NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes -

Day 01

Elevator pitch

Founder - Nathan, Brian and Jeo.

Airbnb is a platform where you can book a property which is not like a hotel, but you can book it for your stay when you are out traveling.
One can easily rent out their properties.
Airbnb's mission is to provide a more comfortable and pleasant stay in any corner of the world.
Airbnb has a lot of genres which are mentioned on the airbnb websites like you can book a boat house, Caves, castles and much more. While other traveling sites just provide hotels on their websites. So airbnb is the only platform where you can rent your house for extra income.

Meet the Teams

Community Education: A team of experts when it comes to general inquiries around how Airbnb works and our policies.

Cancellations Lite: A team that handles a significant portion of our cancellations volumes, with a few exceptions.

Resolutions 1: The team helps guests and hosts in need when our community experiences an unexpected situation during a reservation.

Resolutions 2: This team of experts in mediation are looking after conflicts between guests and hosts during reservations.

Claims: This is a go-to team for any physical damages to property or theft occurring during a reservation. Claims is divided into two categories
Host Damage protection: Host damage protection, part of AirCover for Hosts, provides Hosts with $3 million in coverage in the rare event your place or belongings are damaged by a guest during an Airbnb stay.
Host Liability Insurance: Host liability insurance, a part of AirCover for Hosts, provides Hosts with $1 million in coverage in the rare event you are found legally responsible for a guest getting hurt or their belongings being damaged or stolen while they’re staying at your place. People who help you host, such as co-Hosts and cleaners, are also included so that you can feel confident hosting on Airbnb.

Safety: This team will be there for our community when their personal safety is at risk.
This comprises of cases ranging from Suicide or self harm, Privacy Violation, Violent Threats, Dangerous Aminals, Physical or Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence etc.
Payments: This team works closely with payment processors, and investigate cases where payments or payouts processed by Airbnb are missing.
The CS payments team is an escalation channel.
Handling all the concerns when the money is stuck in the form of payments or payouts.

Regulatory Response: This team consists of non-legal specialists who address any type of legality concerns from our community.

Experiences: This team looks exclusively after Experiences hosts and guests.

Collections: This team handles special cases where a guest or host may owe us money, and they will make sure we get it back.


1) This team is focused on two areas: Resolving service failures raised to the executive team
2) Resolving critical and sensitive service failures NOT raised by the Executive team.

Social Media: This front-line defense team is for any type of questions on our social media accounts.

Appeals: This team is focused on resolving issues for users who are disputing punitive enforcement actions resulting in platform suspensions and desire to be reinstated back onto the Airbnb platform.

Compliance: This team handles contacts made by users involved in narcotraffic or terrorism, and also deals with user contacts from sanctioned countries.

CS Labs: CS Labs is a multi-faceted Community Support team supporting our company goals by testing roadmap initiatives with Support Ambassadors.

Love Team: This team specializes in top level Magical support, running VIP services (White glove team) and Airbnb’s gifting program. This team is not a front-line team. This team supports Airbnb’s non-profit organization and works with Hosts who open their home during times of crisis and guests, coming from our nonprofit partners, who need urgent accommodations.

Photography: This team handles questions in relation to specific professional photography situations or photographer inquiries.

Plus: This premium support team that handles Plus hosts and reservations and specific Airbnb for Work issues.


» ACI (Account and Content Integrity): This team prevents account takeovers and removes brand risk content

» PF (Payment Fraud): This team keeps the online payment ecosystem safe, fraud-free & optimized to enable anyone, anywhere to pay and be paid with confidence.

» UKO (User Knowledge Operations): This team promotes safety and grows good in our community by determining the identity and eligibility of users, preventing incidents, and identifying and accumulating signals to inform future policies and tooling.

» ID Ops (Identity Operations): This team ensures community safety by knowing who our users are, and assessing their risks through internal and external data and tools.

» RSE (Regulatory Standards Enforcement): This team ensures all accounts adhere to regulatory and standards policies using proactive education and enforcement of Homes.

» LS Ops (Law Enforcement): This team serves and protects Airbnb, our Airbnb community, and the wider community - in accordance with applicable laws - through response and collaboration with law enforcement and timely and detailed investigation.

Day 2

Service Promise.
Getting Started: Account Setup
Booking reservation.
Getting Started: Hosting.
Getting Started: Search.
Compliance Training (Self paced work)

Service promise

Day 3

Intro Nova knowledge
Nova landing page
Nova profile
Nova Ticket Pane.
Admin notes and metadata.
Communication and contact channels,
Self paced work.

Intro to Nova knowledge

Nova ticketing tool

Bello is airbnb logo (Airbnb logo)
Inbox (Envelope Icon) open and pending cases.
Reminders (Watch sign)
For us agents - Airwave chat (Chat for ambassadors) (Message icon)
Feedback tool for ambassadors (Pen writing)
Search for ambassadors - User profile, case number, phone number, email address (Magnify icon)
Quick links - Create a case, Open Nova tickets, Noka knowledge, Your schedule, Airbnb love, Help center, Orca party.(Bookmark icon)
Notification and updates (Bell icon)
Settings (Gear icon) Browser notification, Languages, Environment- Nova(Live cases) and nova training(Dummy cases) ,
Profile picture (picture icon) AUX change (iframe)

Training environment on Nova cases.

Search for ambassadors - User profile, case number, phone number, email address (Magnify icon)
Overview, Support, Hosting, Travelling, Payments & credits, communications.


Assima is E learning bot
Overview - Joined date, reservation as guest, Review as guest, Active tickets and cases.
User flag
Verification details
Location and currency
Quick links
Activity logs

Support: Tickets and cases, Create new tickets, admin flags, Airlocks.
admin flags - when we open a profile accidentally then we can add a admin flat with suitable options available

Hosting - Home reservations, home listings, Experience reservations, experience listings, performance, Roles.
Home reservations - Property reservations.
Experience reservations - Activities and events.
Roles - For the host

Traveling - Host traveling history
Home reservations, Experience reservations, Performance.
Performance - Rating.

Payments and credits
Payments, Travel credit, Booking credits, Rebooking credits, Credits, Gift cards, Coupons, Referrals.

Communication - Emails, Home host threads, Experience host threads, Guest threads.

ATO - account take over.



Nova case pane.
Admin notes and meta data.
Communication and contact channels.
Reservation Page.
Contact reasons.
Product bugs.
Self paced work.

Reservation Page :

Price breakdown


Overview sections/Booking ID Number / Reservation status/ Booking type/ Credits.
Below that further details are mentioned about the booking like nights, Guests, check in, check out, listing, if it is canceled then it is also mentioned here, Credited date and time, pending began at, host responded at, cancellation policy-super strict 30, Guest and host profile(primary host or co host)

Cancel reservations (we can cancel the reservation if the user ask us to do )
Manage calendar, Message thread

People - If the host has a co-host and additional guest.

Linked ticket section - All the tickets are there whether it is pending, active(open), or closed.

Notes - We are not working on this anymore.

Alteration - To change the dates, guests and nights.

Price breakdown

Guest section - Guest charges (Night rate+ Service fee + VAT +Taxes = Total)
Host section - Host earning (Night rate+ service fee after deduction = Total )

Payments for guest options that we got

ID, Status, type, method, attempts, created date, charged date, amounts

Payout for host options that we got

Payout ID, Payout type, Method, release at, reconciled at, amount, total earning.

Host transactions, Host payout methods, guest transactions, guest payout preferences

Resolution center is a payment tool which is used for payment.

Reviews- reviews from guest and host.

Snapshots - When amenities are mentioned but guests did not get the amenities. So at the time of booking all the amenities and booking details are snapshots so that if the host denies the amenities we have the snapshot as proof that amenities are mentioned before.


Contact Reasons.
Product bugs.
Self paced work.

If the cx wants to pay it in from a different card and on another time then cx has Scheduled future payments.

Coupons are not refunded whereas credits are refundable.

Escalations - Transfers in nova cases.

Contact Reasons - It is mentioned below the name (Reason why user is contacting us)

Report a bug - Options come under solution.

Aircover for guest -
Aircover for host -


Community Education


Performance excellence - matrix
Community first.
Touchpoint: Who we are.
Reservation status.
Price breakdown.

How is the Net promoter score (NPS) calculated ?
NPS = % Promoters – % Detractors

Promoters: This includes users who rate a 9 or 10 and are happy with Airbnb’s services. They are extremely likely to recommend Airbnb to people in their social or professional circles.
Passives: This includes users who rate a 7 or 8 and have an average experience with Airbnb. They have a neutral stance. Therefore, neither would they spread negative word-of-mouth nor promote our brand.
Detractors: This includes users who rate a 6 and below and will most likely not recommend Airbnb to their family and friends.
How is the Love score (LS) calculated ?
Sum of all responses/Number of surveys answered

How is Solved per day (SPD) calculated ?
8 hours x (Tickets Solved + Tickets Closed)/Productive Logged Time

ACW - After call work.

How is the Ticket handling time (THT) calculated /
Total time spent against all tickets in a period/Number of tickets opened within that period

We have NOVA TRANSLATION TOOL for translation.

How is the service promise calculated ?
(Number of questions marked "Yes" + Number of bonus questions)/Number of applicable questions.

Host Our Community
Take Good Care
Make Service Magical
Help Everyone Belong

Community first: Take over cases or not.

Reservation status - there are 15 types of reservation status.

New - this status shows when a guest has finished with payment but closes the window before the reservation confirmation, it is not visible on the guest screen but we can see that on the status drop down menu.
Pending verification - This is the time between guests having paid the amount and airbnb waiting to receive the payment for a few seconds or an hour can be a pending verification status.
Awaiting payment - If the payment is failed by the guest and the guest has 24 hours to try the payment again. So the 24 hours time is awaiting payment.
Accepted - This status indicates that the request has been accepted by the host.
Checkpoint - This is an internal status in which a guest has to verify themself before booking. The guest has 12 hours to verify themself .
Canceled by admin - This is an internal only status in which reservation is canceled by the admins due to some reasons.
Canceled by the host -This status indicates that the reservation is canceled by the host. Host have to pay the penalties
Canceled by Guest- This status indicates that the reservation is canceled by the guest.
Denied - This status indicates that the booking is declined by the host.
Failed verification - When the payment is failed
Pending - This status indicates that the host is not accepted or declined the booking.
Pending guest - This status indicates only for third party reservations. When a guest is not able to complete the reservation details in 14 days.
Request retracted - This status indicates that the guest has withdrawn the reservation request.
Request retracted(checkpoint) Or canceled by admin star - Canceled by amin due to account take over.
No longer possible - This status indicates that the reservation request is not being accepted or declined by the host within 24 hours. And those dates are blocked until host contact or unblock those dates.

Service Charge

Nightly rates
Service fee
Local taxes
Extra charges
Currency and exchange rates
Discounts and promotions

Guest service charge - 14-16%
Host service fee - 3%

Discounts -

Non - refundable option - Guest gets 10% discount with strict cancellation policy.
Longer stay discount - Weekly, monthly offer.
Early bird discount 1-36 months before arrival.
New listing promotion - New host- First 3 guests get the discount.
Special offers - Guests get 24 hours to accept the offer.

Tax -
Local tax
Service fee
JCT (japan tax)

Performance Excellence

Describes the core metrics that will be used to evaluate your performance. It also demonstrates some of the best practices that you can follow to improve your performance.

There are five different metrics to evaluate your performance with a focus on three key performance areas.

Performance Areas
User Satisfaction

Evaluation Metrics
Net Promoter Score (NPS)- to determine the users' experience, satisfaction, and brand loyalty based on their interaction with the Support Ambassadors.
The NPS survey is sent 24 hours after a ticket is closed unless the user has received a survey in the past 60 days. The survey expires after 30 days.

Calculate NPS
NPS= % Promoters – % Detractors

Promotor- 9- 10
Passive- 7- 8
Detractor- 6 and below

Improve NPS
Keep your promises
Increase Outbound Call Rate
Add the personal touch to the Macros
Go an extra mile but not too much

Thank you! It has been my pleasure to solve the issue for you. You can simply reply to my email, and I'll ensure to relay it to my manager.

Love Score (LS)- measures your behavior and empowers you to provide exceptional service and be recognized for it.

The main drivers of LS are:
Ensuring the users feel supported
Following through to resolve the issue

The LS survey consists of a single question that measures the possibility of users requesting your assistance again for any issue in the future.
For Airbnb users, we ask the following question:
"If you had to contact Airbnb again to help resolve a matter, would you want [Support Ambassador name] to assist you?"

LS= Sum of all responses/Number of surveys answered

Provide best support
Be positive
Provide alternatives
Add the personal touch to the Macros
Pay attention to the details

Solves Per Day (SPD)- evaluates your efficiency by determining how many tickets you have solved by the end of the day. The more tickets you solve within the standard working hours and the more users you help, the higher will be yourSPD.

SPD= 8 x (Tickets Solved + Tickets Closed)/Productive Logged Time

Reduce After work call
Focus on efficiency
Pull up ticket

Ticket Handling Time (THT)- It measures the average time you spend on processing each ticket before closing it.

THT= Total time spent against all tickets in a period/Number of tickets opened within that period

Solve oldest ticket first
Prioritize urgent tickets
Merge tickets when needed as per the procedure
Don't use Google Translate
Don't be afraid to close the ticket

Service Promise (SP)- To ensure we're providing our community with a consistently high standard of service, we have built a set of promises and associated behaviors that hold everyone in our team and network accountable – our Service Promise.
Host our community
Take good care
Make service magical
Help every belong

SP- (Number of questions marked "Yes" + Number of bonus questions)/Number of applicable questions

Be creative, but respect the workflow.
Stick to the procedures and try to avoid exceptions as much as possible.
Send Help Center
(opens in a new tab)
links, for further references, when you need to educate the users.
Remember that compliance and professionalism are the most important workflows and behaviors.

Respect the business needs (admin notes, contact reason, flags, no survey tag).
Keep developing your soft skills by practicing them in every interaction. Listen carefully and pay attention to what the user is sharing with you and show empathy for their situation and feelings.
Before taking any action, acknowledge the user’s situation and double-check if you understood the issue properly by paraphrasing.
Do not give information if you are not 100% sure that is the correct one. Better call back and ask clarifying questions if you need more details.

Avoid using the Hold button for more than 2 minutes. Try to talk to the user while you are searching as dead air is as bad as a long hold.

Community First-

This policy puts the user’s needs first and help clarify when it's appropriate to take over a case vs. when to leave it with the existing Support Ambassador.

(For Nova tickets only) If you receive a ticket that was converted from a Case in Atrium, do not reassign it to the previous Ambassador—take over the ticket and resolve accordingly

(Duplicate case and ticket) If you receive a case that also has an open ticket, determine if the original Ambassador is working on the ticket
If they're actively working on it:

Don't take over the ticket
Message the original Ambassador and inform them that the user has contacted
Add detailed notes
If the person is on the phone, inform them that they'll be contacted soon
If they're not actively working on it:

Take over the ticket and solve it as a duplicate
Assist the person through the open case

(For Nova tickets only) If you come across an active Case in Atrium that has the same issue and user as the ticket you're handling, proceed with working on the ticket as usual. The Ambassador working on the Case will mark it as a duplicate and close it.

Step 1: Determine if you should take over the case

Reservation Status

Reservation Page, Inbox, Today, Calendar

Guests can check reservation- Trips Page, Message/ Inbox

To check in Trips Page
Click the drop- down menu on their Airbnb homepage
Click on trips option

To check in Message/ Inbox
Click the drop- down menu on their Airbnb homepage
Click Messages in homepage or Inbox in app

Admin- Profile Page, Reservation page

Profile Page
Open the Host/ Guest’s profile page
On Profile page
For hosts, open the Hosting tab
For guests, open the traveling tab
Find the reservation in question

Reservation Page
Enter the reservation code in the search box
View the status in the overview tab

Reservation Types- 15 types of Reservation Status

1. New- A guest has requested to book but has not completed the request by filling in their payment details. Also, reservation appears as NEw even if the guest completes all payment details and submits the request, but closes the page before receiving the confirmation. It's an internal- only status not seen by the guest. Admins can check for any new reservation by clicking the Status drop down menu and filtering by New or All + New.

2. Pending Verification- Indicates a quick verification between the Airbnb platform and the payment processor of the payment method the guest used during the booking process. All the payment method details need to match the payment processor has on file and the payment method should be authorized for the online payments. It remains in this status for a few seconds with no more than an hour.

3. Failed Verification- If there was an issue with the details the guest submitted or there is blockage with the payment processor. The guest needs to contact the bank or use a different payment method.

4. Internal Status/ Reservation in checkpoint status- The Guest needs to complete ID verification before reservation gets confirmed within a 12 hours time period. The Guest would see reservation pending and an option to Add verification in red. The Guest gets full authorization on their payment method.

5. Awaiting Payment- Reservation payment has failed and the guest needs to complete a new successful payment within 24 hours. If a guest fails to complete the payment, it will move to Request Retracted. No penalties are applied.

6. Pending- This status indicates that the reservation request is yet to be denied or accepted by the host. Host has 24 hours to respond.

7. Denied- The reservation request has been declined by the host. The host needs to provide the reason for declining the request. The guest is not charged.

8. No Longer Possible- Reservation has not been responded by the host within 24 hours. Guest payment methods are not charged. Dates will be blocked in the calendar.

9. Request Retracted- Guest has withdrawn the reservation request. Can be retracted only if the reservation is in Pending or Awaiting Payment Status.

10. Accepted- Trip request has been accepted by the host.

11. Canceled by the Guest- An accepted reservation has been canceled by the guest and the host's cancellation policy applies for the refund.

12. Canceled by the host- Accepted reservation is canceled by the host.
Host cancelation penalties
Cancellation fee
Unavailable/ blocked calendar
Public review
Account suspension and deactivation
Loss of Superhost status

13. Canceled by Admin- Canceled by admin

14. Canceled by Admin Star- When account is taken over

15. Pending Guest- Third party reservation and the guest has not filled in the details. The guest has 14 days.

Price Breakdown

Pricing Components
Nightly Rates
Service fee- to help run the business smoothly and cover cost of product and services.
2 structures
Spilt fee :
Host fee- 3% and varies depending on the different types of hosts
Guest fee- 14.2% of the book sub total.
Host only fee- entire service fee is deducted from the host payout. It is 14%- 16% of the booking sub total and varies for different types of hosts
Local taxes- Refunded depending on the situation
GST, VAT and service tax is deducted from the host’s payout
GST, VAT, JCT (Japan Consumption Tax) is charged from the guest
Occupancy tax- room tax, use tax, hotel tax, transient occupancy tax
Extra charges- Additional costs
Cleaning fee- fee for getting the place ready for guests to arrive and after they leave
Pet fee- fee for cleaning after hosting pets
Extra guest fee- it is applied per extra guest and per night
Weekend price- Friday and Saturday
Discounts & Promotions-
Non refundable option- Guest gets 10% discount with strict cancellation policy
Longer stay discount- Weekly discount, monthly discount
Early- bird discounts- 1- 36 months before arrival
New listing promotion- New host. First 3 guests get the discount
Special offers- Guests get 24 hours to accept the offer
Currency & Exchange Rates-
Depending on the payment method, some currencies may not be available
The bank or credit card may apply currency conversion fee

View price breakdown
Host- Airbnb account- Hosting dashboard- Reservation tab- Select reservation
Guest- Airbnb account- Payments & Payouts- Manage payment- desired trip- open receipt
Admin- Reservation page- Payouts


Explain how payment works.
Identify the different payment methods and ways to manage them.
Explain the authorization process for specific payment methods.
Recognize the use of coupons and credits.
Explain the payment plan feature.
Identify the different payment errors and ways to mitigate them.

Payment overview.

Guest submits the reservation request.
Host accepts the request.
Guests receive the notification for acceptance.
Amount charged to the guest.
Reservation confirmed once fund received.
Airbnb releases payout in 24 hours to hosts after the guest checks in.

Payment history for Guest
Account > Payments & payout options > Manage payments.

Trip pages for guests.
Open traveling profile > Trips(from drop down menu)

Setting up payment methods.

Airbnb only accepts Debit cards and digital wallets like apple pay, google pay, paypal, Klarna.

Debit card - VISA, JCB(japan credit bureau), Master card, Debit card that can be processed as credit card, American Express.
Apple pay - It is not available for long term stay, security deposit claims, Resolution center agreements.
Klarna - Pay monthly where interest may apply, Pay in 4 payments without interest free

How to add a payment method
Navigate to Payment and payouts > Add payment method > add credit card or debit card details.

How to set default payment methods.
In front of the credit card and debit card there is a drop down menu.

How to change a payment method.
Navigate to TRIPS > Scheduled payments > Update the payment details.
(Only guest can change the payment method from airbnb account)

Holding authorization
Refers to temporary hold of an amount either to verify the validity of the card.

0$ Authorization
Full Authorization - reserve for mostly 30 days or 7 days.

As an CE Ambassador, we can only issue coupons worth 25 USD only:
When the issue is not resolved correctly and completely.
The product didn’t work as expected, suspected or confirmed bug.
The user has been waiting for too long on the phone line.

What is pay less upfront payment plans.
Not able in india, brazil, China
It is a partial payment and pays the second amount later.
Can be split in - 20/80, 50/50, 60/40, 70/30
Can pay with any accepted methods even with airbnb credits
Total value must be more than 50$
Booking must be after 14 days.
The reservation should not be more than 28 nights
Guests will get 3 days prior email before the charge.
If guests cancel in between then refund will be processed to the source.

Business travelers are not eligible for the payment plan.

What information is available in the checkout page.
Listing details.
Trip details.
Price details.
Policy details.

DAY - 7


Touchpoints: Payment and payouts
Finding reservations details.
Special host profile
Manage listing: Introductions.
Manage Listing: Advanced
Responsible Hosting

Explain the payout process.
Identify how to manage different payouts methods.
Identify the different considerations that impact payouts.
Recognize the different situations when payout is frozen.
Describe how to perform missing payouts investigation.

How does the payout process work ?

Guest submits the reservation request
Host accepts the reservation automatically or manually.
Guests received a notification that.
The total amount to the reservation is charged to the guest
Reservation is confirmed once the funds are received.
Airbnb usually releases the payouts to the host 24 hours after the guest checks in.

Where can host find their payout information
Transaction history > Hosting profile
Overview > Quick links > Transaction history.

A host can download a CSV(spreadsheets) file for any booking.
A host can see upcoming payouts.
A host can see the gross income(GDPR).

Minimum amount

Where can hosts find their payout information ?
Transaction history

Nova reservation page
Payouts > Host transactions.

Setting up payout methods

Where can we see payout options as a host?

Profile icon > Account > Payments & payouts.

Where can we see payout options as an ambassador?
Payments and credits > Payout preferences.

What are the types of payouts methods?
Bank transfer, International transfer, Paypal, western union, Payoneer debit cards.

Bank transfer
General information - Host add their bank details directly
Verification time - Up to 10 business days depending on the country
Processing time - Up to 7 business days.

International transfer.
General information - Host can add their International bank account number (IBAN)
Verification - up to 2 business days
Processing time - 3-7 days.

General information - active paypal account is mandatory
Verification time - up to 2 business days
Processing time - Within 1 business day

Western union (60$ dollar minimum payout).
General information - official ID is required to add western union.
Verification time - 2 business day
Processing time - 1 business day

Payoneer debit cards.
General information - Oficial ID
Verification time - Generally 2 business days for approval, 4-15 days until host get physical card.
Processing time- 1-3 hours

How to calculate Payouts.
Payouts = (night charges+optional extra charges)- host service fee

Factors that impact the payouts
Calendar pricing
Routing rules or minimum payout amounts
Length of stay discounts
Long term reservations.
Currency exchange.
Additional charges.

Payout Freeze(Reservation page)

Admin freeze - When guest report and issue, so ambassador freeze the payout
Payment collection issue - Guest payment was unsuccessful and pending
Line item altered - Host updates the routing rules.
Upcoming payout transactions changed - Host update the payout method for an upcoming transactions
Existing freeze - when reason is not defined
PRO freeze - Payment risk operations in suspected fraudulent reservation
Trust freeze - ATO
Tax levy - Applied when there is a tax levy or garnishment on the host payout

When to escalate the tickets on missing payouts?

Resolution 1 team - If Payout is marked as completed in transaction history and the user has not received funds after processing times have passed.
Payments risk operation team - If payout is frozen: Trust and safety chargeback queue (TNS CBQ) , TNS payout recall
Regulatory response team - if payout is frozen due to tax levy.
Trust team - if payout is frozen - TNS ghosting, TNS ATO queue,TNS fraud, TNS freeze.

Some of the most common topics related to reservations are:
Price breakdown
Alteration or cancellation
Payments and payouts
Extra charges (pet fee, security deposit, etc.)
Local taxes
Additional Host Contract
Service fee
Resolution Center

DAY - 8

There are 2 kind of host

Individual host

Professional host.

What can a co host do or responsibilities?

List host space - they can create listings for hosts. They can write titles and descriptions, take photos and upload and determine the optimal price.
Update calendar and pricing -
Manage reservations - Can approve and reject the reservation request.
Message with guests. - Communicate with guests to know guests, answer questions, and can coordinate their arrival and departure.
Get the space guest ready
Welcome guests in person.
Help guest during their stay
Write reviews
Maintenance and housekeeping
Get support from airbnb - Co host cannot get the specific information about the payouts or the transaction history from airbnb support.
Send resolution center request
View the transaction history
Notes: Host can add up to 10 co-hosts for a listing.

What a co-host cannot do

Access/Change the airbnb host’s payout information.
Access the host’s taxpayer information
View the hosts travel itinerary as a guest.
Review messages prior to being added to the account.
Open or respond to damage or insurance related claims.


Manage more than 6+ Listings.
One or more listings are managed by an airbnb host management company partner.
One or more listings are traditional hospitality listings.
One or more listing are connected through property management software(API)

What are the benefits of professional hosting tools?

Makes it easier to navigate and organize.
Helps share responsibilities with colleagues
Allows hosts to implement more sophisticated rate and availability strategies.
Help connect with third party software
Helps advertise the business

Types of professional hosting tools.

Listing page
Multi calendar
Occupancy tax
Pro marketing page
Rules sets
Standard fees.


Superhost is someone who provides exceptional guest experiences for airbnb users. One can easily identify them with the BADGE.

How to become SUPERHOST.

Be a primary owner of the listing.
Complete hosting at least 10 trips at their listing or 3 reservations that total minimum 10 nights.
Maintain a 90%response rate or higher.
Maintain a 1 or less than that cancellation per 100 reservations.
Maintain a 4.8 overall rating over the past 365 days.

Assessments for superhost
1 january, 1 april, 1 july, 1 october.

What are the benefits of being a superhost?

Improve the visibility of listing
Building trust with guest
Increase income
Gain access to exclusive rewards.(every year $100 airbnb coupons and for refers get extra 20%)

Probable reasons for not able to find a listing
Publishing delay - There’s usually a 24 hours delay b/w the time a host publishes the listing and when it shows up.
Generic search criteria - Broad search with no dates can generate thousands of results, or not visible high on the list
Hidden listings - if the listing is low average reviews less than 4.5 stars reflects negatively on the guest experience therefore hidden

Tips to find a listing.

Host must logout from their airbnb account. They won't be able to find their own listing if they are logged in.
Apply filter like if host allows pets then try filter with allow pets

Editing listing - Host and admin permissions


Editing a listing

Updating listing descriptions

Setting amenities

Updating pricing strategy

Changing address without reservations

Changing address with reservations

Deleting photos

Recovering deleted professional photos


SMART PRICING - when the price automatically updates, and hosts just have to set a minimum and maximum price limit. The price fluctuates based on the demand

Top factors that influence demand are:
Weekly trends - Like on weekends
Seasonal shifts. -Season time
Special days or events - if any events is their nearby the property

Smart price and weekly pricing cannot work together

How to set up smart pricing
Drop down menu > Listing > Pricing > smart pricing.
How can you add the advanced setting to a listing ?
Open nova listing page < manage this listing(on the top right corner) < use the left menu on the listing page to update the listing details.

Cancellation policies: Options.

A host can determine and apply any of the following cancellation policies to their listing as per their requirement.

Flexible policy
Moderate policy
Firm policy
Strict policy
Long-term policy
Super strict 30 policy
Super strict 60 policy

MYS - Manage your space

DAY - 9

Call handling

Inbound call (IBC)

Receive the call
Greet and authenticate the user
Identify and investigate the user issue.
Escalate, resolve or set expectations
Wrap up the call and ticket administration.

Outbound calls(OBC)

Make the call
Greet and authenticate the user
Discuss the previously investigated issue with the user.
Escalate, resolve or set expectations
Wrap up the call and ticket administration

Anatomy of a call

Start the call
Define the issue
Present a solution.
Wrap up the call


We do authentication for both IBC and OBC

Why is user authentication important?

Prevent unauthorized users or bad actors from gaming access.
Create a safe and secure
Maintain users confidence

DIY - do it yourself.

How to check if a user is pre authenticated
Authenticated tag is there.

User authentication for IBC( Inbound calls)

Pin authentication - a 4 digit pin sent to a user registered phone number and if the user is not registered phone number then there is a different workflow for that.
General caller/new user - user has more than one authentication options and PII
POCs (Point of contact) - If the caller number is listed on the owner’s profile, we must authenticate the first and last name of the caller, email, date of birth, or payout or payment method, and the last 4 digits of account number or paypal email address.

For OBC authentication : (

Situation where authentication is not required.

If the user is reported an urgent or a sensitive issue on the call.
Non user
Self authentication
Queries on confidential information.

DAY - 10


A Guest can ask for refund if guest is not satisfied with host’s listing, services, cancels their trips to any unforeseen or extenuating circumstances.

How does the refund process work ?

Cancellations - can be canceled by host, admin or guest
Trip related issues - the guest raises a refund request to the host from the resolution center, the host can accept and decline the request or counter the refund amount.
If accepted, the refund is processed and adjusted from the host’s next payout, if declined, guest can raise a ticket with airbnb
Guests have up to 60 days after their reservation’s checkout date to submit a resolution center request.


Before or after the trip - we must encourage the guest to discuss any refund amounts with their host through their airbnb message thread before submitting a request in the resolution center. Once the request is submitted through the resolution center,the host will have 72 hours to act on the request, beyond which airbnb can be involved to find a solution.

During the trip - If the guest reaches out to us for help during the stay then we have to escalate the ticket to the Resolution team, the guest refund policy.

Refund processing time
24 hours
1 business day
up to 5 business day
Up to 15 business days
Up to 2 credit card statement
Airbnb for credit
Major credit cards, including prepaid credit and debit cards
Airbnb gift credit
weChat pay
Sofort uberweisung
Other payment methods
Hongbao credit

Apple pay

Google pay
Major credit card(brazil)


Coupons are non refundable, except if a host or admin cancels the reservation.
Guests may be entitled a full refund or one larger than the standard refund of their host’s cancellation policy- they cancel under extenuating circumstances or they cancel for a qualifying reason covered by the airbnb guest refund policy.
Hosts can access their reservation page to refund the guest or issue a refund.

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Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


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Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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