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colonism-1.practice of acquring control over another country
2.conquering a territory
3.exploiting it economically
4.inflicting the pain
what british did to India:

1.India share of the world economy when british arrived was 23 ercent by the time british left India it was down bellow to 4 percent

2.four million people died in bengal famine of 1940

3.british destroyed handloom industry

4.15 to 29 million people died of starvation in british induced famines

lines which are said under colonism:

1.Indians are untrustworthy

2.Indians are corrupt and immortal

3.Indian sadhus are evil and kidnappers

4.India is a caste ridden society

5.british educated India

* in 1930 ,round table conference in london ,gandhi debated with sir phillip hartog ,britsih educationist . gandhi said about the topic british educated Indians

* dharmapal didnt accept colonial notions , he went to britain and colected details from british archives and cameup with a book , beautiful tree

sadhu rebellion against british:

1. it was Indias first anti british independence strugle

2. in 1770 , naga sadhus led rebellion against british and raided their factories and governament centres

3. they git support from common people and landlords from bengal

4. governer of bengal warren hastings ordered to open fire on the unarmed sanyasis , more than 100 sadhus lost thier life

*sanyasi revolt helped to raise the spirit of patriortism which is noted by bankim chandra chatterjee in his novel "anndamath" and "devichaudhurani" another bengali novel mentions that partcipation of women in the sanyasi rebellion

*william pinch in his book peasants and monks mentioned the british portrayal

*gandhi personally thanked the sadhus

colonial consciousness:

many colonised societies are yet to identify the effect of colonial rule and focus on resolving the issues in the societies based on colonial description

*greatest tragedy of colonial description is that it is not allowed the colonised to experience thier own real world, society

*the practical solution for the problems confronted by India is to decolonise the mind from the colonial concepts created through coloniality to render oursekves free from the colonial baggage and bondages

*colonial baggage left with Indans has to be destroyed to find the true potential of our knowledge and culture

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