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20 Fun Facts About On The Wall Fireplace
How to Choose the Right Height for an on the Wall Fireplace

A fireplace in the wall can create a beautiful focal feature in any living space. It can be hung either above the couch or the seating area to create a cozy and warm atmosphere for your family and guests.

Some models can be partially integrated into the wall to give it a built-in appearance. This requires a bit more work and could require some DIYers to step out of their comfort zone.


When installing a media wall, choosing the right height of an on-wall fireplace is an important decision. While the fireplace should be low enough to be easily seen from a variety of sitting positions, it must be high enough to ensure to generate enough heat to provide an inviting living space.

It is essential to consider the amount of heat the wall mounted fire produces and the distance to the floor, and any other items that could be placed over the fire. If a gas or electric fireplace is too low, the heat it emits will quickly dissipate and combustible objects are able to easily ignite. This could lead to an explosion in the home and also reduce the performance of the fireplace.

The best method to avoid this is to choose the fireplace with a low firebox opening, or a high chimney venting system. This will ensure that heat is efficiently and safely dissipated.

A second factor to consider is how the space will be used. If the room will be mostly used to relax, socialising or watching television, a taller fireplace would be a good choice. However, if it's to be used as a second source of heat then a lower fireplace will be better.

The majority of people prefer to place their fireplace at eye level while sitting in the chair approximately 40-42 inches from the floor. However, some prefer to place their fireplace beneath a TV, and this may be effective too, provided that the TV isn't too close to the heater, or it could suffer damage from the heat.

Depending on the type of fireplace, it could be beneficial to think about what sort of storage will be needed above the fire. If you have an electric fireplace, it could be useful to install an endboard or credenza above the fireplace to keep the surface clear. This can create a more spacious, streamlined appearance. It also makes the fireplace appear bigger.


A fireplace that is mounted on the wall is a great addition to a media wall. It's perfect for homeowners who want an elegant look that is more in keeping with the structure of the wall and it's easier to set up than a fireplace built-in.

To begin, pick the location of your fireplace that has plenty of room to move around the fireplace, and ensure that it's clear of any combustible objects. Take a measurement of the length of your wall to ensure that it is wide enough for the fireplace to have at least 40-42". It's also recommended to have someone assist with the installation of your fireplace, since it's a heavy thing to install.

Depending on the model of fireplace you select, the fireplace may require direct attachment to the wall studs or an existing bracket that is mounted on the wall. Refer to the owner's manual for instructions on how to install a direct-to-wall model. If you're installing a bracket-mounted unit you'll need to attach the bracket with toggle-bolt anchors as well as screws. Make sure the bracket is fastened to at least two studs, and utilize a stud locater to determine the locations at which you'll require a screw.

Once you've set the bracket, attach the fireplace onto it by using the tabs on the lower part of the fireplace and the hooks that are on the top of the bracket. Follow the directions in the owner’s manual in the event that your fireplace has an opening in the front of the glass that needs to be removed prior to installation.

If you're installing an electric built-in fireplace, you'll need put the frame of the fireplace in the designated area on your wall before it is fixed to the bracket. After you've completed this step, you can either use a drill to make holes for the mounting bracket, or sand any rough spots on the wall.

Once you've drilled the holes, you can insert rawl plugs and screw them into the mounting bracket. Some wall-mounted models have hooks or slots in the back. You can then insert the hooks from the back into the slots of the bracket for mounting.


The good news is that both electric and ethanol wall fireplaces are safe to use provided that the appropriate safety measures are in place. This includes regular inspections of the appliance to ensure it is in good working order and that no signs of wear and tear are present. Keep the fireplace away from any flammable material like furniture, carpets or even paper. If you have children, ensure that they are aware of not touching the flames and keep them at a safe distance from the fireplace at all times. You should also be sure to turn off the fireplace prior to going to bed or leaving the house.

When installing an on the wall fireplace, it is crucial to follow all the manufacturer's guidelines. It is essential to pay attention to dimensions and weight requirements and the clearance zone for heat. If you're using an appliance above the fireplace, it's recommended to make sure that the TV and the fireplace are within the appropriate heat zones. The weight of the television can put pressure on the fireplace and cause it to collapse, possibly injuring the person who is in it as well as other family members.

Electric and ethanol wall fire places can generate high levels of heat that can burn you. You should consider installing a screen that is safe to put on your fireplace if you have small children. This will prevent your children from being burned. The screen will be at a low temperature when the fireplace is lit and will not burn anyone who touches.

To avoid sparks accidentally sparking flammable items such as books and toys avoid them from the fireplace. You should also regularly clean your fireplace in order to get rid of any accumulation of ash or soot. This will decrease the chance of a fire.

One of the most common mistakes people make when installing fireplaces on walls is to not turn off the fireplace before going to bed or leaving the house. This is a major error that could lead to electrical problems or even fires.


A wall-mounted fireplace is among the most popular features that can be incorporated into a wall for media. It's usually placed beneath a flat-screen television and it is essential that the fireplace meet certain requirements for installation. The height from where it is positioned can play a role, but it is also important to consider the heat it generates. A fireplace designed to be recessed into a wall will typically blow the heat out of a vent in the front of the unit, while the fireplace mounted on a surface can blow the heat from either the top or bottom. For media walls, it is popular to mount a fireplace recessed at a height of between 40 and 42 inches above the floor. This allows you to view it from a sitting place.

It is possible to find wall-mounted electric fireplaces in a variety styles. However it is recommended to match the style with the overall style of the room. This will ensure that the entire wall is in harmony and flows well. Amantii, Dimplex and other companies offer a wide range of wall-mounted electric fire places. Both brands have a reputation for quality, and they are quick to react to customer feedback to improve their products. to consider when building a wall for media is whether the wall can be used to house a television or other electronics. Some people prefer the recessed fire place to serve as an entertainment centre, while others want an amalgamation of the wall-mounted fireplace and TV. It is easier and more efficient to select the right media wall that can accommodate both.

The biggest drawback to wall-mounted fireplaces is that it can appear more durable than freestanding electric fireplaces with mantel. While it is possible to move the appliance from one location to another, it will require reinstalling the brackets for mounting. It's also not as easy to mount a TV or other components on the wall in the event that the fireplace is in a space that is a stud.

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