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- fundamental Taoism is managing your way through everything that happens in your daily life, appreciating it, and learning from it. The natural result of this lifestyle would cause happiness
- Serenity combined with a bit of humor are important aspects to reach this goal
- You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
- This could happen to Piglet since he is constantly looking for things that make him anxious. Therefore, he is lucky to have a friend like Pooh who goes with the flow and helps him put things in perspective.
- Rabbit is a busy bee, always in a hurry and unable to slow down. Like many others in today’s society, Rabbit seems to live off a to-do list
- By doing so, he misses out on enjoying the simple things in life, like eating a bit of honey with Pooh.
- Eeyore has a gloomy mindset, is very pessimistic, and thrives on life’s miseries
- The danger of pessimism is that it will become habitual, just like the worried spiral of Piglet. On the other hand, the benefit of optimism is that it protects us from anxiety, depression and improves our mental health.
- Tigger is an authentic, fun character as he has lots of energy, is friendly and very bouncy. Yet, these characteristics can also get him into trouble.
- The message behind this story is that authenticity is important. Rabbit wants to change Tigger, but that is not necessary at all: Tigger is good as he is.
- And, last but not least, let us discuss Pooh, the embodiment of a Taoist. He masters the art of non-doing or allowing, also called Wu Wei in Taoism. He enjoys (the simple things in) life, works with, appreciates, and learns from whatever happens. P
- Pooh goes with the flow and allows the rest to follow.
- Pooh does not fight against the current, but masters the art of allowance.
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