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The Importance of Risk Assessments for Lone Workers in Construction
The HSE advises that staff must be trained, monitored and supported when working alone. This is especially important for those in the construction industry.

Risk assessments should identify foreseeable events that can put lone workers at risk. However, it’s important to consider the hazards that might not be foreseeable. This is called a dynamic risk assessment.
Identifying the Hazards

It is important that lone workers are not exposed to any hazards while working alone. This is where the risk assessment process comes in. The assessment should look at all aspects of the work such as equipment, the environment, any risks that could be caused by the lone worker interacting with others in the workplace, and also accidents, incidents and near misses that have been recorded.

personal safety alarms A key part of the risk assessment is identifying potential hazards, how likely it is that they will cause harm and what the consequences would be. It is also a good idea to look at how these hazards can be reduced.

This includes establishing emergency procedures, making sure lone workers are informed of the danger areas and providing first aid kits. It is also a good idea to regularly review the risk assessment to make sure that it continues to be accurate and that any changes have been incorporated.
Identifying the Risks

For each work activity or scenario, a risk assessment must be conducted to determine how likely it is that harm will occur and what the consequences could be. This can be done through discussion with lone workers, managers, supervisors, or worker representatives and may use a range of techniques from checklists to probability matrixes.

Once risks have been identified, procedures should be put in place to prevent them. This can include implementing a Ready2Talk call system or setting a monitoring timer to ensure that a lone worker is checked in on at least once per shift. It’s also important to note that ways of working change regularly and so risk assessments should be carried out and documented often. This will allow hazards to be spotted quickly and precautions put in place before an accident occurs.
Controlling the Risks

Lone workers can be at risk of a variety of hazards. The best approach is to review these hazards with the lone worker and work together to come up with proactive measures that will reduce the risks.

For example, if an employee works in a high place and could fall, a company should put policies in place that will ensure they can be rescued. Lone workers should also be able to contact somebody if they have an urgent problem.

It is important to remember that no workplace stays the same and so it is essential to regularly appraise working environments for new hazards. This also means re-evaluating existing procedures and making changes to prevent accidents. Having regular training sessions and encouraging employees to voice their concerns about their safety will help keep the focus on this issue. When employees feel their ideas are being taken seriously they will be more willing to be involved in developing safety procedures.
Monitoring the Risks

Once the hazards and risks have been identified and control measures put in place, it’s important to monitor the risk levels. This helps to identify any issues that may arise and can help to prevent accidents or emergencies from occurring.

This is called a dynamic risk assessment and it’s an essential part of your lone worker safety policy. It’s a practice that allows employees to consciously assess their environment on the go and ensure they are protected if something unexpected happens. For example, an estate agent might activate their Ready2Talk feature when working at a property with an aggressive dog or a gas engineer will set their Monitoring Timer before entering an area with poor mobile signal.

A dynamic risk assessment should be done at the beginning of each day or when an employee begins a new task. It’s also a good idea to do it during breaks so that any potential issues can be addressed promptly.
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