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12 Companies Leading The Way In Wall.Mounted Electric Fire
Wall Mounted Electric Fires

There are two main types of wall mounted electric fires which are flush (or recessed) or freestanding. The flush mount electric fireplaces appear more finished and built-in, however they require more work time and money to put in.

Installing a wall-mounted electric fire is fairly simple, providing you have the right tools. Depending on which model you select, you will need to attach either an anchor or hanging screws to the wall.

Ultra Slim

Many homeowners desire the warm, inviting look of a fireplace but don't wish to tackle the hassle or expense of installing a traditional fireplace and chimney. An electric wall-mounted fireplace is an ideal solution. They are ultra-slim, easy to install and have several settings. Certain models also provide additional heat for rooms that are that are up to 400 square feet and some include remote controls.

It is best to visit a showroom that is specialized in electric fireplaces to find the right one for your home. Modern Fireplaces & Interiors, located in the GTA offers a range of electric fire places and has a team who can help you select the most suitable one for your home. Visit their website to browse their photo gallery or contact them to set up an appointment.

While the majority of electric fireplaces and fires require to be installed into the wall however this model from Touchstone can be hanged on the wall using the mounting bracket. This slim, elegant unit features an arched firebox with LED Flames that come in seven colors. The flame effect appears real and the remote control has many functions, including multiple temperature settings as well as five flame brightness levels.

Another benefit of this unit is that it can be used all year long. You can use the unit in summer with the flame setting, and in the winter using the heating settings. The brightness and color of the flame can be altered to suit your mood as well.

This fireplace is among the slimmest fireplaces available and is designed to be built into the wall, but it can also be hung on the wall. It is constructed of metal and tempered glass and is sleek and modern style that looks great in any home. The remote control has many options and also comes with an automated timer that will turn the fire off after 10 hours.

It is easy to set up and comes with an easy plug-in wire connection. It also has an safety feature that shuts off the fire in the event of it becoming too hot. This feature will ensure that your pets and family are safe while using this fireplace.

Easy to Install

You can create the appearance of a fireplace within your home by installing wall-mounted electric fires without having to make any structural modifications. The good news is that they are really simple to install yourself provided you have a few basic tools on hand, like a spirit level and a Stud finder (you can purchase both from us at Direct Fireplaces). Our customer service team estimates that you can unpack your new electric fire and hang it in less than an hour!

Before you get started, however, it's worth checking that the spot you have chosen for your fireplace is close enough to a power socket. Make mounted wall fireplace that the power cable of the fireplace is able to reach the socket via the bracket. If it isn't be reached, you can relocate the plug socket to the other side of the room and conceal it behind the fireplace to create a sleek finish.

This will help to reduce the fire risk. This includes wood, fabric sheets, bedding, and paper and bedding. Also, you should make sure that the vents are free of obstructions to ensure that hot air is expelled.

If you're looking for a wall-mounted electric fire that can be controlled with your voice, look at this beautiful Camino model from Flamerite. It has a stunning panoramic 3D flame design and can be controlled with a smartphone app or by your voice, thanks to its built-in compatibility with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant.

If you plan to install a standard wall-mounted gas fire and chimney, you'll require a chimney. It is best to choose an installer who is Gas Safe registered. To increase security, you could include a flue lining your fireplace. As with any gas fireplace installation, it's a good idea to ensure that your chimney functions properly before turning it on for the first time.

No Chimney Required

The wall-mounted electric fireplaces do not require venting like gas fireplaces that requires a chimney. This makes them a good choice for homes that have little space or don't have the necessary construction work to install gas fires. In addition the wall-mounted electric fire does not produce any carbon monoxide, and is safe for use in any home.

The heat that an electric fireplace mounted on the wall is extremely directed and can quickly warm up a space of up to 400 square feet. This isn't enough heat to serve as a primary source of heating however it can make your living area more comfortable and add supplemental warmth. Electric fireplaces are also a good investment because they reduce your electric bill and also have an extremely low impact on the environment.

When choosing an electric wall-mounted fire it is crucial to take into consideration the wattage and BTU output. This will determine the amount of heat it produces and if it is suitable for the space. Look for a fireplace that complements the style of your home.

If you have the right tools to install a wall-mounted electrical fire isn't difficult. Based on the type of fire you've chosen, you may need to attach the firebox on the wall bracket first, and then attach the screen, or the fire could come with everything already attached to the wall bracket. You will also need a power drill as well as screws for the job. It is recommended to hire a professional for these tools.

A gas fireplace that is plugged into the wall is a different option for homes that do not have chimneys. These are more expensive than wall-mounted electric fireplaces, however they give the appearance of a real fire, without the need for a chimney or ventilation. Gas fires also generate more heat since they burn at higher temperatures than electric fires. If you're interested in installing a hole in the gas fire in the wall, be sure to consult an authorized plumber to ensure that the installation is done correctly.

Low Maintenance

In contrast to traditional fireplaces, electric fireplaces mounted on walls are designed to be away from the way. This creates more space within your home, and also means that it's safer for pets and children. This is because the heater will be kept out of reach, and they won't slip over it.

Another benefit of a wall-mounted electric fireplace is that it is simple to clean. You can simply wipe the glass and interior with an damp cloth. This is a good idea to prevent any build-up of dust within the fireplace, which could harm the heating element and ember bed.

However, it is important to go through the manual that is included with your fire before you attempt to clean the appliance. The majority of manufacturers do not recommend cleaning the internal components of a wall-mounted electric fire as it can cause damage to the electrical system. To protect yourself make sure you use a damp cloth that is lint free and has been washed.

The other thing to consider about a wall-mounted electric fire is that there are no unattractive flues or pipes that need to be concealed. This will make your home look cleaner and more stylish. Electric fires appear as if they are part of the wall decor and are a great choice for homeowners who want to create a modern look within their homes.

It is also a great option for those moving into a new house because it can be installed without major changes. You could be able to install the fire yourself, or need to hire an expert. It will cost a little more, but it's well worth it if your goal is to have a stunning and low-maintenance fireplace.

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