NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes -

Troubleshooting flow
1. clarify
. Skillfull question
2. duplicate the problem
3. setting expectation for the customer

# three true outcomes.....fix, address, escalate

reputation, dual purpose, On-demand service, deliberate focus(be focus before hitting enter button),
Respond with purpose(there shouldn't be fillers or such statements or copy paste stuff)

.account manager- customers view
.CRM-links-chatL2-GAOX-chat(to get a solution of a problem which we can not resolve)

(primary product)
.Doamn is just address of website.....
Domain name- DNS translate domain name into IP address.
Anatomy- 1st protocol(http/ftp), 2nd host..www....3rd 2nd level domain...TLD Top level domain, domain extension...ccTLDs(end with 2 letters, country code top level domain), gTLDs(which ends with more than 2 letters, genetic top level domain)


1.Registery- create TLD's and set them.
2.Registerar- wgo sell domain name like godaddy
3.Registrant- who register a domain name
ICANN, internet corporation for asigned names and number(govt. bodies) for domain name registere process, it take care that all rules are being followed by registery, max limit fo domain registerary is 10 years

(WHOIS is databas-

every TLd is require to share your information like email and etc.
all the information of Domain registerant available on WHOIS

.Benifits of good domain name- sets awareness(easy to remember and increase the visibility), Credibility, Protection
Easy to remember, easy to spell, should be short, industry specific
. domain shouldn't have hyphponated words, multiple words strung together, misspelled words, similarity to a trademark

{DOP(domain ownership protection)}

. protect your privacy from everyone else
privacy--full protection,
ultimate protection- privacy+ full protection+ it protect our domain for 90 days even it's expire
we can dop on cheatsheet and godaddy and help centre.

{ DOD (Domain ownership disputes)}

for all domain related issue go to the and fillup the form to get it resolve.

buy domain- go to , search for domain name and buy it if it's available

Domain registration path-

Internationalized domain- in language another than english because we can access it with english and ascie version.

{USING DOMAINS - hold,move,use,sell it}

for future plan, impulse buy, brand protection(insuring someone else will not take over their name, related to that domain if we buy all domains it will automatically)
2. MOVE -
internal or account change
#IMP. domain trasnfer is transfer domain from one registerar to another registerar

Due to secirity reason we can do domain transfer internally, we can send an article like 'transfer my domain to another godaddy acount' article no.822
domain transfer- go to godaddy acount-domain portfolio-godaddy icon-manage accounts all-
..external transfer is the domain provider is not GoDaddy that's external...domain contact information we can change after transfer the domain
(transfer my domain away from godaddy..article 3560)

Tansfer fee can also renew the domain which has normal cost is 20$
you can not transfer external domain for 60 days.....and for 10 days to internal transfer for .in

account change in 15min. for internal and for external 5 to 7 days

3. USE IT(domain)- website, email,forwarding, create it

DOMAIN FORWARDING- types- simple and formarding with masking
Simple- 301 permanent forwarding, 302 temperory
Forwarding with masking- the domain on url bar will be still same, it wroks only if target website is allowes due to security reason(masking is hiding the actual name of website)

click on godaddy icon-domain name- DNS- add forwarding- permanent- website name- keep button

using a forwarding website will only work with domian name and www.domain name, with https it will not work

4. SELL IT- after NIC


if the domain is missing it might be expired, GO to domains tab - all expired domains/all domains
(cheetsheet - keos- domain- domain expiration timeline)
COMMAND FOR GAOX - /domainstatus - domain name
. 5825

{ }

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Regards; Team

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