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Pokeball S

The note is here to share some thoughts about the problem about pokeballs which is a problem unsolved yet.

There are many theories of how a pokeball work, but none of these I was able to hear about, explains it in a way that doesn't argue with some parts of pokeball nature.
The link shows a comic showing one way of how a pokeball may work. In this case, Pokemon is being stored as data, but is still conscious. It's trust in his trainer makes him stay inside (or a can't leave) until his data gets corrupted and lost. Meanwhile the emergency release system fails because it gets initiated to late.
Poor Nidoran, in other circumstances could be a tasty, little snack... uh.

After some thinking, I got into a conclusion that yeah we don't know how these murderous ball shaped devices work, but if a wild Pokemon in the game can escape, a weakened pokemon has less chances to escape, that means that the Pokemon can't be just data and pure energy as we know it when it gets inside. The state the Pokemon is in when it's inside is unstable. That means that the ball rather is made to control the state to keep the Pokemon in a unknow state where the Pokemon is not just pure energy described with data but something between energy and matter. The Pokemon stays conscious in the anime 4 sure. And in the game, wild Pokemon stay conscious 4 sure. So this act shouldn't be doubt. It would be impossible if the Pokemon was just energy and data.
In this case, what will happen if the pokeball malfunction appears? The strange state should not be controlled anymore and the Pokemon should return to its original form. Breaking the pokeball should cause the same action. When the pokeball opens the device stops controlling the Pokemon "energomatter" state and the Pokemon quickly reforms without ever having any deffect or corruption.

So, yeah. The pokeball just tries to force the Pokemon to stay in a state without a form so it fits in. It doesn't change the Pokemon state permanently, and it's consciousness remains unaffected. The Pokemon can also easily break out with some will or force as the energomatter state is so unstable. That's why Wobuffet!! And some other sh... things happen.

Thanks for your attention.
Just kidding, i don't care.

Oh, but I care about your questions and opinions. If they won't be too stupid of course.

Kurczak ^v^
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