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Rei spoke to Bernard Aggah
Issue: cx has a prepaid account that was disconnected//wants to ractivate account
Resolution: viewed notes and by 22nd an agent//disconnected the account and created a new account//educated cx//should be transferred to prepaid dept but cx was unresponsive for more than a minute//ghost spiel//endorsed//eoc

AN: 8499053141417733
Callback #:(917) 780-0530
Rei spoke to Bob Wilhem
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: activate modem in acsr//cx has problem with connecting the coaxial cable from the wall//educated cx to use splitter to conect the modem to a working cable box that has a coaxial outlet//run itg//modem activation//send provisioning signal//cx still try to find a two way splitter//cx wants a callback after 20-30 minutes when he's done setting up the wires in his end to continue troubleshooting//educate cx//eoc

AN: 8299400330534509
Callback #:(443) 929-7118
Rei spoke to Oshakee Owens
Issue: cx suppose to have tech today
Resolution: upon checking the account the tech appointment was set on was on 4/25 but it was reschedule with unset date//educate cx about the reschedule and offer to set a schedule on 4/27 which is the earlier tech appointment available sched//cx dont want the sched and hang up the phone//endorsed//eoc

AN: 8993210051166368
Callback #:(412) 499-1547
Rei spoke to Paul Bonomi
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: upon checking the account modem is already activated tried connecting and cx cant connect//run itg modem activation//wifi configuration//send provisioning signal//issue resolve//eoc
AN: 8773100650127653
Callback #:(781) 252-9143
Rei spoke to James Hellmuth
Issue: cx wants to activate modem to a different account with the same address as per cx the new sales agent created a second account//
Resolution: tried looking up the new account from the same address but only one account is there under cx name//educated cx on how it is not possible to create two accounts that has the same name and address//cx insist bacause as per cx the new sales dept agent created a way to do that//contact new sales dept//agent talked to cx//eoc
AN: 8299610451351018
Callback #:(301) 775-3238
Rei spoke to Fernando Pena
Issue: cx has queries about an extender that was free from the upgrade of his modem which the tech that comes out told him that he could get it in a week
Resolution: educated cx that we dont offer free extenders//cx also has queries about the start up 100$ gift check that was tld to him from an agent while setting up the account//also cx has queries about the bill//educated cx about the extenders and also the lack of documentation from the gift check//cx wants to talk to a support//educated cx that the suport will call him back in a few moments//endorsed//eoc
#CR086867345 itg 2.0
AN: 8299610381366946
Callback #:(646) 271-6462
Rei spoke to Rhonda Butler
Issue: 3rd party issue with tubi app being unavailable
Resolution: educated cx since cable box is working and remote is working//cx can see channels and navigate remote//can pull up different apps like netflix//educated cx that this is a third party issue//eoc

AN: 8499100216849496
Callback #:(215) 651-0504
Rei spoke to Rhyan Byington
Issue: queries about the shipment
Resolution: educated cx//issue resolve//eoc

AN: 8299610243619946
Callback #:(517) 474-1794
Rei spoke to Chansarik//David (authorized)
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: completing service order but has xb6 error//add own modem into the account//active on acsr//run itg modem activation//send provisioning signal//issue resolve//eoc
AN: 8773102933429310
Callback #:(978) 996-9280
Rei spoke to Nelson Kanthula
Issue: modem and cable box activation
Resolution: complete itg 2.0//run itg no picture//itg routed to set tech//cx dont want tech//cx will go to the nearest local store to replace the cable box//active run itg for modem activation//modem not online//itg routed to tech appointment//set tech//educated cx//recap//eoc
AN: 8299610263548066
Callback #:(757) 390-5065
Rei spoke to Wanda Farley
Issue: cx wants to change the end of the seasonal plan earlier than its end date
Resolution: educated cx//tried contacting ecm but theyre close//call got disconnected//endorsed//eoc
please help me to change the date of seasonal today end date 04-29-2023 to 04-26-2023
AN: 8773102350746055
Callback #:(207) 649-6129
Rei spoke to Patti Brown
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: cx cant provide account number to verify account//continued unverified//run itg modem activation//send provisioning signal//modem not online//itg routed to tech but account unverified//educated cx//cx gave the account number at the end of the call//set manual tech through support//eoc
100 Doe Run Rd, East Fallowfield Township, PA 19320
AN: 8499100800052937
Callback #:(484) 784-5769
Rei spoke to Ashish Kumar Gupta
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: run itg on modem 1//modem not online//itg routed to set tech//cx do not want to set tech//run itg on modem 2//send provisioning signal//itg routed to contact oem//educated cx//endorsed//eoc
AN: 8499052910280207
Callback #:(848) 252-9974
Rei spoke to Nisar Ahmed
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: cx has sro tech appointment//educated cx//reschedule tech that was supposed to come today but didn't//educated cx//eoc
AN: 8499050320026798
Callback #:(609) 666-7561
Rei spoke to Meryem Aboulmal
Issue: modem activation
Resolution: add the own modem on the account//modem not online//itg routed to tech appointment//set tech//educate cx//eoc

AN: 8773100750551984
Callback #:(617) 372-4270
Rei spoke to Lisa Fornaretti
Issue: modem and cable box are loading up//slow in connectivity
Resolution: run itg//slow connectivity//itg routed to tech appointment//set tech//educate cx//eoc

AN: 8499051000153548
Callback #:(856) 304-8987
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Regards; Team

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