NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes - ----- here we can get all information of go daddy to answer customers query.

below sites are for finding answers

We can find support pin in the account management section of help centre in go daddy help section. Similarly, we have to go to the particular section in the help centre to find the solution of any query related to that particcular topic. e.g: for domain rerlated query and code go to the domain section or same for hosting , email , marketing or security related questions.

****GAOX ---- Whenever we dont get any answer from support , seniors or help articles then we can approach GAOX to get the solution for our problems.

To reach at GAOX BOT--- In our CRM on the right side corner there is an option link option , click on that then click on ChatL2 ....then click on GAOX tool.

ECM ---extended case management .its on use for the USA customers.Its tool and we can get more information about this in cheatsheet .Guide section. to open ECM go to

Troubleshooting fow:

The flow , Skillfull questioning ,duplicate ,Here what we can do , 3 true outcomes .

Troubleshooting Flow : Clarify the conceren , Duplicate the concern , Set expectations , Investigation

Steps to resolve the problem .

1. Skill full questioning

2. Duplicate the Problem --check whether we are also facing the same problem as a customer.

3. Setting expectaions for the customers --dont set very big expectations for the customer that they dont get satisfied with us .

Three true Outcomes :

Fix --- At this level we fix the issue .ere the problem is resolved.
address---Here we take some days to resolve the issue as we have addressed the customer and have listened to their concerns.
Escalate ---AT this level if we cant resolve this issue we escalate to ATS or dedicated team .

Nature of messaging : It helps to create great experience

1. Our Reputation --Company relies on guides to maintain reoutation.
2. Dual Purpose --- messaging fills the dual need of "immediacy" and "control" for customers.
3. On demand Service -- Providing service when customer is ready at any time of the day.
4. Deliberae Focus ---before hitting enter and sending message to the customer do read the proofread and dont send the wrong message to any customerwe are dealing with .
5.Respond with purpose --- Everything you send to our customer should be of value and push the conversation forward.

Account Manager is thje place where customer can see his account view .
CRM --- Here we can see the view of customer account.

Domain : It is the address of the website.

DNS ---- transfer IP address name into domain name.

Ananomy of the domain name : htttp : is called protocal , www. is called host or sub domain , godaddy

is called SLD , .com is called TLD eg: is combine called FQDN

Types of domains : TLD is called top levlel domains , GTLDs ( generic top level domain )eg: .com are called GLTD,s these are ends with more than two letters ...... .name and. Pro gltd are ban

CCTLD (country called top level domains ) : .tv any domain extemsion which end with two letter is called CCTLD or .cn for canada , .in for india ,.eu for europe.

<< Domain registeries >>

1. Registries creates TLD s.: Those who register domain are called registries .they are govt bodies . Anyone can become registery by intoducing his own TLD eg:

2. Registrars ---sells domain names extensions .they are govt bodies approved registries .eg : go dady , name cheap .

3. Registarnt : Business that register domain names are called registrants eg : we people

Registries> Registrars > Registrants

The governing bodies are called ICAAN (Internet corporation for assigned names and numbers ) . IT manages all the registered domain names data base . ICAAN set up the rules for all the domain providers so that the same domain name dont get sold to someone else .
All ip addrtess and domain are registred with ICAANS . It helps to collect human data , phone number ,mail address.

any domain can get registered for the max period of 10 years.

WHOIS : All the registered domain on any platform whether go dady or name cheap , all data is stored in WHOIS database . to find the WHOIS data about the go dady.

< Benefits of good domain names :>

1. Awareness : easy to remember,
2. Credibility :
3. Protection : Domain names are virtual reals estate. Protect your brand.

Choosing a good domain name :

Things to consider: easy to remember , easy to spell , short when possible . industry specific .

Things to avoid : Similarity to a trademark ,Hyphenated words , Multiple words strung together , Misspelled words .

{{{ Domain ownership protection (DOP) : You can change the email or phone number for your website.}}

Full ownership protection : It has all the feature of privacy and it also locks your account , they have to send an OTP to access domain.

Ulimate protection : It has everything as DOP . It protects our domain for 90 day even it expires. We can get detail about DOP in cheatsheet , help centre and go dady website.

Domain ownership disputes : We go to changeupdate for changing or gaining a domain access if they lost domain . for all domain related issues go to the and fill up the form to get it resolved .

How to buy domains : go to go -----search for the avialbale domain on buy now button .

International Domain name : ANy domain name that is writen other than english language is e.g : hindi and english words mixed in a domain name .

{( Using domains :)}

What can we do with the domain :

There are four things we can do with the domain :

Hold it , Move it , USe it , Sell it

1. Hold it : People hold domains for future plans , impulse buy , brand protection .
(here we buy simmilar domains with our brand name so that in case someone type our brand with wrong spellingthen he get directed at our website only .)

Move it: Internal transfers /Account changes (This is the article to transfer the domain , we can share this article to our customers also )

2. MOve it : external transfers :(eg : enom , hostinger , hostgator etc ) - transfering domain between two registrars like godady and enom.
if customer doesnot like the service of one registrat they opt to trnasfer their domain to othe registrar. ( 3560 article code to transfer our doamin name away from go daddy)

domains cant be transfered before the 60 days of buying the domain .

we cann not domain within 10 days of purchase.

godaddy com---domain nams---transfers

Account change : it is the process of transfering the domain from one account to another account in godady.

Domain transfer : it is the process of transfering domain from one registrar to another registrar.

It takes 5-6 days for external domain transfer.and for indisde transfer it takes 15 mins and for .uk transfer happens instantly , we just need ISP code from uk client .

we can also click in downgrade protection to check domain is ptotected or not .

3. USE IT : How can we use domainn name : Create website , email and domain forwarding .

Domain Forwarding : eg: get directed to .this is done to get the traffic whichis on other sites due to their typing error or looking for similar product they are looking for .

301 permanent forwarding : Here search engine crawlers go through the website and find out whether its permanent or not ,accordingly they show the website in google search.

302 temporary forwarding : Here search engine crawlers go through the website and find out whether its permanent or not ,accordingly they show the website in google search.

Forwarding with masking : Here we hide the actual name of the website .

We cant apply forwarding with masking for the website plus marketimng product which we sell.

click on go dady icon-----click on domain name ---click on DNS ---click on add forwarding ---clcik on permanent 301 ---type website name where we want to forward our website --clck in keep
Now that website will open which we have typed for forwarding ,while searching the name of our website. This shows the forwarding has been done.

Due to security reasins some pages dont prefer forwarding with masking

never use https:// in front of doamin name if have appied for forwarding , as this domain will not work in that case . https:// only used for websites which are hosted .

4. SELL It: if we dont want to use the doamin then sell that domain . is the website whee we can sell our domain name.

{ DOMAIN MANAGEMENT }} ---When customer is unable to see their domain their account

Steps to follow to check why the customer is unable to see their domain :

1. Expired domain : When domain is expired people cant see the domain in their account.

click on domain section ---click on all expired domain --click on kiosk --click on globe icon---click on domain expiration timeline --

We'll send multiple expiration emails to the DOMAIN ADMIN CONTACT within 30 days pre- and 30 days post-domain expiration.

If you are looking for emails and timing specific to a customer, check the CRM (History > Messages).

(cheatsheet -keos -domain --domain expiration ---timeline ) here we can find out the staus of the domain after fidnig the status code from GAOX bot .

To get the status of customer domain problem always check the status of customer domain in

( COMMAND FOR GAOX BOT -- /domainstatus.domain name ) in GAOX BOT

{DOMAIN Status Code--267 ) ---keos --clcik on domain icon on right side ---DNS Zone Audit -- Article no -5825

{{ WOW Experience : Opening , Building rapport , Discovery , Solution ,}}

BUILDING RAPPORT --1. Take ownership ,2. stay engaged, 3. maintain courteous , positive ,respectful and empathetic tone .

Always ask easy questions during starting of the conversation like -- what is the brand , model of your question

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Regards; Team

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