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2. Celestial bodies move in ellipses, which are not fully circular, thy are oval like. Gravity from other planets can cause other celestial bodies that have a smaller amount of gravitational pull, to come towards them. For example, if a meteor were to come past Earth, Earth has a higher gravitational pull, so it could pull the meteor into Earth. The gravitational pull of a star can also keep other planets from floating everywhere. If there was no gravity on celestial bodies, we would be floating everywhere in space.

3. A planets motion on it's axis is very important to planets like Earth because it creates day and night. It also prevents the Sun from heating up that one area too long. If planets didn't rotate, they would burn because of the Sun's UV rays.

4. Aristotle- Created the Geocentric model of the universe
Ptolemy- created concepts of retrograde motion (planets did not always follow set elliptical paths. S)
Copernicus- Created a model of the solar system
Galileo- The first person to look at space from a telescope
Kelper- created the three laws of planetary motion
Newton- Developed theories of gravity
Aristarchus- Created the Heliocentric model of the universe

5. Creates day and night & prevents the Earth from burning or being very cold and dark

6. If there was no gravity, things would be floating everywhere, Stupid.

7. Solar Flare - extremely dangerously eruptions of gas on the Sun 11 000 000*C
Solar Prominence- Extremely dangerous loops of gas that extend from the Sun
Corona- outermost part of the Sun
Chromosphere- Under the Corona, thick layer of hot low density gas
Photosphere- Cycling creates convection currents that give it a blotchy look. Part closest to us
Sun spots- Dark, cool patches of the Sun 5800*C

9. Solar wind erupts on the Sun, and spreads out in space. If this gas can reach the Earth, it will combine with other gases in our atmosphere and create lights.

10. Direction, Seasons

- All planets move in ellipses in within orbit
- Planets move at different speeds depending on their location within their orbit
- The time is takes for a planet to orbit the Sun is related to how far away it is.

12. Because it cross Neptune's path. Pluto doesn't have enough gravity to keep in orbit when it passes Neptune. One of the laws to be a planet is that it has to keep within it's orbit.

13. A comet is in an elliptical orbit. Halley's comet comes around to Earth every 76 years. The last time is was visible to us, was in 1986. It will come around again in 2061.

- All planets must contain a spherical shape
- It must clear debris from it's orbit and gave enough gravitational pull to keep within it's orbit
- It must also orbit one or more stars

15. Because theories are just explanations of what happens. This can change as new information is found.

- Created the Hubble Space telescope which takes pictures of the universe in space
- created spectroscopy, which is like an infared camera
- Measured the distance between Earth and 46 other galaxies

17. Big Bang doesn't explain the contracting of the universe

Stellar Collision- Planets were created from collision of stars
Nebular Hypothesis- Planets were created when large nebulae condensed and collected together by gravity.

19. Because it takes a long time for light to travel. So if a star burned out, we would still see the light from when it was travelling alive. It might take years until the light catches up to Earth.

20. Because when gas get's heated, it floats away. Solids stay the same

Asteroids- Leftover stuff from the solar system, found between Mars and Jupiter. Large
Meteors- Leftover stuff from the solar system, found outside the Earth. Medium.
Meteorite- Leftover stuff from the solar system, found inside the Earth's atmosphere. Small.

22. Gravity pulls gas and dust in a Nebula cloud together, the mass grows and contracts which creates a Protostar, heat fuses smaller atoms together to form larger atoms, a star begins to glow and light and heat radiate.

24. Triangle = Proceed with caution
Octagon = Look up information before using

27. Laws are constant. Tey cannot be changed. They have been proven true over and over again. They just tell you how things work. Theories are explanations of observations. They can change as new information is found.

PROTONS = Positive, Heavy, Inside the nucleus
NEUTRONS = Neutral, Heavy, Inside the nucleus
ELECTRONS = Negative, light, surround the nucleus in energy levels.

EARLY GREEKS = Thought everything was made of fire, water, air and rock
DALTON = Created the Billard Ball Model
THOMSON = Created the raisin bun model
RUTERFORD = Did the gold foil experiment, and discovered that there was a nucleus and that there were saces between atoms.
BOHR = Discovered the energy levels outside the nucleus and that they have a specific number in each energy level

30. Discovered a nucleus, and that the electrons were outside of it.

32. So people all over the world understand other scientists observations

33. He wrote down every known element and properties that he thought were important. He then sorted them into rows and columns until he found a pattern. He believed that there should be spaces in the periodic table for new substances that have yet to be discovered.

METALS = Shiny, good conductor, hard, malleable, ductile.
NON-METAL = Not shiny, malleable, or ductile & a poor conductor of heat and electricity.

38. Element of the SAME family have the SAME number of valence electrons

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