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* AnnoyingArrows: So much averted... They are silent, deadly and extremely precise. First one somehow didn't kill the target? How about another ''three'', fired in quick succession? Bows in this film make guns look really worthless.
* ArtisticLicenceHistory / HistoricalFiction: The film is based on the book "The Revenant" by Michael Punke, a fictionalised account of the story, so there are numerous liberties taken with the real history:
** The real Hugh Glass didn't have any children (that we know of).
** [[spoiler: He had forgiven Bridger for leaving him behind]].
** [[spoiler: He tracked, but never killed Fitzgerald. Depending on source, he got his personal rifle back]].
** Captain Andrew Henry not only was much older by the time the film is set. He also [[spoiler: died a decade later, retired and rich]].
** Almost all exploits of Glass on his journey back, aside from [[spoiler: feeding on a bison killed by wolves]], are completely fictionous. Also, the real one ''walked'' for 200 miles. With a broken leg.
* BuriedAlive: Hugh Glass ends up in a shallow grave, put in it while still breathing and kicking. Still need any more reasons to hate Fitzgerald? Amazingly, this saved his life, as the thin layer of dirt worked as insulation, preventing him from dying from hypothermia.
* CameBackStrong: While not exactly dead, Glass still survives his own funeral, drags out of his grave and then returns back to civilisation without any gear or supplies.
-->'''Glass''': I ain't afraid to die anymore. I've done that already.
* CaptainSmoothAndSergeantRough: The dynamics between Captain Henry and Fitzgerald follow this trope, but while Captain Henry is... [[ShapedLikeItself well, a captain]], Fitzgerald is just a grunt. And they both work for a fur trading company, not the army.
* CharacterDevelopment: Subtle one for Captain Henry. Early on, he was unable to bring himself to [[spoiler: shoot wounded Glass and instead declares a hefty prize for anyone willing to stay with him]]. Later, he manages to calm [[TranquilFury his anger]] when preparing to [[spoiler: execute Bridger for lying about Glass' fate]]. In the end however, he doesn't hesitate for even a second when facing [[spoiler: Fitzgerald and tries to shoot him]].
* ClickHello: Captain Henry enters the barracks to [[spoiler: capture Fitzgerald after learning the truth]]. He puts a barrel to the head of one of Fitzgerald friends and cocks the hammer instead of greeting him.
* ClosestThingWeGot: Captain Henry's ''father'' was a doctor. An early 19th century doctor.
* ConspicuousCG: The bison herd. Gets especially conspicuous when the wolfpack shows up.
* CruelMercy: [[spoiler: Fitzgerald to Glass. He explains he can make it quick for him, without any further pain and all Hugh needs to do is blink. After which he stands over him for over a minute, explaining that [[KickTHeDog he will finally have to blink]]]].
* {{Determinator}}: Hugh Glass, full stop
** When fighting with the bear he is clearly losing. That doesn't stop him from trying to fight back.
** After the mauling, he's unable to even speak. Yet he clinges to his life with all his will, much to the ire of the expedition members.
** When he finally recovers, he's hell-bent on going back to civilisation and get his revange, even if he can't even walk.
* DirtyCoward: Fitzgerald. For almost the entire film, he is the first one to run, turn back on everyone and just looks for his own survival and profit. Or doing something truly henious for a quick buck. [[spoiler: When he realises Glass is still alive, he almost instantly runs away from the fort]].
* DoNotGoGentle: [[spoiler: Villainous example - Fitzgerald gets shot, few of his fingers get chopped, he takes a knife in the stomach and is ''still'' fighting back, while obviously bleeding to death and without any chances to survive]].
* EndOfAnAge: The Arikara's chief perceives the arrival of white people and their hunting operations this way.
* EurekaMoment: During his chase after Fitzgerald, Glass takes a break to refill his canteen. He notices a fallen tree in the stream, stands still for a moment and then starts chopping one of the branches. [[spoiler: He uses it as a frame for Captain Henry's body, putting it on the first horse, himself hanging over the spare one pretending to be the dead body. Fitzgerald falls for the ruse and shoots Captain Henry for the second time, thinking it was Hugh]].
* EvilCounterpart: The French trappers, who somehow manage to be worse than the [[BlackAndGrayMorality amoral, greedy and racist Americans]]. After all, they are buying back furs stolen from the Americans and setting the Indians against them, all of which [[spoiler: while secretly raping the kiddnaped daughter of the chief who is their temporary ally and casually hanging random Indians]].
* {{Fingore}}: Hugh ends up [[spoiler: chopping off at least two fingers out of Fitzgerald's hand at the very beginning of their fight]].
* ForegoneConclusion: Glass will get better after the bear mauling and will drag himself back to civilisation.
* {{Foreshadowing}}: In one of his dreams, Hugh sees a dead body of a woman, with badly wounded head, bleeding profoundly and submerged under the strong current of a creek. [[spoiler: That's how Fitzgerald is left after he's killed]].
* TheHeart: Bridger is the youngest and the most idealistic of all the expedition members. He is the only one who wants to stay with Glass because that's ''the right thing to do'', not because of money or family ties. [[spoiler: He clearly toils under the heavy guilt after realising Fitzgerald's lies]]. And then there is the scene in the raided Indian village, where he [[spoiler: secretly leaves a food ration for the lone surviving woman]], without even saying a word.
* IShallTauntYou: How evil is Fitzgerald? [[spoiler: With his last, dying breath he mocks Hugh, telling him he should enjoy his revenge, because that's all he can have now and there is absolutely nothing that will bring his boy back]].
* ImmuneToBullets: The bear doesn't even flinch while being hit by the large-bore rifle at point-blank range. [[TruthInTelevision Bears are notoriously hard to bring down, doubly so with pre-modern guns]].
* LaserGuidedKarma:
** The French trappers get what they deserve in the end. [[spoiler: The Arikaras were looking for daughter of their chief all the time, fighting the Americans and working for the French. Turns out the woman was held captive by the French all the time. As a SexSlave. From the account of the sole survivor of their party the Arikaras didn't take that offense lightly]]. Bonus points for Toussaint, who was busy [[spoiler: raping Powaqa]] when Hugh stopped him. [[spoiler: Pawaqa ended up cutting his testicles, ''just as she promised'', for raping her]].
** [[spoiler: Fitzgerald's demise from both wounds inflicted by Glass and Arikaras scalping him]].
** Beckett and Weston, the two volunteers who [[spoiler: set the barge back on the river as a bait for the Arikaras. Instead of jumping off the board and joining the rest of the expedition, they've decided [[ScrewThisImOuttaHere to stay and take their chances by the river]]. Two scenes later the barge is set ablaze by Arikaras and both of them are dead]]. Exactly as Glass predicted.
* LastNameBasis: ''All'' white people call each other by their surname.
* TheLoad: After being mauled by the bear, Hugh turns into a serious problem for the rest of the expedition, as he not only requires a lot of careful care, but also needs to be carried around.
* MamaBear: Quite literally - the bear which mauled Glass was a female with two cubs. And she goes to great lengths to make sure he's no longer a threat. In fact, the first thing that alarms Glass is the sight of the cubs - he already knows in [[OhCrap how deep trouble he is now]].
* MadeOfIron:
** Hugh Glass, obviously.
** [[spoiler: Fitzgerald]] takes ungodly amount of punishment before finally dying.
* MyGodWhatHaveIDone: [[spoiler: Bridger is a wreck of man after figuring out there was no reason to leave Glass behind]].
* NoGoodDeedGoesUnpunished:
** [[spoiler: The lone Pawnee]], who helps Glass and even builds a sweat lodge for him in the middle of a blizzard, while not owing Hugh anything. He gets hanged by [[spoiler: the French trappers]].
** [[spoiler: Captain Henry is shot by Fitzgerald and ''scalped'']] after going with Glass to hunt down the killer of his son.
** Averted with Glass himself, who [[spoiler: saved Powaqa from the French trappers. This pays off in the very end, where he is spared by the Arikaras]].
* NoEscapeButDown: Completely unintentional. While being pursued by the Arikaras, [[spoiler: Glass' horse was shot and he himself didn't realise he's riding toward a cliff. Thus both he and his horse fall from the cliff. At least Glass had a tall pine to slow down his fall - the horse ended up a as meat source and a [[ItMakesSenseInContext temporary shelter]]]].
* NoNameGiven: [[spoiler: The lone Pawnee]], who plays quite a vital role, but we barely learn anything about him.
* PapaWolf:
** The chief of Arikaras goes to great lengths to find his kidnapped daughter.
** Hugh is dying. He can't even speak. And then [[spoiler: Fitzgerald kills his son]], which ultimately gives Glass enough strength to ''crawl out of his own grave''.
* PlayingPossum: Hugh tries to do that early on in his fight with the bear. That includes [[spoiler: ignoring a paw crushing his head]]. [[RealityIsUnrealistic It doesn't work really well]], as the bear was already busy mauling him.
* RapeIsASpecialKindOfEvil: Especially when you are raping [[spoiler: the missing daughter of a chief with whom you are trading and whom you are setting against your business competition]].
* RedRightHand: Fitzgerald was once captured by unspecified Indians. This left him with a very specific trophy - he was going through a scalping when he was saved. Now a sizable chunk of his skull ''lacks any skin'' on it.
* ReliablyUnreliableGuns: Amusingly, this ''saves'' Bridger's life, when [[spoiler: his rifle wasn't primed properly and Fitzgerald was unable to shoot him on the spot]].
* ScarilyCompetentTracker:
** The Arikaras are able to effortlessly track down everyone in their territory, often after a few days and a blizzard. Most notably, they've managed to find [[spoiler: Hugh after he escaped for a few miles via river, thus not leaving any tracks behind]]
** Glass himself, who [[spoiler: manages to track Fitzgerald after he used a small stream to cover his tracks]]
* ScrewTheMoneyIHaveRules: Bridger opts to stay with Glass, openly stating his honour debt and denouncing the money promised by Captain Henry. [[spoiler: He stays true to his words and never takes the money - especially after realising he left Glass behind]].
* TranslationConvention: Completely averted. All characters speak in their native languages, without any other translation than subtitles.
** The biggest example is the conversation between the leader of the French trappers, his translator and the chief of the Arikaras. Both leaders speak in their native languages.
** When Hugh speaks with his son, they both use Pawnee, even if each of them is fluent in English. This works as a great way to show how they identify themselves.
** The only English word Glass uses when talking with [[spoiler: the lone Pawnee]] is "grizzly".
* TrappedBehindEnemyLines: Almost the entire film is set in [[InjunCountry Arikaras' territory]].
* [[UngratefulBastard Ungrateful Bastards]]: Most of the expedition members, who are willing to leave Glass or outright murder him just to run faster from the Arikaras. A man who was their scout and the only person who knew the region, thus allowing them to survive till that point.
* YouCantFightFate: Fitzgerald [[spoiler: ends up fully scalped]].
* YoungFutureFamousPeople: Remember Bridger? That's ''[[ Jim Bridger]]''.
* ViewersAreGeniuses:
** [[spoiler: The lone Pawneee]] is not building just a shack to protect Hugh from the blizzard. It's a makeshaft sweat lodge to help him heal.
** The reason why Fitzgerald wants to re-enlist is never stated. Back in the day, it was a capital offense to kill a US soldier, regardless of circumstances. This way, Glass would be hanged if he followed through with his revenge.

* CompleteMonster: Fitzgerald, to an inhuman extent. A dirty coward who only cares for his own survival and his own petty profit, willing to abandon anyone if that would save his own skin. [[spoiler: He stays with Glass only because he would be handsomly rewarded for that, but soon decided to just stage his death and quickly return for his paycheck. When things get complicated, he kills Hugh's son without even blinking and on pure instinct. Then, when a few days later Bridger realises what really happend, Fitzgerald overpowers him, prepares to shoot him and pulls the trigger. If the gun were properly primed, he would also have killed Bridger. Later he runs away to re-enlist and thus gain legal immunity for his actions and revenge from Glass (there was a death penalty for killing a soldier), in the process killing ''an Army captain'' and scalps him to put the blame on the Arikaras. When finally captured and dying in Glass' hands, he uses his last breath to taunt him about how pointless the whole revenge was]]. Did we mention he's also casually and extremely racist?
* {{Squick}}: After losing his horse, Hugh removes all the intestines from the still warm body, undresses and ''hides inside'' as if it was just some kind of tent or shack.
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