atabay and Junald P. Atabay. I am the eldest of my six siblings, and we are nine in the family. My family and friends' support is my source of strength, and my family is my main weakness. Buttered shrimp and ice cream are my favourites. My ambition in life is to fulfil my aspiration of working as a flight attendant, and Jonah Mae Pacala's "Strive for beauty that can be felt, not just seen" is my favourite quotation. Thank you.
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