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The Venn diagram comparing the courses offered by the Cagayan State University (CSU) and those required by the Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 20, series of 2013, shows three courses that are offered by CSU but not required by the CMO: Masining na Pagpapahayag, English Language Proficiency, and Elementary Statistics with Probability.

Masining na Pagpapahayag is a course in CSU that focuses on developing students' skills in creative and critical thinking, as well as effective communication in both oral and written forms. This course is not included in the CMO because it is not a core requirement for BSED English. However, it is still a valuable course that can help students become better communicators and critical thinkers.

English Language Proficiency is another course offered by CSU that is not required by the CMO. This course focuses on improving students' language skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Although language proficiency is important for BSED English students, it is not included in the CMO because it is assumed that students have already attained a certain level of proficiency in English before entering the program.

Elementary Statistics with Probability is a course that is not required by the CMO but is offered by CSU. This course provides students with a foundation in statistics and probability, which are important skills for BSED English students who may need to analyze data in their research or teaching. However, the CMO does not require this course because it is not directly related to the teaching of English.

There can be several reasons why CSU offers more courses than what is required by the CMO. One reason is that CSU may want to provide its students with a more comprehensive education, which includes courses that are not required but are still beneficial. Another reason could be that CSU wants to distinguish itself from other universities by offering unique courses that are not commonly found in other BSED English programs. CSU may have identified certain areas where their students need additional training or skills, which are not covered by the CMO, and have developed courses to address those needs.
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