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5. Answer the following questions.

a. India is called an agricultural country because around three-fifths of India’s population depends on agriculture
for a living. Agriculture provides food for people and raw materials for industries. Our farmers produce a variety of
crops because we have favorable climate, fertile soil and adequate rainfall.

b. Food crops are those crops which provide food to people. They form the staple food of the people. Rice, wheat,
pulses, millets and maize are examples of food crops. Cash crops are crops grown to be sold in the market. They
help farmers to earn money. Sugar cane, jute, cotton and oilseeds are examples of cash crops.

c. After Independence the government has been trying to help farmers to increase agricultural production. Many
multi-purpose projects have been built to supply water for irrigation. Farmers are being educated about the
benefits of manures and organic fertilizers and how to use them. Loans are provided to them so that they can buy
modern agricultural tools and machines such as tractors. They are also provided with better quality seeds.

d. The most important metal is iron, as it is used in making utensils, bridges, buildings, machines, tools and many
other things.

e. It is important to conserve our mineral resources because they are limited in quantity. Once used, they cannot
be replaced.
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