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10 Things Everyone Has To Say About Electric Fireplace Wall Electric Fireplace Wall
An Electric Fireplace Wall Can Be a Great Addition to Your Home

A fireplace with an electric component is a great way to create a cozy atmosphere in your home. They are easy to install and are available in various sizes. They can also be mounted in an existing wall or incorporated into a new wall.

Before you begin the installation, you must read the manufacturer's instructions carefully. They should include specific information regarding framing, fixing the unit and wiring.


Modern homes are usually adorned with a wall-mounted electric fireplace. It is simple to install and does not require structural changes to your home. It is also simple to connect to your home's electric network. However, there are some important things to be aware of before you install an electric fireplace that is wall-mounted. First, ensure that the fire is at a minimum of 400mm from any combustible fabrics. Also, make sure that the heater - which is located on the lower part of the firebox is not in contact with any fabrics or other objects. This will prevent accidental burns.

Another thing to consider before installing a wall-mounted electric fire is the type of installation you want. Some models are made for flush mounting, while others are recessed into the wall. If you want a contemporary sleek design, the latter option is the one for you. After you have chosen the type of installation you want to use, make sure you read the manual for more specific information about framing, securing the unit, and wiring.

Once you've decided on where you'd like your fireplace be installed take a measurement of the opening of your wall and mark it with pencil. Use a spirit-level gauge to make sure that the studs are level and that there is enough space between them. Installing a recessed fire place requires the installation of an electrical outlet on the finished wall. After that, you should install a piece of fascia to cover the outlet and plug.

The next step is to create a frame for the fireplace wall. Set up the studs and the fireplace frame according to the layout markings that are located on the top and lower plates. Then, you can screw the frame to the wall. Then, place the fireplace wall in place and then place a piece of decorative glass on top to complete the look.

Before beginning the electrical work, you should connect your fireplace to the electrical outlet and test it out to ensure that everything is working properly. If it isn't working, you should consult an expert electrician to help you out.


Regardless of whether you have a freestanding or wall-mounted electric fireplace, there are some precautions you need to take. The most important thing is to ensure that your fireplace is correctly installed and not near anything flammable. Also, you should regularly inspect your electric fireplace for signs of wear and tear and schedule regular maintenance.

It is recommended to go through the installation instructions carefully for your fireplace. This will give you a better idea of how to install it. In general, you'll need to attach the screen and firebox to the wall bracket before you can use it. Depending on the model you choose, this may be a straightforward task or it could be more challenging. If you're unsure of how to do it then you can always consult a professional for help.

Also, make sure that the fireplace isn't too close to combustible objects or furniture. It should be at least four feet away from objects that could ignite, and you should also ensure that the area is free of curtains, rugs, and other items that can ignite. Install a childproof barrier in order to keep small children from touching the fireplace.

Keep your electric fireplace clear of anything that may catch fire including clothing and paper products. Keep it out of reach of pets and children. It should be hung on the wall in a place where it won't be easily tripped over.

Finally, you should not use extension cords when you are using your electrical fireplace. They can cause overheating which could be harmful to your family. Instead, use the power cord that came with your fireplace, or a high-quality extension cord that's rated for your home's wiring. You should also make use of a surge protector to safeguard your home from power surges. Examining your fireplace on a regular basis for signs of wear and tear is a great method to ensure it is safe to use. Avoid using your electric fireplace as the primary source of heat or leave it unattended.


A wall-hung electric fireplace can be a great addition to any room. It can add both visual appeal and warmth any room, and it is also a great way to conserve energy. However, it is important to choose the best model for your home, as there are many different types of electric fireplaces on the market. To ensure that you purchase the best one, consider some of the most crucial features.

The color of the surround is a crucial feature to consider when choosing an electric fireplace. It can be constructed from glass, wood, or metal, and finished in a variety shades. It is essential to select one that is in harmony with the furniture you have in the room.

A wall-mounted electric fireplace must also be able to alter the brightness. It is also important to look at the heat settings. A higher setting will give more heat, while the lower setting will give you a subtle flame.

Some models also offer the option of turning the flame off and not heat the room. This is a wonderful feature for people who have small pets or children. Cool glass is another feature to consider. It reduces the heat transfer through the glass.

Electric fireplaces can be mounted in a variety of styles. For example, some can be recessed into walls, while others are surface-mounted. This is a good choice for people who wish to stay clear of the hassle and cost of installing a traditional fireplace into their home.

A wall-mounted electric fireplace is a low-cost, easy-to-install solution for anyone seeking to create a warm ambience to their living space. They are available in various sizes and styles, and you can have ones with built-in speakers. They can be placed in the living room, or even the den.

The Scion Trinity is one of the most modern electric fireplaces. It has a unique, multi-sided design that gives it a more customized appearance than other models. Kuefler says that this model gives more options for finishing materials than recessed electric fireplaces.


A wall-mounted electric fire place can be a stunning addition to any home. However, it could be costly to put in. Consider all costs involved in this type of project. These include the cost of the fireplace, the installation, and any ongoing operating costs. It is also important to think about how the fireplace will be used within your space.

There are a variety of electric fireplaces that are wall-mounted. Some are prefabricated units that can be installed by a contractor and don't require any complicated wiring. Some are more complex and require framing into the wall. Those that are built-in into the wall may require additional demolition, drywall repair and electrical work. In general, those built-in will cost more than those that are prefabricated.

One of the best options for wall-mounted electric fireplaces is a recessed design. These units are installed into the wall and can be concealed behind flat-screen TVs. They can be used in rooms that are up to 400 square foot and have front vents that allow safe airflow. Some models come with decorative surrounds to improve the overall appearance of the fireplace.

Another option for a wall-mounted fireplace is a unit that has wide frames and a narrow elongated form. This design is perfect for a corner, over a sofa or cabinet or even under a wall-mounted TV. It comes in several frames, ranging from sleek black to modern stainless steel, and can be matched to the wall color or contrasted against it. is a plug-in device that does not require any hardwiring.

Some wall-mounted electric fireplaces have additional features, including timers and remotes. Some have adjustable flame brightness that can be set to emit a crackling noise or even simulate smoke. These extras can lead to an enormous increase in cost of the product, so be sure to add these costs to your budget when making comparisons.

Other factors can also affect the price of electric wall fireplaces. For example, the size of the unit and the quantity of heat it generates will affect the price you pay. The smaller units are priced at less than $500, while larger, more complicated units can cost as much as $2000.

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