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10 Meetups On Fridge-Freezer You Should Attend
A Guide to Buying a Fridge Freezer

A fridge freezer helps keep leftovers fresher longer and helps you keep healthy meals on hand. Many fridge freezers are equipped with smart features.

When selecting a refrigerator-freezer, energy efficiency is a crucial factor. The kWh figure is located on the label for energy and informs you the amount of electricity used annually.

Quick-chill and fast-freeze functions

Many fridge freezers have extra features that help you to keep your food fresher longer. Some features can help you save energy or time, whereas others aren't necessary. So if you're looking to buy one, consider the amount each feature will add to the price and whether it will impact your lifestyle prior to making your choice.

A quick-chill feature provides an extra boost of cooling power to chill fresh food items to safe temperatures quickly. This can help prevent harmful bacteria from developing and helps keep nutrients locked inside. It's handy if you often do a big grocery shop and require food storage quickly.

Some fridge freezers feature a speed-freeze feature that lets you freeze foods at a lower temperature than normal, which helps them retain their texture and quality once they're frozen. This is useful if there are lots of food items to store in the freezer, for instance after a large meal party. Keep in mind that freezing food at temperatures below 0°C can affect the taste and nutritional value.

Certain models have a cold accumulation block that stores frozen ice to aid the appliance in maintaining its temperature in the event of a power cut. Some models have a pull-out drain spout that makes it simpler to flush out melted ice or food spillages.

Ice-cube tray

Every fridge has had ice-cube trays. These trays are ideal for storing leftover soups, sauces and juices. You can freeze small quantities of herbs to use in a later meal.

But not all ice cube trays are created to be the same. Some are made of hard plastic, which could break or break if you attempt to remove the cubes. There are many options for durable ice cubes available that don't require you to pound and twist the ice cubes.

Another factor to consider is how quickly the ice cube tray can be frozen. The smaller the size of the tray's surface, the more quickly it will freeze. Similarly, the tray that has distinct compartments for each cube will freeze more quickly than one that simply has divided areas.

You can choose from a wide range of sizes and shapes on the market. For example larger ice cubes are ideal for cocktails since they melt more slowly and don't dilute the drink as much. Cocktail enthusiasts are increasingly drawn to spheres.

This set of four ice cube tray from OMorc includes an oleo-silicone lid that seals securely and keeps freezer odors out. It has a convenient handle that allows it to be easily stacked and transport. It can create 14 ice cubes. Additionally, the base has been made round for easy removal. It is dishwasher-safe, BPA-free and constructed from plastic. The trays are easy to grip and can be frozen flat to stop cracking during transport from the sink to the freezer. They can be stacked into the bin that comes with them to simplify storage.


Contrary to their freestanding counterparts fridge freezers aren't just functional appliances. They can be stylish, too. From polished steel finishes to elegant, 1950s-inspired designs, there's fridge freezers to fit every kitchen.

A lot of fridge freezers have bottle racks to store bottles safely away. These racks prevent bottles from rolling on shelves and occupying valuable space, and causing them to break or crack.

There are fridge freezers that come in a range of striking colors, like SMEG FAB32's bright chrome finish. This adds a modern spin to a classic design and responds with current trends that play with texture and materials.

Refrigerators with integrated freezers are ideal for those who want sleek design, since they can be concealed behind cupboard doors, fitting in seamlessly with their interior decor. They're also ideal for those with small kitchens or open-plan living spaces because they can help to maximise space and provide a neat and tidy appearance.

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is important because fridges are operational all the time and consume lots of energy. black fridge freezer can cut down on your electricity bill by acquiring an energy-efficient fridge-freezer. It is also advisable to check your fridge's energy consumption to get an idea of the cost. You can do this by using a plug-in energy meter or by checking the cost per kWh of your electricity provider.

The energy labels on appliances indicate how much electrical energy each appliance uses each year and how it is compared to similar appliances. The most efficient appliances are those with an A or higher rating. Check the yellow Energy Guide Label on your fridge or freezer before you buy it. It will provide you with an estimate for annual operating costs. You can also check the energy consumption to similar refrigerators.

There are ways to lower the expense of running your fridge freezer. By leaving space between the shelves and the food, cold air can circulate more easily. This will consume less energy. This also helps prevent condensation, which is a major energy hog.

This Energy Star-rated Frigidaire model might be just the right choice for you should you be looking to buy a compact refrigerator that can be able to fit into any space. It's a little more costly than some other models but it's easy on your power bills and comes in black, white and a finish that looks like stainless steel but does not show smudges or fingerprints. It's also ideal for break rooms, office and dorm rooms.

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