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HOW EXACTLY TO Demonstrate Trust And Credibility RUNNING A BUSINESS And Position Yourself BEING AN Expert
In business, I must say i believe it is the perception that counts most: it's a very important factor to state that you are a specialist in your field, an authority, a specialist; however it is far more important to demonstrate and articulate this. For example, easily was to, say, visit your website; is it clear that you know your industry, sector or niche? Perception is reality. Or to become more exact, perception in the eyes of your prospect is reality.

You will continually be judged first hand on what you present you to ultimately your audience. From your own business cards, to your website, to the method that you dress, from the language you utilize. Even down to the price you charge. Your prospect will always make assumptions, and therefore that is why how you are perceived is indeed critical to your success.

So let's now explore read more to portray yourself being an expert in your industry, sector or niche.

Firstly I would urge anyone, in any industry to find yourself in the habit of writing. Or more importantly to write and discuss your take on a specific issue or challenge that your prospect faces.

We all like to deal with experts in our industry, and therefore when you can in to the habit of authoring specific reports, guides, whitepapers etc you then will be way ahead of the competition.

The emphasis here is to write in regards to a topic your prospect is interested in. Let's take a very simple example. Say you're an accountant looking to posture yourself as an expert in your field. You'll avoid dry subjects such as for example Corporation tax, VAT etc, nevertheless, you should discuss the 10 techniques your clients could decrease their goverment tax bill. Same information, only articulated in such a way that this means something to your audience.

I'd also go one step further. Stay away from a a couple of page list of guidelines, but produce material of stand-alone value i.e. light on the sales pitch, but heavy on education. I'm a huge believer in the idea of 'educating first, sell second'. In fact by educating your audience you automatically position yourself as a credible authority and thereby sell your organization. There is an automatic association with you, from the breadth and depth of knowledge provided.

So to begin with choose a topic you know would appeal to your potential client. If you are stuck for ideas look at your industry press, look at what the commentators say; visit their blogs, or websites. What themes keep approaching? Or what currently in your sector is the hot topic for debate?

Or idea might be to re-purpose or re-fashion some material which you have already out together. For example, would you fashion together a report or guide from some articles you'd written in past times. Or if you give a newsletter would you collate these as a series and produce a short guide or report.

The key here's to provide some form of education to your audience.

If you're still struggling for ideas, then do this. Take a subject matter that you know will resonate together with your audience. Then give this topic a number i.e. "The 5 METHODS TO Overcome..." or "The 7 Challenges Faced By Every..." or "The 5 Secrets That Every XXX Should Know...". You not merely have a compelling title, you might also need (in this example) five sub topics to build up and discuss.

Writing shouldn't be seen as a thing that you almost have to force yourself to d, but seen as something that can be an important section of your positioning arsenal.

Okay, now for the best positioning tool. Write a book. Yes, if you want to be seen being an ultimate expert in your field, then write that book! Now this won't mean you have to take half a year out to write a 300 page tome. But even a 50-100 page, bound, guide will offer you a mountain of credibility. When you say you are an author, you'll always assume an automatic authority.

Now i want to be clear, you won't get rich writing a book. Well, it will be great in the event that you did - financial firms not the purpose. It is the perception being an author of a book affords you. There are hundreds upon a huge selection of business books published every year, and I guarantee this; whilst they won't all become big sellers, the authors will all be perceived as experts within their field.

Similarly, you don't need to find a publisher. Once you have written your manuscript get it self-published, or look for a company that can print on demand. Again, I don't anticipate that you'll make a fortune out of this, but you will from the credibility you get. It did wonders for my client, and if you put in the time, effort and energy as she did, then it'll do wonders for you personally.

I touched upon this briefly earlier, but also look for ways that you can demonstrate your expertise through different mediums. That is also important, as different mediums might appeal more to different sectors of the marketplace. For example, could you record a short audio on a subject that would appeal to your industry. Or, perhaps you could record yourself being interviewed. Then you could utilize this interview as a lead-generation tool.

Similarly, maybe you could video yourself giving a presentation, or record yourself delivering some training. Again, none of this has to be costly. With vast advances in technology, you don't need to spend thousands doing this, and nor do you wish to.

Consider I visit your site and I could download a short guide, or series of guides. You will find a interview you have recorded that discusses means of overcoming a number of the key challenges your prospect faces. Again, as a visitor I would definitely not read, download or listen to everything, however it is the perception that you demonstrate. Compare this to a 'traditional' website in your field, that is simply filled with copy focused on you as well as your business. Which of these two examples, clearly demonstrates expert status, and so who do you think I'm more prone to want to do business with?

Andrew Ludlam are the owners of Maverick Marketing Consultancy, and is recognised as a leading expert on advanced marketing strategy and tactics. As a marketing consultant, trainer and author, he's got advised many hundreds of business owners one-to-one, and much more have attended his private training programmes. Andrew also publishes a fortnightly newsletter which includes some 2,000 subscribers.
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