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Level 2301 - 2400
This entire episode is full of real toilet clogs. 2311... REALLY???? It's weird, when the timed levels are the easiest parts of an episode. I'm still fighting licorice on 2315. It never starts a move close enough to hit a mixer (much less both mixers) before the board is over run with licorice. I get the impression that King planned this as being everyone's retirement episode...

Crush while you still can,

Finally got 2315 (licorice hell). It's all about getting a lucky board. If I could have played this on my Kindle, I would have reset the board a few million times until it cam up acceptable... not an option on the PC. If you can't get a couple hits, on a spawner (preferably both), right away... might as well quit and start a new round.

Hope this Wednesday brings less bad news.

I posted on last page earlier! It moves so fast.

Some shitty levels late on I think it was 2328 that annoyed me this week. Always the collecting the yellow candies are a pain.

Just finished this weeks batch (2316 to 2330). Probably the most annoying was 2329, and that was just because of the way I was approaching it. Collect 60 blockers, 20 licorice, and 10 chocolate. Everything is easy except the licorice that comes from dispensers in the top left and right corners. These dispensers also give you bombs. I kept trying to do it by just freeing up one of the dispensers, to avoid fighting bombs on both sides. That doesn't work. You have to free both dispensers or you'll never get enough licorice (but you will get more than enough bombs).

Stuck on 2322

I struggled a lot with 2324, just couldnt get the board open

Jesus, this week was an absolute horror show, one hateful level after the other! Its just no fun when you have 5 movement to clean out a whole bunch of jelly. It wasn´t enjoyable this week, mostly a drag, endless waiting for that lucky board. Not only the levels marked as difficult were difficult, far from it.
Hope it is not new trend.

Been stuck at 2353 for a while now. Need a very lucky board here to clear all the jelly.

I agree horrible levels.... I'm still stuck.... taking forever... not really fun at all. Onward lucky crushers who have made it through.

Those of you who don't like to use boosters, well I have got news for you. Level 2361 is an orders level where you have to clear 2 popcorn blockers, only there are none on the board nor do any appear till the very end of 50 moves!

Therefore, I had to use my own lucky candy booster to first form the 2 popcorns and then clear them!

Happy crushing.

And on 2362 you not only need a lucky candy, but a lot of luck as well!

I haven't been so lucky yet. I don't have a lot of lucky candies either.

I am in Canada playing CC on a PC through the website.
As of today the levels available only go up to 2330. We get new levels every Wednesday morning.
The above few comments refer to levels beyond 2330 - the latest quoted being 2362.
I know there are differences in the release schedules depending on the platform being used, but I wasn't aware we were behind some other areas on PC.

How to log in ? Can resume same level?

Lots of fun levels this week. The most difficult levels are all in the first half of the chapter bar one.

Yea, some fun, but some groaners too. I'm out of lives on 2339. Back to it later. Really enjoyed 2332. Best news: No timed levels!!!

Been a while since I made it through an episode the first day. This one is sure an improvement over last week. A couple really annoying levels, but nothing deadly.

My recipe now for candy crush on my iPhone (by the CC burn out that can't stop playing):

Wait a week until the mobile phone catches up.
Blast through the levels in 1-2 days using every booster available and wait for the perfect board to use them on before making the first move.
Spend the rest of the week accumulating candy drops and making more boosters using 6 or 7 reliable levels.
Play the diamond path over and over, and any other special games made available on the mobile phone to acquire even more boosters.
Get that free daily spin booster (2 jackpots in the last 5 years!!)
Keep my sanity

Sure it's not the pure approach but with about 300-400 of every booster and an irrational addiction to this silly game, why make it any harder then it is. Fun was lost about 2 thousand levels ago...

Burned out but still Crushin'

No diamond path for me here on the pc! so it's easier on a mobile then?

On level 2367 the fruit hits a dead end!
I think they deliberately put in such levels to temporarily halt the progress of players whom they themselves have provided with extra episodes.
They will fix it in the next update. They always do.

On the mobile you can restart it without losing lives or boosters if you don't like the board. And you don't lose the lives people give you, if you don't use them right away. And you don't have to wait for lives. You can just move the clock on your phone two hours forward at a time. But it's easier to collect sugardrops on pc as you get double if you complete the level.
I had around 200 of each booster on my phone, but suddenly the were all gone :-(

Any ideas my iPad Pro (2315)has not been updated to my iPhone 6 (2361) or my iPhone 7+ is at (2331).

This week is mostly easy with maybe a couple of tough levels. Not much damage done to my boosters at all. Next week will be the punishment week!

A bit unhappy with the March 1 bunch. 2357 appears to hate me personally. Finally was able to finish it by using stockpiled gold for a set of extra moves. ZOHOMAIL Game then froze and the win didn't register. Hate it when that happens. Out of lives for now.

I have been stuck for days on 2347 without coming close and no comments or hints on here (and the specific level hints stop at level 2345). Any hints anyone? This one seems impossible.

The game won't load this morning. This is the second time this has happened in a week.
Trying to contact is impossible. King care has this online form to fill out that has the reCaptcha function as the last step to validate that you aren't a bot.
The Captcha function does not work so you can't submit your issue.
King does not want to hear about issues. They just want to collect people's money. Do you know how much King makes on this game? It's in the billions per year.

Just finished the March 1 batch. 2347 is nasty. I don't believe in buying boosters or extra moves, but am a firm believer in using stuff from the sugar drop stockpile as needed. For 2347 I started with a color bomb and a stripe/wrap. Then concentrated on getting them together and building more. I was able to set off two color bomb and wrap combos that did enough damage to pop some corn and open thing up greatly. I also used three hammer to get final items. I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but that's how I did it. During the week of waiting, I'll be trying to clean things up by doing three of the level without boosters.

With the new app update they have changed the layout of 2367. Just cleared the rest of episode 159. Be ready for a timed level at 2374. I have no more levels available for now.

Well... got up this morning and started my sugar drop harvesting for the day. If I play 1476 one more time, I may go the rest of the way batshit. I don't enjoy the game anymore (not even a little). There has to be more than gathering boosters and waiting for next Wednesday. I doubt if I'll succeed, but I'm (once again) going to try to quit.

Wish me luck!

Good luck MB, but before you quit could you tell me how to pass level 2356? I'm stuck here.... guess I will have to go and get booster again. I too, hate that we have to keep going and getting the sugar pops.... so boring.... doubt I will quit though. It's the only game I play and I won't let myself get addicted to another like I am with this one. ONward crushers.

I don't know how anyone has got past 2354. I've been on it 2 days now and nowhere near.

I think 2354 is the stupidest level King ever made. Not only are the fish totally out of place in it, but when you have cleared all the meringue, you still need more! Is this a joke?

Totally agree. Twice came to short of one move. Grrrr

I think King made a mistake in this episode. 2354 should be marked as difficult, not 2355, I did the latter in a few tries, while the former cost me almost two days of gameplay.

AWWW MB I was sorry to see you go. None of my friends are anywhere near this level. I should probably quit too.... Harvesting boosters on the weekends is not really the what I should be doing. Going to get a good book and play less too. Well after I get the final one done on this episode that has even Miss Cookie a bit perplexed.... Onward Crushers I will probably see you all in the next episode cos I don't have the will power of MB.

The weird thing about 2354 is that the fish don't clear the icing or the cake which makes them utterly pointless. A frustrating level for sure. Just have to wait for it to be fixed I guess.

Mostly easy levels this week, a few difficult ones that want to eat lollipops and the timed level was done on the first attempt with plenty of time to spare.

I never thought I would be able to say this again, but I actually enjoyed this week's episode, and never even once thought of cursing the King programmers. There were only a few "lucky board" levels this time. Please, please, please carry on like this.

Not only was this weeks episode enjoyable, but I managed to get three stars on all levels:)

I agree very enjoyable and easy this week. 2371 was the hardest for me and took a few boosters - mainly a hammer and switch. The rest a piece of cake. I did use my boosters and had to collect some more for 2371 but hey it's Saturday and I'm done!!! Let's have more like this week. Onward Crushers!!!! See you Wednesday.

Well, the March 15 batch is here. Nothing too nasty up until 2383, which is where I am currently stuck. Probably wouldn't be as bad, with a color bomb or two (or three) after a lot of bombs have been released, I just haven't been able to arrange that yet. Getting the required score, and surviving until out of moves seems unlikely if trying to pick off a couple bombs at a time.

I thought it was a lot harder this week. A few hard levels that I'm glad to see the back of.

Hey MB, you say they are no hard levels up to 2383. Did you just get lucky on 2379 or just use lots of boosters because this level is far from easy. There's so many uncontrollable variables like whether you get a good start, the orientation of the stripes etc. I've had 20 goes and not come remotely close. Maybe you just got lucky.

In answer to the 2379 question, just a coconut wheel and a fish (and a pretty lucky board). Took seven tries. Turns out 2386 was the biggest headache. Got two lucky color bombs near the end (to match up with bombs)and still just barely got enough points. NOTHING seems to produce points as expected, but once in a while more points than normal show up.

Back to harvesting sugar drops for next weeks boosters. This week didn't really use that many.

Have any of you lost the sugar drops in the last few days? I harvest them while waiting for the new levels to be released but they are totally gone on both my devices! They didn't even appear on the NEW levels this week.

Didn't notice losing any or not seeing them on the new levels... I'll try to pay better attention.

I never lost any sugar drops and they still fell in new levels. Playing on pc through facebook here.

Any tips on 2388? I can't seem to get enough licorice to fall and I'm afraid if I use the lucky candy booster I'll get extra popcorn. Thanks for any tips, HG in Mass.

re 2388. The key is to get rid of the blockers below the striped candydispenser quickly. Then use the falling stripes to grow the popcorn, keep using the stripes then plenty of licorice will fall

Why did you unfriend me MB... so you are back... did you not have trouble with 2381??? Horrible level for me.
Onward Crushers.

My most recent batch of friends just vanished, I'm guessing 7 or 8. Couldn't remember full names to try to reconnect. Don't know if it was a system glitch or someone messing with my computer at work.

OK thanks MB - I sent you another friend request... Onward Crushers... I'm so stuck on level 2387 ..

Glad to see you on the trail again MB. Just finished this batch and I thought there were some fun ones at the end of this last week. A bit tricky but not too bad... some nasty ones in the middle though.... onward crushers I just made it under the wire this week.

Hi Christine, I saw that you finished, congrats! I just started the new batch, but ran out of lives on the third one. Seems like a fun level, I just got sloppy. Have to start trying to sleep once in a while.

Some fun levels this week and I'm pretty sure 2398 was the same as a level we had from a few weeks back!

Darn can't even get started cos I gotta go to work! Have fun.... onward crushers!

Finished this weeks batch yesterday afternoon. I started out trying to do it without boosters. Then, at 2400, I used two hammers. 2401 took two hammers and a fish. A check booster helped finish 2402 and two more hammers aided in getting rid of the cake on 2403. Oh well, what's done is done. Again the absence of a timed level was enjoyed!

Keep on crushin'

...more on 2402. I just tried to do it without boosters and came up one color bomb short. Again I added a check booster (really bored this morning and have over 200 of them. Almost never use a check anymore) The game started with the checked matched with two candies and it turned into a color bomb. in the process a wrap ended up next to the color bomb. I set it off. The resultant cascade went on for a loooong time clearing the board of popcorn and forming even more color bombs. I lost count of how many color bombs formed and detonated, but it was way more than needed. 1 move round!!! WEIRD!

Well good for you MB. I'm now stuck on 2403 and it looks like its impossible without hammers etc etc. Onward you lucky crushers who have made it through early.

Yea, I see you parked there on 2403. I spent a bunch of lives trying to do it without boosters today. No luck. There just are not enough moves to do it unless you can get rid of the cake fairly early. I could be wrong, but as of now, that's my take on it. Goodest luck!

[email protected]
Beautiful Banner Elk, NC

I managed to do 2403 without boosters, but it took 50+ attempts. Luckily the level is done in no time, so it wasn´t so bad. In general, the episode was fun this week and no too hard.

Well I got done... used boosters all the way to the end. Not bad with boosters. Used a fish and color bomb on the last one, which Cookie says is easy....I will try it again just to see:) I got 2404 with a checked in the end after staying there for too long...Onward Crushers see you all next Wednesday.....

Went back and got all of them EXCEPT 2403 without boosters. Haven't even gotten close on 2403 without a couple hammers.

So far I'm not a fan of the new invention ( "fish-spawners"). They are difficult to hit and are in the way.

Me neither, but at least they don't spit death and destruction. Moving up to 2401 to 2500 for future comments.

Don't know if anyone has posted this before, but here is what I discovered last night. I use an Android, when you have the lucky helmet, if you lose that level just close out candy crush with a swipe, don't hit try again or end, just restart the game and the helmet is still there. No need to go back to play easier levels to collect the helmet. Not sure if it works on iPhones but worth a shot. Now to beat this dreaded level!

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