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1(a) Hydrophillic cells and hydrophobic cells are very different, almost opposites, where as hydrophillic cells attract waster and hydrophobic cells repel water it will only be absorbed in oils and fat like substances. Hydrophillic cells get absorbed by water and will also dissolve in it, this allows the cells to live in aqueous enviroment and lets the cells be able to communicate with one another.
(b)Deoxyribonucleic acid more commonly known as DNA, this is made from two strands that are attracted to eachother this is known as a double helix. DNA affects how living things will look and function due to passing on genetic information. There are three main functions in DNA these include genetics, immunological and structural.
(c)Eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound organelles where as prokaryotic cells do not, these two cells have many other differences such as DNA in the eukaryotic cell is found in the nucleus and the DNA in the prokaryotic cell is found in the cystoplasm. Prokaryotic cells are known to be much smaller in size and rather simple but the eukaryotic cells are larger and more complex.
2. Cardio vascular system-the heart,arteries,veins and cappilaries.
Digestive System-mouth,esophagus,stomach,small intestines,large intestines and anus.
Endocrine system-many ebdocrine glands are located throughout the body, hormones are released into the blood stream or liquid around the cells.
Itegumentary system-skin,hair,nails and glands.
Respiratory system-Nose,mouth,throat,voice box,wind pipe and lungs.
Nervous system- the nervous system is made from the brain and spinal cord.
3(a) There are three main functions in the cardio vascular system, these include transport of the oxygen and carbon dioxide this will circulate the oxygen and remove the carbon dioxide. Nutriants will also be provided to the cells and any waste removed. Cardio vascular system also helps prevent infection and keeps your body at a constant temperature.
(b)The diffence between arteries and veins is that the arteries carry blood away from the heart and the vein carry blood to the heart.You will find the arteries have thicker wallas with muscle tissue and carry oxygenated blood, where as veins have thinner walls and carry the dioxygenated blood, the veins also contain valves which help keep blood flowing around the body.
(c) A SA node also known as a sinus node or sinuatrial node is the hearts natural pacemaker located at the back right of the atrium. The SA node produces cyclical electrical activity to initiate the heart beat with a normal rhyme.
(d) The cardiac system also known as circulatory system involves pumping blood from the heart via arteries into the lungs to get oxygen. The veins that then carry the blood with no oxygen to the heart and the process starts over as a circulation method.
(e)The four chambers or the heart include your upper chambers right atrium and left atrium and your lower chambers being you right ventricle and your left ventricle. The right side chambers allow the non oxygenated blood to the heart.
4(a) Absorption happens in the small intestine, it absorbs most of the nutrients in your food. The small intestines will absorb about 90% of the water you intake whether its in liquid form or in solids and the rest that isnt able to be absorbed will come out as stool.
The absorption takes place through cell membranes of the lining of the intestines into the b;ppd or the lymph capillaries.
(b)The organs that make up the digestive system include mouth, esophagus,stomach,pancreas,liver,gallbladder,small intestine,large intestines and anus.
(c)Peristalsis is muscles that contract automatically to help move food through the digestive system, it starts in the esophagus producing a wave like muscle movement to move the balls of chewed food down into the stomach.
5 (a) The endocrine glands in males and females are all the same except for one which is the sexual gland the gonads. The estrogens are the group of hormones produced in the females overies where the men are responsible for androgens and testorone.
Estrogen-a steroid hormone within females reproductive organs (overies). Estrogen is responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle, it also effects the heart, brain, bones and blood vessles.
Testostrone-A primary sex hormone steriod in men, it plays a key role in men being reproductive. Testorone also effects bone mass, muscle mass and the red blood cells.
Progesterone- This is a endogenous steriod hormone which is located in males and females, for women progesterone works by thickening the uterine lining but make a good enviroment for any fertilized eggs. The men need it to help counteract the effects of estrogen and maintain a healthy prostate.
6(a) 5 types of bones;
short bone(wrist and foot bones)
long bone (arms and legs)
flat bone(sternum and ribs)
irregular bones(hip bones and skull)
sesamoid bonesn(joints-knees and hands)
(b) There are 26 vertabrae in the vertebal collum this includes cervical spine, thoratic spine, lumbar, sacrum and coccyx. The secrum and coccyx are fused but the 24 bones abovenare moveable.
(c) Your fumer is the largest bone in the body, it is also the strongest being able to hold 30 times youe body weight, this belongs in your thigh.
7(a)Our skin is made up from 3 layers the epidermis,dermis and hyprodermis. The top layer of the skin is the epidermis, this layer is made up of a protien called keratin which stick together to create is, this layer acts as a barrier tp keep out germs and bactricia from entering the body and blood stream. The middle layer of skin is the dermis, this layer makes up 90% of the skins thickness and is made out of a protien called collagen, it is also the elastic part of the skin which helps reform its shape. The dermis has nerves to inform you if something is hot, cold, itchy e.t.c. Hydrodermis is the final layer of the skin,the fatty layer used to cushion the muscles and bones. The nerves from the middle layer (the dermis) are carried into this part getting larger and branching out.
(b)There are two endocrine glands in the system one being the thyroid gland located just below the voice box at the front of the neck this plays a large part in the metabolism. The parathyroid is also located in the front of the neck below the voice box this gland plays an important role in the bodys calcium balance. These glands contain endrocrine tissue and hormones,the endocrine glands are normally the size of a pea and work closely with the nervous system.
(c) What is the sebum gland and why is it important? The sebum gland is a substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the dermis (the skins middle layer). The sebum lubricates the skin to prevent it from moisture loss and protect the skin from friction.
8(a)There are 14 bones in the face 6 of them are paired; Maxillia forms your upper jaw and supports upper teeth.
Palatine bone a pair of irregulary shaped bones that contributes to parts of the lateral walls of the nasal cavity.
Zygomatic bone the cheek bone these form much of the lateral wall.

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