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5 Fridge Freezer Lessons From Professionals
Integrated Fridge Freezers

The integrated fridge freezers enable homeowners to achieve a seamless kitchen design. This is because they are hidden behind cupboard doors that are matched to the rest of the cabinetry, removing any gaps in the material finish which could make a room feel busy and disjointed.

They are often more difficult to move and maintain if you decide to move home. They also cost more than freestanding units.


Integrated fridge freezers are an increasingly popular option for homeowners who want to create modern and sleek style in their kitchen. These appliances are hidden behind cabinets, which means they can be seamlessly integrated into your existing decor. This makes them a good option for those who prefer an uncluttered look or for smaller kitchens that require maximize space.

50/50 fridge freezer between built-in and integrated refrigerators is the fact that built-in models feature protruding handles or doors. But, despite the distinct appearance both fridges can be a great addition to any home. Whether you're looking for an integrated refrigerator with a French door or a built-in refrigerator that has an Ice & Water dispenser, you can find a model that fits perfectly to the style of your kitchen.

Fisher & Paykel offers a variety of integrated refrigerators that will fit into any kitchen design. The RS36A72J1N for instance, is an integrated refrigerator with an integrated French door and an ice maker that features a sleek and elegant design as well as energy efficiency. The appliance comes with a digital display with an integrated timer to help you keep track of the food storage schedule.

While some people may find a freestanding fridge ugly however, some people find it attractive and it all comes down to your personal preferences. If you're looking for a fridge that blends in with your kitchen as much as possible A refrigerator that is integrated is the best choice.

While it's important to remember that if you purchase an integrated refrigerator, you'll need to build your kitchen cabinets to accommodate the new appliance. It's expensive, but a great investment to make your kitchen more stylish and modern. Additionally, should you decide to sell your home, an integrated refrigerator can add value to the property. Talk to an expert for more details on the various kinds of integrated fridges that are available. They can help you select the right refrigerator for your requirements and budget.

Easy of Use

The integrated fridge freezers are designed to blend seamlessly into your kitchen, making it simple to store and access food. They can be reversible to fit any kitchen layout, and a lot have LED lighting to make them more bright and energy efficient. Some models come with anti-fingerprint technology that helps reduce the build-up of dirt. They also have shelves that can be adjusted to ensure a better fit, and also more storage space for larger items such as bottles.

The stainless steel finish makes them easy to clean and the anti-bacterial liner helps prevent smells. Certain fridge freezers with integrated refrigerators have features such as fast-freeze settings, which quickly reduces the temperature of the appliance to help keep food fresher for longer.

The primary reason why people opt for an integrated refrigerator freezer is to cut down on space. They can be tucked into the space where the freestanding freezer or fridge would be, which allows you to make use of the space for other appliances like ovens and dishwashers. These appliances are also permanent, meaning you don't need to worry about them moving if you move.

They are also popular because they offer more options when it comes down to dimensions and specifications. You can pick from a range of sizes and also get top-mounted fridge freezers. This allows you to increase the space in your fridge while not compromising on freezer space.

The width and height of fridge freezers with integrated fridges differ also and some have smaller sizes, while others being between 170-180cm tall. You can also choose from a 50/50 split model or a 70%/30 split that has more freezer space than fridge space.

However, with the increasing popularity of integrated fridge freezers has come a variety of issues that could make them not the ideal choice for some customers. One of the most frequent is that installers may not follow the installation guidelines and leave ventilation insufficient that can cause machines to overheat. This can eventually lead to them failing and requiring repairs, which can be expensive.

Energy Efficiency

If you're faced with the choice between integrated fridge freezers and freestanding models, you need to consider which one is more energy efficient. The best fridge freezers cool quickly to lock nutrients in and help your food stay fresh for longer, meaning they won't have to work as hard. The poor fridge freezers are less efficient and use more energy to cool. This can add to the cost of electricity.

The refrigerator freezers integrated into the refrigerator are generally more expensive than models that stand on their own. This is largely to do with the fact that they're generally more costly to manufacture than freestanding freezers and fridges. Additionally, manufacturers tend to sell less of these appliances than freestanding ones, which could result in higher costs.

In recent years, manufacturers have made significant strides to improve insulation standards and to use high-efficiency compressors. This has led to a reduction in the energy consumption of fridge freezers, which could in turn reduce the cost of your energy bills.

When you're choosing an integrated fridge freezer, take a look at the kWh figures on the labels for energy to figure out how much energy your appliance will use per year. This is more important than the A to G classification that was previously displayed on these labels. It provides you with the most accurate estimate of what it will cost to run your fridge freezer.

If you're looking for an efficient model, you can find out how quiet your appliance is by looking at the decibel levels on the energy label. If you share a home or apartment with neighbors it is recommended to select the model with the lowest decibel levels.

Another way to cut your costs lower is by ensuring that your integrated fridge freezer is installed correctly. Incorrect installation or ventilation could cause issues with fridge freezers (both freestanding and integrated). This can result in an accumulation of het, the overuse of motors, or even breakdowns. To avoid this, always adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations for installing your fridge and making sure that the freezer is vented correctly.


When replacing an old fridge freezer or constructing a brand new kitchen, integrated fridge freezers offer a sleek, fashionable finish. They are concealed behind cabinet doors and blend in with the decor of your space. This is a great option if you're all about kitchen uniformity and enjoy the sleek, uniform look.

You can buy integrated fridge freezers that come in a range of different sizes to meet your family's requirements. Some are bottom-mounted, where the freezer section is below the fridge. Some are top-mounted, where the freezer is above the fridge. Both have pros and cons.

Top-mounted models typically have more freezer space than bottom mounted models which is why they are the best choice for those who want to have more freezing capacity. They also can reduce cost of energy because the cold air circulates more evenly than with bottom-mounted models. However, bottom-mounted fridge freezers are typically cheaper and can be a viable alternative if you're on a tight budget.

When you choose to have an integrated fridge freezer, you'll be able to decide on the capacity you'd like in each compartment. The fridge compartment is supposed to be large enough to accommodate your daily food shopping including fresh produce as well as batch-cooked meals. You'll need to have a salad crisper and plenty of shelves for perishables.

The most recent refrigerator freezers that are integrated have advanced features that keep food fresher longer and decrease the amount of manual maintenance required. A lot of them have antibacterial linings that reduce the smell, and can even help to prevent mould. Some models have super freeze and fast chill settings that reduce the temperature rapidly to ensure that your frozen food is safe.

There are also fridge freezers that have frost-free technology which reduces the need to defrost and keeps your appliance at a constant temperature. These are great if you hate the hassle and mess of defrosting your own freestanding freezer or refrigerator, but don't want to sacrifice capacity.

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