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Each province give +1 gold income, islands separated from land where you have capital city gives +2 gold income (for example if you start in Norway and conquer provinces in Ireland or Iceland, you will get +2 gold for each province there). Overseas provinces give +4 gold income, but you need COLONIALISM to be able to reach them. Expanding costs 5g for 1 province.


You can upgrade technologies for 10g (+10g for each level). It means that upgrading national technology to 2 will cost 30g (10g for 1st and 20g for 2nd)
Every 2nd level gives a bonus.

Level 2 - Civilisation - +50% of your income, you can now upgrade farming settlements and fishing shacks
Level 4 - Religion - Allows you to create religion; other players will be able to join your religion. Each player with religion get +2 gold income, 2 morale per turn and creator of religion gets 2 bonus gold for each player that join his religion. You are now able to build temples.
Level 6 - Feudalism - +20% bonus gold from provinces, farming settlemens and fishing shacks. You can attempt to make nearby provinces your vassals.
Level 8 - Centralised Government - +20% income from trade, +5 morale per turn
Level 10 - Colonisation - Reveals new areas on the map for only players with this perk to obtain at the speed of 3 provinces per turn. Each province revealed by Colonialism gives 4g income. To get to revealed areas you have to wait 2 turns and sent there at least 5 transport ships. You cannot expand whilst colonising.

Level 2 - Trade - Allows you to propose trade to adjancent players in order to receive 25% of their base income as your own.
Level 4 - Efficient Taxing - You can select to tax your people to gain an extra 1-5g per turn from all your provinces, and reduce your morale by double the amount per turn if you pick higher than 1.
Level 6 - Investment - -25% technology cost
Level 8 - Privateering - You can steal 50% of another players' trade or colonial income by using your ships unless they destroy your pirates with their fleet.
Level 10 - Allows you to select a primary export good for your country. You must have it in order to select it(ask the GM). It gives you bonus income, but every other player who selects it reduces the income by -25%.
Fur: 100 income
Silk: 200 income
Spices: 300 income
Gold: 400 income
Gems: 500 income

Level 2 - Unlocks Archers, Spearmen and Catapults
Level 4 - Unlocks Crossbowmen and Swordsmen
Level 6 - Unlocks Light Cavalry, Trebuchets and Ballistae
Level 8 - Unlocks Galleys and Heavy Cavalry
Level 9 - Unlocks Caravels, Pikemen and Arbalesters
Level 10 - Unlocks Musketeers, Carracks, Cannons and Mortars

You can have only one building built in each province.
Farming settlement 5G- +2g income
Fishing shack 8G- +3g income (can be built only on coast)
City 10G - +500 population when built, +150 population each turn. Each city with more than 1k population gives 1 gold income
Docks 25G - Allows you for naval trade and build transport ships
Shipyard 50G - Allows you to create build war ships
Workshop 50G - Allows you to create siege weapons
Temple 5G - +2 gold income, can be built only in cities (1 temple per 1 city)


Transport Ship 10G - Can carry max 15 units
Armsmen 5G
Slinger 5G
Spearmen 10G
Archer 10G
Swordsmen 12G
Crossbowman 12G
Light Cavalry 25G
Heavy Cavalry 45G
Pikemen 35G
Arbalester 35G
Musketeer 50G
Catapult 40G
Trebuchet 75G
Ballista 75G
Cannon 100G
Mortar 100G
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Regards; Team

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