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Where Are You Going To Find Free Standing Electric Fireplace 1 Year From This Year?
Free Standing Electric Fireplaces

With a free-standing model, you won't need to cut any holes in your walls. Mounting brackets are typically included with the product, and the specifications will tell you how far apart to place them.

This CSA-certified fireplace offers four heat settings as well as a display top with plenty of space. It also comes with a cool-to-the touch exterior. It comes with an automatic shut-off and overheat protection.


When it comes to electric fireplaces, wall-mounted options are a great option for those looking to mount their unit without having to cut into the walls or frame an opening. These units include mounting brackets that permit you to put the fireplace directly on the wall like you would a picture or flat-screen TV and are able to install it yourself, although you might need assistance from a second pair of hands if your model is a bit larger. They're also great for people who rent their homes since they can be easily removed when it's time to move them and won't cause a hole on the wall.

Most models of electric fireplaces that are wall-mounted can be placed into a wall recess so that they're completely flush with the wall for an elegant appearance, or you can opt to integrate them into the recession in part to give them a bit of depth. Certain models, such as the Napoleon Allure Vertical Series come with a trim skirt to conceal the protrusion from the fireplace. You can also change the look of these units by selecting different LED and flame color settings to match your decor.

The primary drawback of a wall-mounted free standing electric fireplace is that it occupies the floor space. Also, since there is no option of putting it in the wall and therefore, they tend to extend more than a traditional freestanding model with a mantel. This is a minor drawback and should be taken into consideration when choosing the right type of fireplace for your needs.

A wall-mounted electric fire can be positioned in any room in your home. This means you can add a bit of ambience to your living space while also creating a wonderful focal point and a cozy space for your family and friends to gather together. You can also put one in the bedroom or office to create a warm and inviting atmosphere while you relax and work.


Many of these electrical fireplaces come with a mantel which looks like an open-air fireplace that burns wood. These fireplaces with electric technology are a great choice for those who wish to look like an in-built fireplace but don't want to make structural changes to their house or incur the high costs of installing one. They're also safe for kids and pets to be around as they don't release flames or fumes that would be dangerous for anyone near them.

There are electric fireplaces that have mantels with or without heating. This lets you enjoy the flame effects all year round. They usually come with a control to regulate the amount of heat generated by the firebox if you choose to use them as heaters. You can adjust this using a remote control or Alexa. Some of the top electric fireplaces have the ability to detect when you are in the room, and then turns off the firebox automatically.

There are electric fireplaces with styles that range from simple and modern to more traditional and rustic, so you're sure to find one that matches your interior design. Certain electric fireplaces are designed to be hung above a flat-screen TV. If you opt for this type of fireplace, it's best to select one that has a width close to or smaller than the television's height.

Consider a fireplace with a view-through If you are looking for a distinctive appearance. It's the only kind of electric fireplace available that allows you to see through it into a different room. This is an excellent option for dividing rooms, or if you just want your fireplace to be the main focal feature of your living space.

Electric fireplaces are available in different finishes, such as white or whiskey maple. Certain models have an optional built-in shelving unit which can be used to display decorative items such as books, vases or other decorative objects. Certain models have a timer which can be set to shut off the unit after six hours.


If you have a traditional wood burning fireplace in your home but don't use it, you can change it to an electric fireplace. There are various electric fireplace inserts which look exactly like your fireplace, and they can be plugged into the existing firebox to turn it into an electric fireplace. We tried a model that looks just like an old-fashioned log grate. It also has built-in lights that create the appearance of a flame on the walls you already have, and a heater to provide instant heat for the room. The model has an adjustable remote that allows you to adjust all settings including flame height, intensity and lighting for the ember bed.

In contrast to wall-mounted units that are wall-mounted, these freestanding electric fireplaces are portable, and don't require any permanent installation or mounting brackets. They can be moved anywhere within your home and utilized with or without a heater built-in. They also include a stand to hold flat-screen TVs, and are designed to blend with your home's decor. These are an excellent option for people who don't want to change their living spaces or don't have enough space in their homes to install a mantel or recessed unit.

They are also a good option for apartments as they can be moved as you move to another unit. Some have a more modern, less traditional appearance than a freestanding mantel style however they still add a lot of ambiance to any room. These are also more simple to utilize than wall-mounted units because you can plug them into and they will start working.

A cabinet-style electric fire is also a great option to match the colors of your home. There are also options to match your walls and flooring so you don't have to paint them. Whatever kind of fireplace you pick, make sure to pick one that is easy to use and safe for children and pets. It should be easy to clean using a damp rag.


As the name implies Freestanding electric fireplaces can be set up in any room. Some have an element of base that enhances the appearance, while others are designed to sit on top of the surface of a flat surface.

The Costway 20-inch Freestanding Electric Fireplace is one of the top selections. It features an elegant and round style, and received top marks in tests for its attractive design. is also with everything you need right out of the box with no assembly needed. In addition to the low and high temperatures, it comes with a timer that you can set using the hidden control panel or through the remote.

During our testing, the flames were very realistic and the logs had a real-fire glow. This model also stands out due to its simple operation and easy controls that include a power button, an adjustable heater, and the temperature dial. This is useful because it lets you select your preferred setting without having to fiddle with the controls on the device.

This freestanding model also has the ability to be used with no heating. We discovered that the flames could create an attractive glow even when the heater was shut off. This lets you take advantage of its warm and cozy look at any time of the year.

This model does not offer the same amount of warmth as our other models. This is because it uses convection rather than radiant heating. We could feel warmth as far as 4.5ft away despite this. The temperature settings on this device can be adjusted with the remote control, and it comes with four different flame effects that you can choose from. This unit is safe because it has an overheat protection system and its top stays cool. You can use it to display decor items. It is also CSA Group-certified and is built with a strong structure that has stood up to the pounding of our testers. This makes it a safe and affordable option for those who are seeking a freestanding electric fireplace to enhance their home.

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