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In response to question one, glory is the biggest threat to peace. I believe it is such a threat because it revolves around people wanting to be seen as great, perhaps even better than others. Often people attempt to prove themselves to others through violence. Not just in wars but in everyday life as well. People lash out when they feel undermined, there are fist fights when one thinks that the other was "looking at them funny". The act of wanting everyone to see you or your ideas as high as you view them yourself is almost always entwined wit6h violence; Hobbes states this himself in Leviathan.
In response to question two, I both agree and disagree with Hobbes. I believe that to an extent a leader is needed in order to provide aid and general direction, though I do not believe we need one to the extent Hobbes is likely talking about. The authority he thinks we need is likely the government, and I do not believe humanity needs a government in order to be at peace.

even though violencev or hurt is often prevalant in our society that doesnt mean that we cannot live a relatively peaceful life. i do not believe humanity is some kind of group of uneducated children in need in of a glordierd babysitter via the gobernment. however, i think that minor authority figures that you personally know and trust are good. people to go to for help, trustworthy people that help get things moving in your town but set up strict laws. there are certain things i agree with contracatirainsm, that the punishment of social hatred is enough. i often think that indigenous societies of the past were what i wish it was now, just more modern. the idea of trusting everyone, getting medical treatment and help when needed, not fearing or blindly following authority - all seems to lean in the direction of peace. a small common power may help us from being in the state called "war", but i believe that hobbes is referring to a government of sorts. i do not believe we are in need of a government, just someone to trust and help in our own groups/small societies. it is liikely not achievable to do this now as the population is so large, but i believe that small societies with small leaders everyone knows and trusts could lead to peace. i do not think government is needed to be okay.
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