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According to the commonwealth legislation, when tdne engage to al contract, agreement, or other formal work arrangement, the following will apply:
Consult with contractors tdn their health and safety requirements and responsibilities on the job to establish how sharedresponsibilities will be ynddressed.
Create asecure and healthy work environment in which physical and psychological dangers are removeder minimised for employees
> Supply secure furniture and equipment, as well as secure work processes.
> Train employees to properly use furnishings and equipment and to work safely.
Supervising employees in order to ensure their health and safety
Offer enough facilities to ensure the wellbeing of employees and visitors Consult with employees on issues affecting their health and safety
> Investigate health and safety accidents and, if necessary, take further risk reduction
> Monitor the contract on an ongoing basis to verify that contract-specific WHS criteria are satisfied.
Providing a supplier with adequate information to enable them to understand how we intend to utilise a product
> Adhere to the supplier's guidelines for the proper use, storage, and disposal of the materials we receive.
2. Expla in the importance of contract performance management.
Contract management is a critical strategic problem for both the organisation and individual initiatives. A comprehensive contract management organisation may improve control, effectiveness, and cost containment while also providing strategic and competitive benefits.
3. Provide information on contract negotiation.
Contract negotiation is the process through which parties exchange information in order to establish an agreement.

4. Outline the importance of organisational writing conventions
Organizational writing conventions aid the members to familiarise themselves with the writing patterns and styles essential for a professional document.
5. Expla in organi sati on, function and logistics support c apabilities
In an organization which undertakes logistical functions, logistics capability refers to the component of al business's resources - encompassing all assets, competences,
organisational procedures, firm qualities, information, and knowledge that enables it to develop and executestrategies that increase efficiency and effectiveness.
6. Comme nt on pri vacy and confid entia lity requirements of a cont rafd.
A contract is alegal binding document and the elements that are subjected as private and are not to be disclosed to the masses are mentioned and the parties signing the contract are legally obliged to abide by the confidentiality requirements of the contract.
7. Explain probity principles and issues
Integrity, uprightness, and honesty may all be described as full and proven. By dahering to the highest standards of probity and integrity, orgainisations may secure procurement operations and procedures, ensuring that they are resilient and able to resist scrutiny. Probity is aset of fratnrak that requires proof of ethical bhaviour and proper procedure. Issues may arise jf the same when the principles are not upheld in the bijpiness.
8. Provide information on risk management.
Risk management is the process of discovering, evaluating, and managing hazards to an organization's capital and revenues. These dangers come as a number of forms, including financial uncertainty, legal liability, technological challenges, strategic management failures, accidents, and natural calamities.
Answer each of the above questions in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.
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