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Why We Why We Fridge Freezer (And You Should Too!)
Fridge Freezer 50/50

Fridge freezers 50/50s come with more space than other refrigerators. They also have wine racks on the side of the fridge or a door for bottles. They are perfect for those who have many children who entertain frequently or stock with frozen food items.

AO also has models that have clever features that can help keep food fresher longer. Blue light technology is used to continue the process of photosynthesis, ensuring that vegetables and fruits retain vitamins and nutrients.


The size of the fridge freezer you pick will have a major impact on your kitchen. Refrigerator freezers are available as freestanding units that can be fitted to your cabinetry or integrated models that fit into the look of a fitted kitchen. You can also opt for tall 50/50 models, which offer more storage and modern design.

It's important to consider your family's needs when choosing the capacity of your new fridge freezer. If you're prone to eating more fresh food, go for a model that is 50/50 and has plenty of shelving that can be moved upwards and downwards to accommodate the size of your containers. There's plenty of space for bottles of soft drinks and wine in the door racks too There's also an additional salad drawer that retains the humidity to keep your fruit and veg crisp.

If you prefer to eat more frozen food then you can choose a split of 70/30 or 60/40. These models come with a larger portion of fridge space, and the freezer section has clear-fronted drawers that help you locate your frozen meals.

Leibherr's 50/50 fridge freezer is a great option if you're looking to lower your energy bills without sacrificing quality or performance. It's frost free and has reversible door, so you can place it anywhere in your home. Its cooling systems are separate, allowing the fridge and freezer to focus on their own tasks which allows you to gain maximum storage while using minimal power.

This Liebherr model is another great option. It offers similar efficiency and comes with shelves that are reversible and many doors that can be adjusted. The ice and drinking water dispenser integrated into the door will help you save even more energy as it is connected directly to the water supply in your home. It's packed with smart features such as a large touchscreen on the fridge-side door to control your appliance and display photos of your loved ones. It's also compatible with SmartThings App, which means you can play music or make notes on your grocery list.


Fridge freezers aren't just storage containers; they can be a significant design element in your kitchen too. Modern models in brushed stainless steel and white finishes are available to suit any style or space. Certain models come with additional features such as chilled water dispensers and egg racks. Some models have smart technology integrated so that you can connect to your smartphone to receive updates and control.

Our extensive range of 50/50 refrigerator freezers has something for all, whether you're looking for something basic that can handle the job, or something more advanced. Our models come with intelligent features that can save you money. They track your energy consumption, and adjust the temperature accordingly.

If you are a lover of technology then why not consider refrigerators with touchscreens on the door? You can make use of them to access helpful settings and apps, as well as to display family photos or write notes. They can even show the weather!

Some of our refrigerator freezers are frost-free, so you don't need to worry about defrosting manually. Some even have handy extras like a chrome wire wine rack that's perfect for storing soft drink bottles, or the flexi-shelves on this Bosch model that let you adjust them to different heights to make room for tall items.

Some of our models come with other handy features like a door alarm that sounds when the door is opened and a reversible front door that allows you to select which side you want to open and a Quiet Mark logo that indicates that it has been tested for the levels of noise. We also have models with a BigBox drawer inside the freezer compartment that's deeper than other shelves to hold large items, as well as an EasyAccess shelf that slides out, making it easy to access things at the back.

Blomberg's VitaminCare+ technology keeps fruits and vegetables fresher for longer also, thanks to the colored LED lights that resemble the sun's natural 24-hour light cycle. With a premium electronic display that comes with the ability to control it with a finger, you can find what you're seeking.


A 50/50 fridge-freezer comes with separate doors for its freezer and refrigerator compartments. This allows you to be more flexible in the way you arrange your contents, making it easier to keep food fresh. The doors can also be adjustable, which means you can choose your fridge to fit in with the design of your kitchen.

Our selection of freezers 50/50 comes with many other useful features. If you love cooking, you'll appreciate the large salad crisper which keeps your vegetables and fruits fresher for longer. There's a bottle rack to store your chilled drinks and many models have LED lighting that illuminates everything from leftovers to frozen treats.

The freezer section of a 50/50 fridge-freezer is typically situated on the top which makes it more convenient for everyday use. This means that frequently used items are at a reachable height and less-used foods are stored in the back which is less likely to be forgotten about. However, don't fill your fridge freezer to capacity because this could hold heat and reduce energy efficiency. Keep it at 3 quarters full instead to maintain optimal cooling.

Find fridge freezers with convenient party settings for couples or a single individual who loves entertaining. They'll activate the fridge's Super Cool function to keep drinks at just the right temperature and also create extra ice cubes when you require them. There are also some that come with an alarm for parties to notify you when guests are expected to arrive.

If you're looking for a frost free fridge freezer with a large capacity, then look into this model from Blomberg. It has a generous 91-litre freezer, four shelves for the fridge and a salad crisper to store your daily fruits and vegetables. It's easy to keep track of your grocery list with the help of the digital touchscreen, and VitaminCare+ helps preserve fruits and vegetables, increasing their freshness. american fridge freezer has an elegant wine rack made of chrome wire for your favourite bottles.


Fridge Freezers are the kitchen staple that does more than just chill your food, they can also keep fresher for longer and offer useful storage options as well. Look for a fridge-freezer with the desired split. Most are 50/50 however there are also 75/25 models with a larger freezer and a smaller fridge. They are perfect for those who have lots of frozen food. You can also choose an integrated model that will fit seamlessly into the kitchen you already have.

Our selection of Fridge Freezers offers plenty of storage, including a generous capacity of 185 litres in the refrigerator compartment. You can also use shelves that can be adjusted and doors with glass balconies to store bottles and jars. There's room in the freezer to store your frozen favourites thanks to two drawers that are separate, as well as the salad crisper drawer as well as an ice cube tray. Choose a frost-free model and you'll never have to defrost, helping you cut down on the cost of energy too.

Holiday Mode is a useful setting that can improve the efficiency of your fridge freezer. It reduces energy consumption and keeps your bills low while you are away. You can also choose an appliance with cameras to see what's inside the unit without opening the door.

There's plenty of handy storage in this Hisense fridge freezer The refrigerator compartment featuring an EasyAccess shelf as well as an easy-access shelf, a VitaFresh fruit and vegetable drawer and an impressive capacity of 101 litres net. There's also an BigBox compartment for bulk bargains on cooking at the supermarket.

You can also enhance your kitchen's utility by adding a water dispenser and the ice cube tray. These models are plumbed in so you'll always have cold, filtered water to have on hand. The ice cube tray comes in handy to keep your drink mixers chilled. Some models have a rapid freeze and cool setting that allow you to swiftly chill and freeze food items so that you are ready for an emergency dinner celebration. These features can add to the cost of fridge freezers, but they are beneficial for busy family.

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