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Southern colonies
- Virginia company attempted to persuade potential colonists to come to Virginia because of fertile soil and great amounts of free land, they appealed to them by saying the Indians were friendly and that they lived in peace with them.
Tobacco production was
1622: 60,000 pounds of tobacco
1627: 500,000 pounds of tobacco
1629: 1,500,000 pounds of tobacco
1618: 20,000 pounds of tobacco
Indentured servants were people who agreed to work for someone who paid for them to travel to America, they would serve a set time period of working for their boss and get land of their own in return. Land tools and clothing were apart of a payment form.
Every man and woman must attend a church service either twice a day or on each work day. Not attending church meant no food or place to sleep. No man, unless appointed by a lawful authority, shall barter or trade with the Indians, upon pain of death. If a man shall not work a penalty of no food for a month would be punishment. Christians of all nations have equal freedom rights and religious practices.

Middle colonies=All Christians may serve in the government
an assembly is chosen yearly by the freemen in the colony
no person shall harm or mistreat an Indian in any way
Free to practice religious beliefs. No discrimination against religion. Women took care of home children and husband.
All criminals shall have the right to call witnesses to testify at trials.
When a servant is brought over to work the land at the end of his years of service he shall be given 50 acres of his master’s land.
Freedom of conscience to practice their religious beliefs is guaranteed provided that they believe in one almighty God. They will not be made to do anything against their religious beliefs.
A quote from the middle colonies excerpt section 3 11 is Let there be here in this land of Pennsylvania men of wisdom and virtue. Let men of good conscience, to the best of their skills, create laws of this government to benefit all.With the process of persecution any man has right to bear witness and of trial. If caught stealing death is punishment even such as from a garden

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