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How a Stomach Balloon Can Help You Lose Weight
A stomach balloon, or intragastric balloon, is an inflatable medical device used to reduce weight in patients who have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight through diet and exercise. This procedure is not for everyone, and is not recommended for people who are too afraid of surgery. However, it can be a great option for people who are extremely overweight or obese and do not want to undergo invasive surgery.

There are some signs that you may be at risk for having a stomach balloon. You may be overweight, have diabetes, or suffer from other conditions related to obesity. If you are one of these people, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible. A gastric balloon is a simple procedure that helps you lose excess weight. The procedure is safe and usually doesn't cause any complications. However, there are some precautions that you must follow.

weight loss who undergo gastric balloon surgery may have stomach discomfort for the first seven to 10 days after the procedure. Nausea and vomiting are common during this time, but they should go away after a few days. If you feel uncomfortable or have stomach pain, contact your bariatric team immediately. In addition, you will have a lower frequency of bowel movements, which may be between three times a week.

After the procedure, the patient will undergo a few weeks of close monitoring to ensure it is not causing any complications. Patients will be required to follow an exercise regimen and a diet plan following the procedure. An experienced endoscopist is responsible for placing the balloon, and he or she will be assisted by a multidisciplinary team including a gastroenterologist, nutritionist, primary care physician, and psychologist.

There are many complications associated with stomach balloon surgery, and you should be aware of these risks before having this procedure performed. For instance, a ruptured balloon may cause bleeding in the stomach and windpipe. A faulty balloon insertion can also cause gastric issues such as reflux or abdominal pain. In some cases, you may even need additional surgery to remove the balloon.

The patient should notify the surgeon as soon as he or she notices any of these issues. The first sign of a potential problem is when the balloon ruptures, in which case saline solution leaks from the balloon into the stomach. This is potentially dangerous because the deflated balloon could obstruct the intestines, resulting in bowel obstruction and even death.

The second complication is perforation, which can lead to perforation of the esophagus. The patient should have a medically-supervised diet before having the procedure performed. The procedure is considered safe in most cases, but there are some risks associated with it.

The cost of a gastric balloon can be high, but there are several ways to cut back on expenses. Many providers include nutritional coaching as part of their package. This coaching will help you make healthy food choices and maintain portion control. Nutritionists also provide recipes and meal plans. They can also help you understand your relationship with food and develop a healthy relationship with it. Some providers also offer online coaching. The cost of a gastric balloon will vary depending on the area where you have the procedure.

The average cost of a gastric balloon in the United States is $8,150, though some providers offer prices as low as $4,500. Keep in weight loss that these prices are not inclusive of all fees and expenses. Additional fees can easily double the cost. Be sure to check whether the price includes the cost of both the balloon placement and its removal. These two procedures are separate but often billed as one.

If you have been afraid of surgery, a gastric balloon may be a good option for you. While gastric balloons can reduce your weight significantly, you should be aware that they can cause nausea and vomiting for the first two weeks. You should also keep in mind that they are not covered by insurance or finance plans. It is best to check with your doctor about the cost of your stomach balloon before you decide to undergo the procedure.

Recovery from stomach balloon surgery involves a few steps. First, the patient must drink lots of liquids for the first 24 hours. This will help reduce stomach acid and prevent ulcers. On day two, he or she can begin soft foods. This can be difficult at first, but the patient should gradually advance to a regular diet. In addition, the patient should expect to have nausea for a few days after the procedure. If vomiting and nausea persist, Zofran can be taken to alleviate the symptoms. Patients can also try to sleep on their side or slightly elevated.

Recovery after stomach balloon surgery usually takes about two to three months. This time frame allows patients to form new eating habits. For instance, they will eat smaller portions during meals. This will prevent them from feeling as hungry during meals. In addition, the new eating habits will last beyond the balloon's removal.
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