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upanishads mentions 3 steps of education:
1.sravanam--listening to the instructions and learning from them
2.mananam--hearing of texts and words uttered by the teacher is followed
3.nididhyasanam--it is the reflection of the topic taught and assimilates the concept

3 universities in kerala:
3.kanthalloor sala--it is 1000 year old university

1. it is the intellectual capital of India
2. law, medicine, maths, accountany, agriculture, commerce, arhery, military science
3. it is 1000 BCE to 500 CE
4.students come from rajagaha, mithila, ujemi, benares
5. it was named after taksha the founder of city takshashila situated 20 miles to the west of rawalpindi in pakistan
6.three vedas were taught rigveda, yajurveda, samaveda . correct pronounciation, guiding the performance, sacrifies, grammar, astronomy, prosody, etymology
7. there were eighteen silpas
8. chanakya--the prime minister of chandragupta maurya
panini--grammarian of sanskrit
jivaka--physician in field of medicine
9. in 5th centuary CE , hunas attacked the place

1. India had first global university in nalandha in bihar , 1500 years ago in 5th centuary CE was open to al systems and schools of thought and belief
3. it is a residenial school. 10000 students and 2000 teachers saty here
4. it has 8 compounds and 10 temples. it is 14 hectares(34.5 acres)
5.students from china,tibet,mongolia,japan,persia,turkey,indonesia,korea come here.
6. it has library three buildings ratnasagara, ratnadadhi,ratnaranjaka

*the chinese pilgrim xuanzang came to India in harshavarshan period. he studied in nalandha for 5 years, he ent to visit chola country and met 300 bikshu and learned scriptures, he learned from silabhadra of nalandha

*the chinese monk fa hien first chinese traveller who visited India

the attack on nalandha:

1. in 1197, muhammad bin bhakhtiyar khilji and his army attacked bihar
2. it was burned for 3 months
3. the book "history of magadha states", the magadha was finally swept away by bakhtiyar khilji. odantapuri and nalandha situated in magadha

*1931, the round table conference, gandhi said, the beautiful tree
*1820, britsih destroyed the financial resources that supported the Indian educational system
*in 1835, thomas macauly said " a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour but english in tatse in opinions in morals and in intellect"
*in 1835, adam said 100000 schools in bengal and one school 500 boys.
*1826, thomas munro writig about schools in madras

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