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Biron, Rafael C.

Filipinos and Mental Health

Why do many Fillipinos find it difficult to seek help for mental health? A study by the World Health organization's Special Initiative for mental health estimates up to 3-6 milion Filipinos suffer from mental health problems. A few seek medical help. Stigma associated with mental health disorders is an obvious cause. These mental health disorders include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc.

first of the stigmas is self-stigma Filipinos worry about receiving unfavorable judgement and being branded as "crazy" because they seeked help from mental health experts Second, Filipinos practice toxic positivity. This refers to the idea that people should keep a cheerful outlook no matter how challenging circumstances may be while there are advantaged to being optimistic, toxic positivity rejects all difficult emotions in favor of a cheerful and often falsely - positive facade.

Furthermore, the lack of knowledge about mental health in the Philippines. prevents Filipinos from knowing what to do if they are experiencing a mental health disorder. Even if they do, expensive and out-of-reach treatment hinders them from doing so. Lastly, religious convictions. Filipinos refrain from seeking professional assistance because of their belief that all they need to do is pray and everything will be fine. Prayers and strong faith may help but sometimes it may not.

We should help raise awareness. We should do something to lessen stigmas associated with mental health issues. Mental health matters.
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Regards; Team

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