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Your Family Will Thank You For Having This Wall Electric Fireplace
Wall Mount Electric Fireplaces

Elegant wall-mounted electric fireplaces can be hung directly on the wall or recessed for a custom fitted look. The owner's manual for each model outlines specifics about framing, wiring, and fixing the unit.

Select between models that are hardwired and require a direct connection to the electrical grid to maximize the heat output, or plug-in models that are less efficient in heating. Take precise measurements before purchasing to ensure a seamless, easy installation.

Streamlined Wall Mounted Electric Fireplace Insert

A wall mounted electric fireplace will give your home an elegant appearance without the mess or cost of a gas or chimney line. It's also a great solution for apartment living or if you are planning to move to a different house in the near future. These models are flush against the wall and simple to set up. These units come in a wide range of designs, from frames that match the wall color to narrow, elongated units that can be placed under flat screen televisions.

Some models are designed to be completely recessed into the wall, while others are made for a preexisting fireplace opening. Some models, such as the Electraflame BurnBrite 88001 Dual-Use Electric Fireplace, have a heat option that can be turned off to provide a year-round ambience. The fireplace also comes with customizable media options, such as driftwood logs and crystals, the choice of two colors for the flame and a timer set between 30 minutes and 8 hours. The unit also comes with a six-setting programmable remote that lets you alter the appearance of the flames and the brightness.

Other models, like the Litedeer Homes LiteStar Smart electric fireplace insert, can be inserted into an existing or a new opening, and then either hardwired or plugged in to operate. It comes with the trim kit to cover the gaps between the walls and inserts and allows you to achieve a a sleek finish in your room. It is CSA-certified for safety and has convenient features like cool-touch glass that is warm to the touch, so pets and children can't burn their hands.

ClassicFlame's electric fire places that are sleek feature realistic-looking, hard to tell fake flames. They have advanced flame effects such as the 3D Flame Effect and the Spectrafire Plus that allow you to adjust the brightness, color, and lighting settings. Some models come with media packages like logs and ember beds to increase the realistic look. These models are perfect for a family or den room, and some allow you to turn on the flames year-round without heating the room.

Electric Fireplace Wall Mount Thin LED Electatic

This electric wall fireplace comes with a mesmerizing LED color-changing flame effect with or without heat. is compatible with many different home style of decor. It comes with a remote control so you can use it from any place in the home. It is also able to shut off after a predetermined duration of time.

Some models of wall fireplace can be completely or partially recessed into the wall, creating more sleek appearance. They can be installed in any space and do not require venting. This makes them the perfect choice for homes that are unable to afford a fireplace. But, you must make sure that the fireplace you choose is rated for the wall you're using it on. Some wall-mounted electric fireplaces are not designed to be installed on load-bearing walls.

Another option for those seeking a contemporary style is a wall-hung model which resembles a flat screen TV. They are easy to install and do not require hardwiring. Some models come with frames that are in contrast with wall color to create an edgy, modern look. Some models have a variety of frame finishes that are suitable for any style, including sleek stainless steel, black and stunning mirrored glass.

A wall-mounted electric fireplace can be used in any room in the house, but they're especially effective in bedrooms and living rooms. They can create a cozy space for you to rest in, or create ambiance for events and parties. Some models even include an adjustable thermostat that can help you create a cozy environment.

A wall-mounted electric fireplace can be a great choice for any house, but it's crucial to take some time to think about the area in which you're planning to install it. The area you intend to install it in is measured. it will be placed and also consider the furniture that will be present in the room. Also, you should ensure that there is enough space for the fireplace to work effectively. Many of these units can be positioned underneath a TV, but you'll want to make sure that the TV isn't placed too close to the fireplace.

Duraflame Wall Mounted Electric Fireplace

You have many choices when it comes to choosing an electric wall fireplace. Some are designed to be recessed into the wall for a more streamlined look. Some are freestanding and can be positioned anywhere. But which one is the best choice for you?

Duraflame brand electric fireplaces are renowned for their quality and affordable prices. The glass-fronted stove models are particularly popular with customers. They plug directly into standard outlets which makes installation and use easy. They are also light, portable, and durable. The company sells log sets, accessories, and other rustic accessories to give a rustic feel to the unit.

The Duraflame infrared quartz stove has an impressive 3D flame effect that appears life-like, so it's perfect for those looking for an old-fashioned look with added warmth. With just a few buttons, you can adjust the realistic fire effect, including the speed and brightness of the flames. You can choose from a range of different fire effects.

This product is safe for use and is a great option for families with children. It is safe to place it in front of a couch or other upholstered furniture because the sides and top do not get hot. The unit comes with a timer that can stop it being left on for too long, thereby increasing the amount of energy you use.

This model can be operated with or without flame effect. It also comes with a variety of heat settings, so you can adjust the amount of heat to meet your requirements. In addition, the unit has a remote control and a digital display to make it easy to use.

Duraflame's infrared fireplace can provide heat to up to 1,000 square foot dependent on the temperature and how central heating functions. It can be used alone or as an additional source of heat, and it's a great option for people who are looking for an easy, yet efficient way to warm their homes.

Dimplex Sierra Wall Mounted Electric Fireplace

The Dimplex Sierra Wall Mount/Built In Linear Electric Fireplace SIL72 is a wonderful addition to your home. This linear fireplace is versatile and can be built into a wall, hung on the wall, or attached to the stand. Four interchangeable media beds allow for an array of contemporary and traditional styles as well as a variety of colors to provide customizable ambience. The powerful heater offers the ability to provide on-demand heat for areas that span up to 1,000 square feet. Moreover, the multi-function remote control allows easy operation from any part of the room.

This elegant linear fire is an amazing focal point for your home, featuring a modern design. It also features mesmerizing effects. You can select from a variety of colors of ember bed, logs and flames to create your ideal look. The flame and lights are powered by LED technology and require no maintenance. The integrated heater is powered by ceramic that is safe to provide powerful fan-forced heat for all-season comfort. The remote control lets you change the features and set a clock from any place in the home.

The fireplace is simple to set up and use. It does not require venting, and the glass is cool-touch for security around children and pets. It can be used throughout the year with or without heater. It is powered by a standard plug, making it easy to connect and take pleasure in.

The ease of installation and versatility makes this tabletop or wall-mount fireplace the ideal choice for any room. The Sierra will bring the warmth and sophistication to any room, whether you choose to create an existing wall, hang it on the wall, or connect it to an attached stand.

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